The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1010: what preparation

Chapter 1010 What preparations

Although the sky thunder is indeed the strongest in history, the two of them are the ones who can make the four great beasts recognize their masters, but they didn't survive the last sky thunder?

 Are these two people here to make fun of you?

After the collapse of the abyss mountain completely stopped, everyone went over to look for it. Countless spiritual senses sensed whether there was any breath of living people below.

 But even people with the level of the Great Sage could not sense the slightest breath of life. In the end, they determined that these two people really did not survive the last thunder and fell.

As for the four major divine beasts, if they are contracted beasts, if their master dies, the four major divine beasts will also revert to the state of cubs.

If it is a soul contract, the four mythical beasts will wait for their master to be reincarnated and recognize him again. If it is not a soul contract, then others will have a chance.

As long as you can find the cubs of the four great beasts, you can contract with them. This is when the four great beasts are at their weakest, and it is also the best time to contract with the four great beasts.

 Therefore, there was a wave of search for the cubs of the four sacred beasts in Jiuzhongtian Continent. Especially the mountains near the abyss were searched countless times.

 It actually provided a cover for Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong for a while.

However, it is not the most lively time in the mainland right now. After all, the first training place in the mainland has opened, and many powerful geniuses have gone in to practice. When that group of people come out, the mainland will definitely be more lively.

However, no matter how slow the people who set up traps in various secret realms are, they understand that the abilities of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong have exceeded their expectations.

 They definitely have the ability to avoid them, but they are not sure what this ability is.

Heavenly Master? It seems impossible to have such effect and strength.

Their previous focus had been on Yan Xiangluo and not on Ji Jiuzhong. After all, Yan Xiangluo was so well-known on the mainland in her previous life.

Now after repeated mistakes, they realized that they had ignored Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong was very low-key in his previous life. The biggest attraction in his life was the man he liked, the first heavenly master in the mainland, Yuan Xiangluo. Only those who knew him well knew his strength and abilities.

 There are very few people who really understand him.

The great powers in Jiuchongtian began to search for information about Ji Jiuzhong's past life. After this search, they found out that Ji Jiuzhong's attraction to Yuan Xiangluo was not just because of his good looks and good cultivation talent.

Ji Jiuzhong’s Xuan Wen strength was so strong that they were shocked.

 As for the successful sealing of demons ten thousand years ago, although Ji Jiuzhong did not directly participate, he played an absolutely important role.

The sacred object that sealed the demon lord was taken from the land of death by him and Yan Xiangluo.

 This is also the reason why they really fell. After all, there is no monk there who can come out alive after entering.

As for the process and experience of the two people entering, no one knows, but the ability to retrieve the sacred objects from the place of death has already made the powerful and powerful people in Jiuchongtian fearful.

 But one thing that made them even more worried was that they could never find out from whom Ji Jiuzhong learned the Xuan Wen technique.

There are six aristocratic families in the Jiuchongtian Continent that are powerful in the Mysterious Pattern Technique, but none of them are so powerful. Moreover, these six families are very sure that their Mysterious Pattern Technique has never been spread to outsiders.

 It means that only the descendants of one's own family who are talented can learn the family's core Xuanwen technique.

Besides, they think that their own Xuanwen Kung Fu is not that strong. The Xuanwen Kung Fu of Ji Jiuchonghui ten thousand years ago is definitely the Xuanwen Kung Fu from ancient times. This is something the six families are sure of.

After these news spread among various forces, the faces of the Ji family and the Zhao family were ugly. Cheng Kun, who was almost unable to hold himself up, realized at this moment that he had pretended to be very good in his previous life and had fooled Yan Xiangluo, but he had not seen through Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong is so terrifying. Even though he is so talented and powerful, he still manages to prevent anyone from noticing him.

Isn’t he going to hide himself in this life?

Even though he was shocked in his heart, Cheng Kun remained calm on the surface and showed no signs of panic.

 He thought quickly about what to do?

Now he is not the only one whose plan has failed, there is also Meng Hejing, he is the number one Celestial Master in the mainland, and he cannot provoke him in terms of status or strength.

"Is this your plan?" Although Meng Hejing's tone was as usual, Cheng Kun, who was sensitive, could hear his impatience and anger.

Cheng Kun saluted, "Sage He Jing, calm down. The two of them were very treacherous in their previous lives. They came back with memories in this life, so it is normal to be prepared. Although Xue'er was Yu Xiangluo's spiritual pet in her previous life, after all, she has already After ten thousand years, it is normal for her not to believe that Xueer is still sincere. I am prepared, and I promise she will show up this time."

Meng Hejing glanced at Cheng Kun and saw that he looked confident. In addition, he had no better way at this time, so he could only trust Cheng Kun again.

 “What preparations?” Meng Hejing asked.

Cheng Kun knew that since Meng Hejing asked, it meant that he had the intention to continue cooperation. Meng Hejing was the strongest partner he could find, and it was also an important factor in whether he could succeed in Yu Xiangluo's scheme.

Cheng Kun said, "Xue'er was her spiritual pet in the previous life. I don't believe that Yan Xiangluo will be indifferent to Xue'er. From what I know about her, she probably doesn't want to involve Xue'er. If Xue'er encounters any hardships because of her, she will Will you remain indifferent?"

Meng Hejing immediately understood what Cheng Kun meant and raised his eyebrows, "Are you willing to do it?"

Although it was just the first time we met, who was Meng Hejing? Although he was a black heaven master, he was also a heavenly master. Being able to be brothers with Saint Fengyuan meant that his talent as a heavenly master was not low. Naturally, he could see that. White Fox, who only succeeded in transforming, has deep feelings for Cheng Kun.

 Cheng Kun raised the corners of his lips indifferently, "It's just a beast."

Meng Hejing narrowed his eyes and became more wary of Cheng Kun. This person has no emotions and is selfish enough to sacrifice anyone.

 He felt that he was already a ruthless and ruthless person, but compared with Cheng Kun, he was defeated and felt that he was not bad enough.

  He quietly used the power of the Heavenly Master and saw that the halo of luck above Cheng Kun's head was light gray.

Meng Hejing was a little puzzled. Although the light gray luck halo was not an excellent luck, it was not a bad luck either.

 Such a bad person who can survive to this day should benefit from the destiny he was born with.

Due to environmental and time constraints, Meng Hejing could not see his fate without disturbing Cheng Kun.

 Therefore, he did not find anything wrong with Cheng Kun's luck, otherwise he would not have chosen to continue to cooperate with Cheng Kun.

“Tell me about your plan in detail.” Meng Hejing said.

 Cheng Kun told Meng Hejing his plan through voice transmission.

Meng Hejing glanced at Cheng Kun after hearing this. This man was more vicious than he thought.

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