The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1015: make a choice

Chapter 1015 Making a choice

 “I agree to your terms.” The man suddenly spoke.

These two conditions are not difficult for him to achieve. He has no intention of destroying the entire continent. If the two of them really help him break the chains and rescue him from the sea of ​​misery, they will be his benefactors, even if he falls to To this extent, he is not an ungrateful person.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "This also fulfills the promise I made to you in my previous life."

Although the promise from his previous life has disappeared because of his death and cannot bind him, Ji Jiuzhong lamented the man's experience and his persistence in feelings, and was willing to help him once. It was also to repay his kindness for teaching him the Ji Yin Xuan Wen technique.

 But he does not want the people he helps to cause trouble in the mainland in the future.

The man immediately made an oath without delay. As long as they help him break the chains on his body, he will never do anything to harm the Jiuchongtian Continent in his lifetime, let alone be an enemy of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, and will help if necessary. them once.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not expect that the man would actually add a condition that he would help them once. This also shows that the man is indeed a person who values ​​love, justice and commitment.

Coupled with what Yan Xiangluo saw about his luck, it was not impossible to save him.

 The two of them knew the man's name only after he made the oath. Even Ji Jiuzhong knew that the man's surname was Wang and his name was Yuandong.

Although they did not recognize the man in front of them, they had heard the name Wang Yuandong. Even Ji Jiuzhong was surprised when he heard his name.

Because Wang Yuandong was the number one genius in Jiuzhongtian Continent at that time, but he disappeared as quickly as he rose. People thought he had fallen in some training place, but he didn't expect that he was locked here.

"Don't resist, we need the help of flames and alchemy furnaces, but don't worry, the flames have spiritual consciousness and will only burn what we want to burn." Yan Xiangluo said to Wang Yuandong.

Wang Yuandong nodded, "Now that I have made a decision, I trust you."

After finishing his words, Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Ji Jiuchong and said, "Just because this kid in front of you has released his promise to me and still wants to come see me and help me out of my misery after reincarnation, you are worthy of my trust."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong both knew that he must have fallen into this situation because of someone he trusted. If he could trust them, he would struggle in his heart.

Yan Xiangluo said, "Although you have suffered for more than ten thousand years, you still have a long life, and there is no need to waste it on things that have lost meaning."

Wang Yuandong was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Little girl, are you worried that I won't survive?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, I want you to live happily."

Wang Yuandong was stunned. After living for so long, this was the first time someone besides his mother wanted him to live happily. This feeling was strange, but very happy.

“Okay, now that my knot has been resolved, I will definitely try what it’s like to live happily.” Wang Yuandong smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Xiangluo also smiled, "That's right. Who hasn't had some bad experiences?"

"That's true." Wang Yuandong felt that his heart was much happier.

Yan Xiangluocai asked, "Which part of your body does the chain on your body pass through?"

Since Wang Yuandong's body was soaked in the cold pool from the chest down, it was impossible to see whether there were chains underneath.

Wang Yuandong glanced at the chains that passed through his pipa bones, "It only passed through the pipa bones on both sides of me. The chains passed through the rocks behind. I couldn't feel its specific length, nor could I feel the top of it." How powerful it is, no matter how hard you try, you can’t destroy it.”

As soon as Yan Xiangluo thought about it, Shiwo came out of Pangu space.

“Shiwo, go and have a look, can you refine the chain?” Ruan Xiangluo said.

Upon hearing this, Shiwo immediately flew over and carefully checked the chains on Wang Yuandong's body. Wang Yuandong also sensed Shiwo at close range. He said in shock, "Is it the legendary furnace stone nest that can refine all things?"

Yan Xiangluo didn’t hide anything, she admitted frankly, “Yes.”

Wang Yuandong immediately understood that they would only burn what they wanted to burn as they said before, and Shiwo would definitely be able to do what other furnaces and tripods couldn't do.

This little girl is a person of great good fortune. Only a person of great good fortune can rule over the spiritual beings in the world.

 He was really excited at this time, and he could really escape from this suffering today.

After Shiwo sensed the chain, he used his spiritual sense to communicate with Yan Xiangluo, "Master, it would be a pity to destroy this chain."

Yan Xiangluo knew that Shiwo existed in ancient times, and it knew a lot of information that they did not know.

“Do you know the origin of this chain?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Shi Wo said, "I know that this chain comes from ancient times. It is a soul-locking chain made from colorful stones by the gods who created the world in ancient times. It was used to deal with evil beasts in ancient times. This is the only one."

Yan Xiangluo was shocked after hearing this. She sent a message to Ji Jiuzhong and told him the origin of the chain.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Shiwo, "Do you have a way to take out the chain without burning it?"

Shiwo said to Ruan Xiangluo, "I can't, but the master can."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, could she?

 Immediately asked, “How can I do this?”

Shi Wo said, "As the name suggests, the soul-locking chain locks a person's soul. If a person's soul is not there, the soul-locking chain will naturally lose its meaning."

Yan Xiangluo understood immediately, but to do this, he must use his soul-controlling power to capture Wang Yuandong's soul. Can Wang Yuandong trust himself so much?

Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong how to use the stone nest, and Ji Jiuzhong frowned.

Although Wang Yuandong couldn't hear the conversation between Yan Xiangluo and the others, he could sense the atmosphere between the two of them and a furnace tripod from Ji Jiuzhong's question to Shiwo, and knew that there must be some difficulty.

 “If you have anything to say, just tell me.”

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other and said, "To be honest, if he agrees, we will keep the chains. If he doesn't agree, we will destroy the chains."

Today people must be saved. Although the chains are very precious, they know how to choose in the face of the promise and will never leave any hidden danger to their state of mind.

Yu Xiangluo said, "Okay."

 After listening to Ji Jiuzhong's words, Wang Yuandong understood that things were not that simple.

Ji Jiuzhong simply told Wang Yuandong the origin of the chain and the solution, letting him choose.

Wang Yuandong was shocked. This little girl was actually a heavenly master. She could take out a person's soul and return it to the body. This was not something that any level of heavenly master could do.

 But now he had to make a choice. After the two children knew the origin of the chain, they were not greedy and let him make his own choice. He believed that if he didn't accept the Soul Capture, the two of them would really destroy the chain.

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