The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1009: abyss collapse

Chapter 1009 Collapse of the Abyss

 People who got the news kept coming, and they were shocked to know the current situation.

At this time, the thunder struck down one after another. They didn't know how many thunder had fallen.

 Finally someone noticed something was wrong.

“Have you noticed why you can’t feel the breath of abyssal worms here?”

As soon as this question was asked, everyone realized that the two people who had broken through the cultivation of the Great Sage were under an abyss.

 When will anyone be able to descend into the abyss? These two people really know how to choose a place to break through.

It was then that they realized that the abyssal worms that they could detect as soon as they approached the abyss had no breath at all.

“Are there no abyssal insects under the abyss?”

"when did it happen?"

 But they didn’t know, and it’s no wonder they didn’t know. Whoever comes here has nothing to do. If you are targeted by an abyss wanderer, you won’t be able to get rid of it.

 Everyone's hearts are constantly shocked by the waves of accidents, but they can't find the answer.

Their eyes fell on the four divine beasts guarding the four sides of the abyss.

The cloud is the head of the mythical beasts. It hides its own aura and figure. People who come here can only see the four mythical beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. They have no idea that Huanglong, the head of the mythical beasts, is also there.

If you knew Huang Long was there, you would definitely be even more shocked.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, who were under the abyss, had already received the seventh thunder tribulation. Ji Jiuzhong was doing relatively better, at least he could still get up tremblingly.

But Yan Xiangluo had completely collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up.

Yan Xiangluo really didn’t expect that it would be so difficult to break through the cultivation level of a great saint in this life. This is the rhythm that wants her life.

The spiritual power has been exhausted, and there is not much left, which is not enough to resist once, but there are still two thunders to withstand. Each thunderbolt is stronger than the next, so what should I do?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, who was still able to stand up. She felt relieved knowing that he could successfully survive the nine thunders.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was extremely worried. In the last life, it was not so embarrassing and difficult for the two of them to break through the cultivation of the Great Sage.

However, he also knows very well that the harder it is to break through, the stronger one will be after success.

This also shows that their talents and cultivation strength in this life are much stronger than in the previous life. As long as they survive these nine thunder tribulations, they will be reborn as if they were reborn in practice.

 He was just worried about Luoluo. She couldn't get up. What should she do if there were still two strongest thunders?

Yan Xiangluo gave him a look of reassurance, and then gathered the energy in her body.

At this time, she already understood why her thunder tribulation was stronger than Ji Jiuzhong's, because she not only cultivated spiritual energy, but also cultivated vitality.

 The biggest function of Yuan Qi is to strengthen the body. At this time, what the sky thunder wants to destroy is her body. If she doesn't use Yuan Qi at this time, when should she use it?

Hence, Yan Xiangluo released the vitality in her body without hesitation.

Immediately, the eighth thunderbolt also fell. Because she could no longer get up, she could only catch this thunderbolt.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately looked at Yan Xiangluo after receiving the eighth thunder, and saw that although she was still lying on the ground, her breath was intact.

I just felt that she had used her vitality, and I was originally worried about whether it would have any effect. After all, in the eyes of the world, vitality is always not as powerful as spiritual energy.

 Now it seems that not only does it work, but the effect is also very good. This will definitely increase the confidence of those who have no spiritual roots and cannot practice spiritual energy. They can also be very strong by practicing vitality.

The last thunder struck, and both of them knew clearly in their hearts that this was the strongest thunder. If they survived this thunder, they would successfully enter the realm of the Great Sage.

 The people standing around the abyss saw the dark clouds in the sky, and they all knew that this was the last thunderstorm.

Only the last thunder tribulation will have such a scene, especially those who have great sage cultivation, they have experienced it personally.

 They all looked down expectantly. They were about to see the outcome. They wanted to know who the two people below were.

Two thick thunderbolts struck down from the thick black clouds. This was the first time they had seen such thick thunderbolts. The people standing on the abyss and around them were shocked and quickly hid behind.

 At such a distance, they all felt that their lives were threatened, and they would be fools if they didn't run away quickly.

 But they had already gone a long way, and the ground under their feet was still trembling, which showed how powerful these two thunders were.

There are many people at the scene who have the cultivation of the Great Sage. They are all people who have experienced the Nine Heavenly Thunders, but they are still shocked in their hearts. How powerful are the talents and strength of the two people below to attract such a powerful person? Thunder.

They know very well that if such a thunder falls when they break through the Great Sage cultivation level, they will definitely not be able to withstand it, and they will be wiped out immediately.

Yan Xiangluo has mobilized all her vitality to protect herself. At the same time, she has also used the power of the five spiritual roots and wood systems to fill the body's internal organs, meridians and eight meridians with abundant vitality to protect the injured people. The internal organs and meridians.

At this moment, the ninth thunderbolt fell.

With two loud noises, the entire abyss, including the cliffs on both sides, shook violently, and then the cliffs collapsed inwards.

Everyone who was hiding far away jumped into the air, just because the ground under their feet had collapsed, and it was still collapsing behind them. They had no way to retreat and had no choice but to rise into the air.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had successfully caught the ninth thunderbolt, and the two people who were charred were recovering quickly at this time. Except for the fact that the clothes could not be restored, the body skin, including the hair, all grew back, perfectly without any flaws.

 All the power consumed in their bodies surged back, and their bodies were filled with the power of the Great Sage's cultivation even more powerful than before.

Even if others couldn't see them, it was embarrassing for them to be naked like this, so they immediately took out their clothes and put them on.

Before the two of them had time to put on their clothes, they saw the surrounding mountains collapsing downwards. The two of them immediately took off in the air, putting on their clothes as they flew upwards.

Almost as soon as they left the bottom of the abyss, the collapsed rocks buried the abyss.

At this time, the surrounding mountains continued to collapse, and the abyss was shrinking visibly to the naked eye.

The people who had already risen in the air did not leave. They wanted to see who the two people who had successfully broken through the Great Sage's cultivation were?

 But when we see an abyss that can no longer be called an abyss, we are dumbfounded. What about people? The abyss is like this, and the two of them haven't appeared yet. Could it be that failure was buried underneath?

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were speechless when they saw countless people.

 Fortunately, the traceless mysterious patterns on their bodies were only used today, and the period is only three days, so they don’t have to worry about being discovered.

 The two of them walked directly past them and left in the air, without those people noticing at all.

Everyone was dumbfounded to find that not only did no one come up, but the four great beasts also disappeared.

 They were all deceived.

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