The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1013: Still alive

Chapter 1013 Still alive

Ji Jiuzhong looked down and said, "Luoluo, the entrance can only accommodate one person. You go into the space and I will take you in."

Yuan Xiangluo didn't show any courage and immediately entered Pangu space in Ji Jiuchong's arms.

She watched Ji Jiuzhong jump down in the space. During the whole falling process, Ji Jiuzhong kept breaking the formation. Yan Xiangluo saw a black hole below. Sure enough, only one person could fall down. Her eyes went dark. Ji Jiuzhong fell. Entering, he passed through the black hole in a moment, and Ji Jiuzhong's body floated and slowly fell.

Yan Xiangluo also saw clearly the following situation.

There is a raging underground river below. There is such a big underground river underground, and Yan Xiangluo is still very surprised.

Ji Jiuzhong fell to the edge of the dark river, and Yan Xiangluo came out of the space.

“What’s going on with the light here?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Since it is an underground river and is not connected to the outside, Yan Xiangluo thought it should be pitch black, but there was actually a dim light below. Although it was not very bright, she could clearly see everything around the underground river.

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the mountain and said, "There are pearl stones deep in the mountain. These dim lights are emitted by the pearl stones through the rocks."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "Is there a vein of pearl stone in the Changling Mountains?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "It's not really a mineral vein. I used my spiritual sense to detect it in my previous life. Only a small part of the pearl stone exists sparsely in the mountain rocks, and the material is not good."

Yan Xiangluo used her spiritual sense to investigate and found that it was very far and deep. Sure enough, as Ji Jiuzhong said, these pearl stones were sparsely distributed in the rocks, as if to illuminate the existence of this underground river.

There are many unexplainable fantasy things in this world, and Yan Xiangluo will naturally not dwell on insignificant things.

 A pair of almond-shaped eyes looked at Ji Jiuzhong, "Where is that person?"

Yan Xiangluo heard Ji Jiuzhong say that the man was chained and soaked in a cold pool, but although the water in the underground river was very cold, this was underground and the temperature was very low, but she did not feel that it could be called The cold air of the cold pool.

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the front and said, "It's about eight miles ahead."

so far?

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised when he heard this and said, "How long is this underground river?"

Ji Jiuchong said, “It runs through the entire Changling Mountains.”

Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised, "This is the first time I know that there is such a long underground river in Jiuzhongtian."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "If I hadn't accidentally fallen, I wouldn't have discovered this place. Although the Changling Mountains are rich in plants, didn't Luoluo discover that there are no rare medicinal materials, and spiritual beasts are also distributed in several not-so-steep mountains? There, that is, in the valley, it is almost impossible to find this place."

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly flashed, "Who locked that person here?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "He didn't say anything."

After finishing the words, he sighed, "Ten thousand years have passed, and I don't know if he is still alive."

Yan Xiangluo has no doubt about this. Bao Ren must have a strong spiritual support to support him, and his cultivation life is very long, only ten thousand years. As long as his faith does not die, he will not die.

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "Are you unable to open the chain even though you were a great sage in your previous life?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "After I broke through to the Great Sage, I didn't have the chance to come here, and then I fell. I don't know if the Great Sage's cultivation can open the chain, but I can be sure that those below the Great Sage cannot break it." It's open."

 He tried many times without success.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes were shining brightly, "Now we are both great saints. If you want to save him, we can try it together."

Ji Jiuzhongfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "It depends on the situation." After all, tens of thousands of years have passed, and we don't know whether he is alive or not. Even if he is alive, it is difficult to guarantee what this person's mental state is.

In Ji Jiuzhong's opinion, that man was a lunatic back then, and he might be even crazier now. He didn't know what the consequences would be if he let such a person go.

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood his worries and said nothing more.

The two of them quickly headed there in the air. As they got closer, Yan Xiangluo felt the breath of Hantan.

 Three miles away, she could already feel the biting cold air.

Even before he got there, he could already feel the biting cold air, which showed how cold it was in the cold pool. If this man were alive, his perseverance would be extraordinary.

As they got closer, Yan Xiangluo could sense the aura of a living person, and to their surprise, not only was the person alive, but his aura was actually very strong.

Ji Jiuzhong perceives this point more clearly. He has been here before and is very clear that the man's cultivation is suppressed by the iron chain, but now he senses that his cultivation has actually increased.

 This man is indeed no ordinary person.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo both had an idea in their minds as to why he was chained here instead of killing him directly.

 After all, in their eyes, this man can only be a stronger opponent if he remains.

 While thinking, the two of them arrived at the location of Hantan.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand that the so-called cold pool was a vortex formed by the underground river flowing here. The air flow, position and direction here allowed the cold air of the underground river to stay here, forming this cold pool over the years.

The water in the cold pool is alive. The water in the underground river flows through here and slips away, but the cold air remains here.

It has been ten thousand years since Ji Jiuzhong came here, and the cold here has become even worse.

When the two came to the cold pool, they saw the man chained up, but he was still alive.

This is the first time Yan Xiangluo sees a man.

His hair and beard are very long, floating on the cold pool. Although his beard is very long, he does not look embarrassed.

 A pair of cold eyes looked over.

When he saw Ji Jiuzhong, he was stunned for a moment, in disbelief, and then he laughed as if he understood something.

 In this dark and cold space, the man's laughter was a little scary.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and saw that his mood had not changed at all. He blinked and used the power of the Heavenly Master to look at the man.

At this sight, Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly changed. This man's luck was so rare.

  No wonder he was able to live for such a long time in such an environment. I thought it was because he had spiritual support before, but now it seems that that is just one reason, the main one is his luck.


The man laughed for a while, then stopped, looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Boy, I really saw you right back then. Are you reincarnated?"

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless and looked at the man indifferently with a pair of very beautiful phoenix eyes.

The man glanced at Xiangluo indifferently and continued, "Is she the woman you like?"

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