The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1011: What do you want to do?

Chapter 1011: What do you want to do?

But Meng Hejing has some confidence in Cheng Kun's plan.

 In her previous life, Yan Xiangluo was indeed a very protective person. In her previous life, she was able to set her spiritual pet free before she died, which shows that she really cared about that white fox. Otherwise, he would not have wasted his own strength to let the white fox go free under such circumstances.

 It's just a pity that the white fox didn't realize what a good master it had met and truly regarded it as one of its own. He actually did something ungrateful.

However, it will soon understand how lucky it was to meet an owner like Yan Xiangluo.

He was also curious, what would Yan Xiangluo do?

 Here Cheng Kun and Meng Hejing reached an agreement and immediately arranged for people to spread the news.

After Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong successfully broke through and left, because the invisibility patterns on their bodies had not expired, they went to the nearest city to hear any news.

Cheng Kun started preparing these things on the one-month deadline without waiting for Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong to arrive.

During this period, he did not fall to the abyss, and came here personally. After the abyss was destroyed and no trace of living people was found, he rushed back and waited for Yan Xiangluo to jump into his trap.

But he didn’t think that the people in the abyss were Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

In the previous life, although Huanglong was Yan Xiangluo's spiritual pet, no one who knew that he was Huanglong except Ji Jiuzhong, Fengyuan Saint and six senior brothers knew that the white dumpling was actually Huanglong, the head of the mythical beast.

And the four great beasts are Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual pets. No one except Yan Xiangluo knows about this.

This is also the main reason why people in Jiuchongtian did not think of the four great beasts together with Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong heard a lot of information as soon as they entered the city. One of the pieces of information made her frown, but she was not surprised.

The news was that someone had captured the white fox, Yan Xiangluo's spiritual pet in her previous life, and told her to give her ten days to exchange her soul beads for her spiritual pet. Otherwise, they would skin the white fox, take out its elixir, and destroy it. 's soul.

Although the world doesn't know who this person is, Yan Xiangluo knows very well that the only person who can take advantage of Xue'er is Cheng Kun.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. She still underestimated Cheng Kun's insidiousness and viciousness, and Xueer paid the price for her betrayal.

 When she let Xue'er live in her previous life, the relationship between her and Xue'er was already over.

Strictly speaking, she did not expect to meet Xueer again in this life. Since she let her go free in the first place, she just wanted her to live freely.

 How to take the next step? Now that Xueer has made a choice, she must bear the consequences.

  I don’t know if Xueer regrets betraying her now, but these are not important anymore. She is no longer the easily soft-hearted person after resurrecting her life.

 The burden on her shoulders now does not allow her to be soft-hearted.

However, this matter cannot be allowed to develop like this.

After Yan Xiangluo knew the address, she looked at Ji Jiuzhong. Is it such a coincidence?

 Because this place is exactly where they are going next, that is, the place where Ji Jiuzhong met the man who was chained and sealed underground in the previous life and taught Ji Jiuzhong the mysterious pattern technique.

Yuan Xiangluo had never been there in her previous life, but Ji Jiuzhong knew it very well.

The time it was sent was nine days ago, which was the day they left the secret realm. Now, there is only one day left.

“Jiuchong, is there anything special there?” Yan Xiangluo asked. Ji Jiuzhong was sure that no one would find the man where he was. After all, he had bumped into it by mistake. If Cheng Kun chose to do something there, there was only one place, and that was in the valley.

“The peaks there are not high. If there is only one special place, it is a strange valley surrounded by the peaks. The surrounding peaks are lush and lush with trees and plants, but there is no grass growing in the valley.”

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up when she heard this, "It seems that the helper Cheng Kun is looking for should be a heavenly master."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Why is Luoluo so sure?"

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "Not only am I sure, but I also know that the other party must be a Black Heaven Master. Only a Black Heaven Master would like such a place, because only a place without life can release the Black Heaven Master's power even more. "

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Cheng Kun knows about your Heavenly Master's strength, yet he still seeks cooperation with Black Heavenly Master. It must be because he thinks that the other party can beat you. Is there such a powerful Black Heavenly Master in Jiuzhongtian?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes flashed back to the day when she snatched the white crystal ball, and she raised the corners of her lips, "Not only is there, but is it someone I know?"

“Who?” Why didn’t Ji Jiuzhong know that such a powerful Black Sky Master existed?

Yan Xiangluo did not hide anything from him, "To be precise, he is the disciple who was expelled from the sect by my master, and he is my original uncle. However, these things happened before my master, Saint Fengyuan, established the sect, and I did not I have never met this uncle, but I know who he is. He is the one who captured my soul and wanted to seize the divine bead, but I took away the white crystal ball. "

These were the secrets of the sect in the past life. Even if Yan Xiangluo trusted Ji Jiuzhong, she could not tell him. Now that the sect no longer exists and they are about to confront Meng Hejing, there is no need to hide him.

 “Who is he?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 “Meng Hejing.” Yan Xiangluo spit out three words.

It was only after she recovered her past life memory that she realized that the person who had captured her soul and wanted to steal her divine pearl was the uncle she had never met.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "Is it him?"

This person surprised Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong knew this person in his previous life. He was a Celestial Master second only to Saint Fengyuan. Later, Luo Luo Celestial Master's talent was revealed and he became the first Celestial Master in Jiuchong Heaven. Meng Hejing could only Ranked third.

But the Celestial Master ranked third in the Nine Heavens, the Celestial Master's talent is also extremely strong, but I have never heard that he is the Black Celestial Master?

Yan Xiangluo sighed and told Ji Jiuzhong what happened at the beginning, "Master is still soft-hearted."

Yan Xiangluo has experienced a previous life and now lives a new life. She knows very well that some things just cannot be tolerated. You must be ruthless when you need to be ruthless. If you cut the grass without eradicating the root, there will be endless troubles.

 The master in the previous life was like this, and so is myself.

“What are Luoluo going to do?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo said, "Originally we were going there too, so let's go and solve it together."

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "Cheng Kun is really sinister. He is trying to kill two birds with one stone."

No matter whether Meng Hejing takes action or not, as soon as the news is released, people who are interested in the divine beads and soul beads will rush there. Therefore, there is no shortage of people to deal with Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

And with Meng Hejing here, Cheng Kun has a great chance of getting the soul pearl.

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