The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1007: Reward help

 Chapter 1007 Reward Help

Yan Xiangluo was speechless as she looked at the black dumplings that were squeezed out of the hole with great effort.

It was obviously a round dumpling, but when it came out of the hole, it was squeezed into an oval shape, and it was a very long oval shape.

  To be precise, it looks like a **** insect.

 After all the black dumplings are squeezed out, they return to large round dumplings. It was exactly the same as when Yan Xiangluo saw it being held up by strength before.

 It seems that not only is he full, but he is also full and needs time to digest his strength.

Yan Xiangluo directly sent Heituanzi into the Pangu space, allowing him to digest the power in his body with confidence.

 Then he and Ji Jiuzhong looked under the abyss.

The two of them fell directly to the bottom of the abyss. Only then did they realize that the various types of plants under the abyss were actually trees more than ten meters high. These trees were all species that were not found in Jiuchongtian Continent.

Had they not read all the books in the Qianjuan Mountain Library, they would not have recognized these trees.

These trees are plants from ancient times.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and had a bold idea in their minds.

“Could this be an ancient ruins?” Yan Xiangluo was the first to express her conjecture.

Ji Jiuzhong looked into the distance, "It's very possible."

There are no current types of plants here. If the plants in ancient times had grown for such a long time, how could they be only this size?

The two of them walked aimlessly through the woods. Although there were many trees here, there were not many short plants below, and the road was easy to walk.

The area under the abyss is very large. The two of them shrank down and walked, but they still didn't cover the entire area.

“The aura over there is stronger.” Ji Jiuzhong said to Ruan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo also sensed it, and the two of them walked over there. Yan Xiangluo said while walking, "Have you noticed that there are no traces of abyssal insects living down there?"

Ji Jiuzhong has long discovered that the living environment down here is actually not suitable for the life of abyssal worms, but there are clearly countless abyssal worms in the abyss.

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "Could all the abyssal bugs live in the cave where Black Tuanzi came out?"

Ji Jiuchong's eyes lit up, "If this is the case, then the abyssal worms are indeed meant to protect everything in the abyss."

Yan Xiangluo said regretfully, "The black dumplings ate up all the abyssal insects. Did we do something wrong?"

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that Black Dumpling will not leave even a single abyssal wandering insect behind. They have all been eaten in other people’s nests, and there will still be some left there.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "It's not that we did anything wrong, it's that Abyss waited for the people who redeemed the continent."

Yan Xiangluo looked at him puzzled.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Why does Luoluo have Black Tuanzi, and why does Luoluo have Pangu Space? Why does the task of exterminating demons fall on us? Although I made so many arrangements, they were all successfully realized. Okay, am I really the best?"

Ji Jiuzhong asked questions one after another, and Yan Xiangluo finally understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant.

Xingmu looked at the plants in the abyss and then looked up at the medicinal materials on the abyss mountain that were tens of thousands of years old.

“You want me to send all the plants and medicinal materials to Pangu space to prevent them from being discovered and then destroyed?”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The abyssal insects have all disappeared. Only by doing this can we preserve these ancient plants and medicinal materials. Maybe one day these will be returned to the continent where we live, but now we must protect these medicinal materials and plants."

Yan Xiangluo used the power of wood to investigate these plants, and then discovered that they seemed to have only grown for tens of thousands of years. This was because there was no atmosphere from the ancient times here, and these plants and medicinal materials grew extremely slowly. In fact, their years are very long, and the specific time cannot even be estimated.

If you send them all into Pangu space, they will definitely grow better.

Just like Ji Jiuzhong said, one day they will return these to the mainland where they live, so they should take good care of them before going out!

 After all, she herself always had a feeling that Pangu Space would not belong to her forever.

The two of them did what they said, and Yuan Xiangluo flew away in the air, and all the plants she passed disappeared before their eyes.

This requires a lot of mental power. Fortunately, Yan Xiangluo's mental power is so strong that she doesn't even know the limits.

 Half an hour later, the entire abyss was completely bare.

 Not only did all the plants below disappear, but all the plants on the mountain also disappeared.

 The abyss that was full of life before instantly turned into a lifeless abyss.

“Luoluo, look.” Ji Jiuzhong pointed at the ground below the abyss and said in shock.

Yan Xiangluo first collected the plants at the bottom, and then went to collect the medicinal plants on the mountain. Therefore, the two of them were now suspended in mid-air, looking down at the ground.

Just after Yan Xiangluo put away all the plants, a huge circle of light appeared on the ground of the abyss.

 Taking the diameter of the abyss ground as the diameter, a maximum aperture is formed, and then one aperture extends inwards, and the last aperture is only one meter in diameter.

 There are also complex lines in the two adjacent apertures.

"What's this?"

Yuan Xiangluo said in shock.

Before Ji Jiuzhong could reply, their bodies were pulled down by a huge force so fast that they had no time to resist.

  When the two of them came back to their senses, they were already standing in the smallest circle of light.

Yan Xiangluo didn't feel that she was in any danger. She whispered to Ji Jiuzhong, "What's going on? I didn't feel any danger."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "This may be a reward for us."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Could it be that she had collected all the plants and sent them to Pangu space for protection, so she was giving them a reward?

 But, what is this reward for?

Ji Jiuzhong said again, "Perhaps it is more accurate to say that it is the help given to us."

Yan Xiangluo was even more puzzled. She really didn't see the purpose of these apertures. How did Ji Jiuzhong figure out that they were rewards and help?

Ji Jiuzhong took a step forward and stepped on the first circle of light. Ji Jiuzhong's figure disappeared.

But before disappearing, Ji Jiuzhong quickly shouted to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, step on the aperture."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the place where Ji Jiuzhong disappeared and knew that Ji Jiuzhong must have discovered something. She had no doubts about Ji Jiuzhong's words. As soon as he finished his words, she stretched out her foot and stepped on the light circle in front of her without hesitation.

Yan Xiangluo’s figure also disappeared.

 After a moment, the smallest aperture, the one the two of them stepped on, disappeared, and their figures reappeared.

 The two looked at each other and smiled, then stepped on the next aperture at the same time.

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