The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1014: perfection

Chapter 1014: Perfection

Ji Jiuzhong was still speechless. The man continued, "The transaction oath between you and me in the previous life ended when you died. You didn't do it willingly. Why did you come to my place after reincarnation? See if I'm dead?"

Ji Jiuzhong actually nodded.

 The man was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed again, this time more freely.

"Well, that's right. If he is really dead, at least someone will collect his body for me." Although the man's tone was strong, Yan Xiangluo could hear the sadness.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong, wondering why he didn't speak.

"How have you learned the Xuan Wen technique this life?" The man's voice suddenly softened, and he was completely different from before.

Yan Xiangluo realized clearly that this person had been locked up here for more than 10,000 years. His state of mind could not have changed, and it was possible that he could split into two personalities.

“Better than the previous life.” Ji Jiuzhong finally spoke.

The man's eyes lit up when he heard this, "The bloodline of your reincarnation is the bloodline of the ancient Ji family?"

He knew very well that Ji Yin's Xuan Wen technique would not be able to learn the last ten Xuan Wen without the blood of the ancient Ji family. His Xuan Wen talent and Ji Jiuzhong's Xuan Wen talent in the previous life were both top-notch geniuses, and they could only learn the last ten Xuan Wen. After all the previous Xuanwen techniques, I can't learn the last ten Xuanwen techniques.

Ji Jiuzhong said that if he is stronger than the previous life, he must be able to learn the last ten mysterious patterns.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Yes."

 The man paused for a moment and then laughed heartily, "I finally have a point of perfection."

Ji Jiuzhong understood what he meant. Although he did not become a disciple, it was just a transaction. There was no title of master and disciple, but the reality of master and disciple. This was the main reason why Ji Jiuzhong came back to see if he was still alive.

 Subconsciously, Ji Jiuzhong already regarded him as his master. Although he forced himself to choose death in the last life, he still understood him.

 After all, he agreed to the original deal himself.

Because of the Heavenly Master, Yan Xiangluo could empathize with the man's feelings, and a sad mood welled up in her heart.

Although she didn't know the man's experience, Yan Xiangluo did not sense any malice from him. On the contrary, his body was full of positive energy, which was an indescribable power. It is something that only the Heavenly Master can perceive.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know why the man could maintain such a state of mind after being locked here for thousands of years. However, a person with such a state of mind could not be that bad.

“What level of cultivation are you at now?” Ji Jiuzhong suddenly asked.

 The man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know for sure. You know, the chains have suppressed my cultivation level. I can't determine the level of cultivation level, but it should be above the fifth level of the Great Sage."

Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes and said, "If you break the chain, your cultivation level should reach the peak of mainland cultivation level."

Ji Jiuzhong had tried to break the chains in his previous life, and knew how strong the chains were in suppressing cultivation, so he made an estimate.

A ray of light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. If the man was released, he would probably be one of the strongest men in the Nine Heavens.

 If it works well, it will be a help, but if it goes the other way, it will be a big trouble.

The man was stunned and said, "Can you open this chain?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I can't, but my wife can."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, could she? How come she doesn't know?

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Shiwo."

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood why she had always forgotten about Shiwo's ability. Shiwo can refine everything in the world, so a chain should not be a problem.   But how do you put the chain into the stone nest to refine it?

 The man glanced at Yan Xiangluo in surprise, then calmed down after getting excited, "What are your conditions?"

Ji Jiuchong knows that working with smart people is a pleasure.

Therefore, he said without hesitation, "You must swear an oath not to do anything that harms Jiuchongtian Continent and not to be an enemy of our husband and wife."

The man was stunned and looked deeply at Ji Jiuzhong, "I didn't expect that you have lived this whole life and still have such a heart for the righteousness of the world."

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No, you are wrong. I have never had that thing."

In the last life, besides hatred, there was only Luo Luo in his heart. In this life, he lived more simply, and there was only Luo Luo.

 Because protecting Jiuzhongtian and eliminating demons is what Luoluo has to do, then he has to help Luoluo complete it.

 It has nothing to do with whether you have the righteousness of the world in your heart.

 Only he knows this best.

 The man was obviously surprised. He looked at Yan Xiangluo and looked at her seriously, "It was because of her that you died in the last life, right?"

 Although it was a question, the man was already sure in his heart.

Ji Jiudian nodded, admitting that his death in the previous life was indeed due to Luo Luo.

Then he added, "It's just that the fall happened before, otherwise I would have fallen because I couldn't fulfill my promise to you."

Yan Xiangluo's heart ached. Although the two of them knew each other and loved each other in the previous life, she realized at this time that among the two of them, it was Ji Jiuzhong who gave the most, and he gave everything.

 It was the same in the previous life, and it is the same in this life.

 Suddenly I felt as if I had been a little sorry for Ji Jiuzhong in both past and present lives.

Ji Jiuzhong noticed the change in her mood and held her hand, "I'm very happy with it."

 The implication is to tell her that there is no need to feel guilty or sad. All this was done voluntarily and he was very happy.

 She was the only light in his life in the past and present life, and he would be happy to do anything for her. This is the truth.

Yan Xiangluo pursed her lower lip, her apricot eyes met Ji Jiuzhong’s gaze, and then she gave him a bright smile, “It’s so sweet.”

The two of them understood each other tacitly without any other words. The promises made under the evergreen tree for life after life in two lives were sincere. Although they did not achieve the true fruition in the two lives, isn't this life already complete?

 As long as they succeed in slaying the demon, they will definitely be happy in this life.

The man was filled with emotion when he saw the man and woman standing side by side, unable to blend in with anyone or anything. There was once a woman who said she wanted to share the joys and sorrows with him and spend a lifetime with him, but the end result was that he was locked here for more than 10,000 years.

Because of this, he does not believe that the love between men and women will last forever, but the man and woman in front of him lived and died together in the past life, and will meet and stay together again in this life. Can they become what he once hoped?

 Thinking that the two of them died at such a young age in their previous life, is love really beautiful?

If love brings only pain and hatred to each other, then what is the meaning of existence?

 The man knew very well that his perseverance for more than 10,000 years, apart from his firm nature, was mainly due to his unwillingness. He wanted to see her again, and he would only believe it if she heard it from her own words.

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