The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1012: Lucky hit

Chapter 1012: A mistake

And with so many strong men from Jiuchongtian Continent present, there is a greater chance of taking advantage of the opportunity to get rid of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

Even Ji Jiuzhong had to admit that Cheng Kun's brain was not very easy to use, but it was a pity that it was not used on the right path.

And the Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong he met were no longer the people he knew in his previous life.

However, Ji Jiuchong is also worried that Yan Xiangluo will soften her heart after seeing Xueer's miserable state.

Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuzhong's eyes and understood what he was thinking, and sighed helplessly.

 “Don’t worry, I know what to do.”

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand and said distressedly, "Don't be sad, I'm here."

 No one understands her mood better than Ji Jiuzhong. In her previous life, she treated everyone so carefully and sincerely, but they all betrayed her.

The betrayal of those people is understandable, after all, people are selfish, but Xueer's betrayal is different from those people.

Yan Xiangluo really treats Xueer as a relative. Xue'er was just a beautiful white fox spirit beast when she met Luoluo. She used countless spiritual objects to improve her cultivation, and even made arrangements for her to transform before she died.

 It can be said that Xueer is the person to whom she has devoted the most sincerity.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, knowing that Ji Jiuzhong felt sorry for her, so she responded softly, "Yes."

The two of them did not stay in the city for long. After hearing some news, they went directly to the place Cheng Kun mentioned, the Changling Mountains.

It is the first time for Ruan Xiangluo to come here in the Changling Mountains. As Ji Jiuzhong said, there are indeed no mountains that are too high, but they stretch far and wide and can't be seen to the end.

Ji Jiuchong came to the valley surrounded by mountains on his back.

Sure enough, the mountain and the mountain are like two worlds. The surrounding mountains are lush and green, with various plants and trees luxuriant, and the auras of the spiritual beasts and monsters in the mountains are very strong. But the valley was flat, and the soil was yellow, and indeed there was no grass growing.

 It’s as if someone made this place deliberately.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood on the mountain and looked at the valley below. Their eyes fell on a huge wooden pillar erected in the center of the valley, with a white fox hanging on the wooden pillar.

  The white fox was hanging there motionless. If it weren't for the fact that I could feel its breath, I would have thought it was dead.

  Can't even maintain the human form, it's obvious that Xueer's cultivation has been abolished.

Yan Xiangluo said in her heart that she was not sad at all, but that was a lie. After all, Xueer spent a lot of lonely time with her in her previous life.

But Xue'er's betrayal was real, and Yan Xiangluo knew she couldn't be soft-hearted.

There was no one in the valley, but there were secretive people gathered at the foot of the mountain at the edge of the valley. There are countless powerful auras hidden in the surrounding mountains.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not see Cheng Kun and Meng Hejing, but it was clear that they must be hiding around.

Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Luoluo, should you resolve this matter first or come back and resolve it later?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at Xue'er deeply and said, "Today is the ninth day, and tomorrow is the last day. Let's go see that person first, and then solve the matter tomorrow."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded, "Well, since these people are so trustworthy, let them wait until the last minute." After saying that, Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and turned to head in the other direction of the Changling Mountains. Go away empty.

Xue'er's body trembled, as if she sensed the arrival of Yan Xiangluo, and then she couldn't sense anything at all.

It smiled bitterly in its heart, knowing that he had betrayed her, how could she come to save him. Only now did she know that Cheng Kun was just using it. Unfortunately, she was so overwhelmed by love that she couldn't believe that people could fall in love with it.

 It is purely retribution for me to fall into such a fate.

Xue'er was so heartbroken that she waited motionless for the painful death of having her skin pulled away and her inner elixir peeled off. This was what she deserved to endure.

Cheng Kun, who was hiding in the dark, saw Xue'er move, and immediately used his spiritual consciousness to check the surroundings, but did not feel the breath of Yan Xiangluo. Looking at Xue'er again, he was motionless. Could it be that Yan Xiangluo was here?

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were flying in the air on the Changling Mountains.

Although there are no very high mountains in the Changling Mountains, the mountains here are very steep. They are almost all upright cliffs. The trees and plants are so dense that there is almost no place to stay.

And the man was locked underground. It was an underground river. The entrance and exit of the underground river were not in the Changling Mountains.

Ji Jiuzhong was able to enter because he was seriously injured after being chased and fell into a crevice in a cliff. A strong defensive formation was set up in the crevice of the cliff. If he hadn't been very skilled in formations, that day would definitely have been the day he died.

It is precisely because of his strong knowledge of formations that he broke the formation after falling in, and fell into the underground river from a straight up and down hole that could only accommodate one person.

Later, he searched along the underground river for a long time and found that apart from the entrance and exit of the underground river, there was only the passage he fell into.

There is no gap between the entrance and the exit of the underground river. The water flow at the entrance is very fast and it is impossible to get out. If you want to follow the water out from the exit, you must have water-proof beads.

 In such an environment, this is a safe place for cultivation. It was here that Ji Jiuzhong recovered from his injuries, met the man, made a deal with him and learned his Xuanwen technique, which is Ji Yin.

The name of this Xuan Wen technique was originally Ji Yin, and it was not chosen by Ji Jiuzhong himself.

In his previous life, Ji Jiuzhong only knew that the Xuanwen Kung Fu was from the ancient times, but after experiencing this life, Ji Jiuzhong understood that the Xuanwen Kung Fu should have been owned by the Ji family from the ancient times.

Only descendants of the Ji family's bloodline, with particularly strong Xuanwen talent, can learn all the Ji Yin techniques, especially the last ten techniques.

 Otherwise, even if you get the Ji Seal, you can only learn the previous Xuanwen technique. However, even the previous Xuanwen technique is the strongest in Jiuzhongtian.

 In his previous life, that man had not learned any of the last ten exercises, and Ji Jiuzhong could only learn them in this life.

This also shows that the bloodline of the Ji family in Tianqian Continent is the bloodline of the Ji family in the ancient times of this Xuanwen Gongfa.

  When he was arranging the reincarnation matter, he simply wanted to keep their names. By accident, he actually found a family with the blood of the Ji family in ancient times.

It’s a pity that after a long period of time, the bloodline has been diluted and there are too few bloodlines left in the Ji family. Although there are outstanding people in the Ji family, there are not those who learn Xuanwen.

 And it was because of his special experience and super profound talent that he was able to achieve this.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo to the gap in the cliff and landed on the sharp rock beside it.

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