The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1017: Hindsight

Chapter 1017 Hindsight

Wang Yuandong's appearance is extremely gentle and elegant, but one must ignore the coolness and sadness in his mood that have accumulated due to the cold air for thousands of years.

Wang Yuandong straightened the length of his hair again, glanced at Yan Xiangluo, and she immediately turned around.

Wang Yuandong changed into clean clothes, and his whole temperament suddenly changed.

 After cleaning up, he turned out to be a handsome man. However, he should have been a gentle and elegant man before, but now he is a cold and handsome man.

Wang Yuandong knew that they were curious about how he was locked up here.

"I was tricked into coming here. It was said that there was a treasure in the cold pool that could improve my cultivation. I wanted to get the treasure to give to her, but I was locked by a chain when I entered the cold pool. I still don't know how the chain was triggered. ”

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo both knew who she was in his mouth. Ji Jiuzhong asked, "How did she know this place?"

Wang Yuandong shook his head, "Do you think she would tell me in that case?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at him with pity. Wang Yuandong twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject, "Where are you reborn?"

Ji Jiuzhong withdrew his gaze and said, "Inferior continent, I just returned to Jiuzhongtian."

A simple sentence summed up their path of spiritual practice, but Wang Yuandong understood that their path of spiritual practice would never be simple.

They came to Jiuzhongtian from the lower continent at such a young age. Although they now have the memories of their past lives, their memories will not be available until at least the higher continent. Before, they still had to rely on their experiences in this life. These two people They are not simple people.

"If you need any help, please contact me." Wang Yuandong took out the sound transmission stone that had not been used for ten thousand years and asked Ji Jiuzhong to connect with the breath of his sound transmission stone.

Ji Jiuzhong did not refuse. After connecting, Wang Yuandong looked at his sound transmission stone, raised his hand, and erased all connections.

 The person who left him when he was in trouble has no need to reappear in his life. It is better to disappear like this.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't think there was anything wrong with him doing this. Friends are friends who share weal and woe, and so are relatives. Otherwise, there would be no need to exist.

“Tell me about the situation outside.” Wang Yuandong said to Ji Jiuzhong.

The three of them walked towards the entrance of the cave where they fell. As they walked, Ji Jiuzhong briefly told him what he now knew about Jiuchongtian's situation.

Wang Yuandong was extremely shocked. Ten thousand years ago, when he was locked here, the Demon Lord had not yet appeared. He really didn’t know that the Jiuchongtian Continent was already in such crisis, and the mainlanders were still fighting for some selfish interests. .

Wang Yuandong’s complex eyes fell on the two of them, “You want to get rid of the devil?”

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other, and Yan Xiangluo said, "The demon must be eliminated, otherwise the continent will cease to exist. This is not only our responsibility, but also the responsibility of the entire continent."

“Then why don’t you tell the entire continent the facts?” Wang Yuandong asked with some confusion.

If you inform them earlier, the mainlanders can prepare earlier, and won't they have a better chance of winning when they face the Demon Lord?

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong shook their heads together, "It's useless to say it earlier. Ten thousand years ago, there were only more than 300 people who responded. Now these people are not as good as the powerful and powerful people ten thousand years ago. Heart."

"Are you preparing to face the Demon Lord yourself?" Wang Yuandong felt that it was impossible to win at that time.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong shook their heads together, "We don't have the strength yet."

Wang Yuandong looked at them puzzled, "Then what do you want to do?" "Let's take it step by step. Although there is not much time, there is still some time. We will decide what to do based on the situation." Yan Xiangluo said.

Although they have a plan, they will not tell Wang Yuandong. Not to mention whether he is trustworthy or not, even where they are going next cannot be leaked.

Wang Yuandong glanced at the two of them, knowing that they had reservations about what they said, so he didn't ask any more questions. Originally, he really didn't have any other thoughts, but the other party couldn't completely understand it. Believe in yourself, she could also understand.

 The three of them came to the entrance of the cave where they fell. Wang Yuandong said, "Let's part ways."

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo bowed to him and said goodbye. Ji Jiuzhong said, "I hope you can successfully untie your knot."

Wang Yuandong smiled bitterly and said, "I'd like to lend you some good words."

He knew very well that tens of thousands of years had passed, and things would have changed a lot. Even if he knew the answer to what happened back then, it actually didn't mean much anymore.

  He knew that he and she would never go back to the past. Even if she had her own reasons, what happened ten thousand years ago and the pain he had experienced for ten thousand years could not be treated as if they had not happened.

He really just wanted to know the truth and untie his knot. Yu Xiangluo's words still touched him. This little girl's mood was indeed very broad. There was no need to worry about things that had no meaning anymore. , after untying his knot, without affecting his state of mind, he will try to live according to the little girl's ideas.

 Love is gone, but the path of the strong must continue.

Wang Yuandong rose up in the air and left the underground river first.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo waited for a while, and Yan Xiangluo still entered the space. Although Ji Jiuzhong was here for the first time in this life, he had the experience of his previous life and got out smoothly.

When he came to the top, the formation was still there. Ji Jiuzhong quickly passed through the formation. When he left the formation, he saw Wang Yuandong's figure disappearing.

 It can be seen that Wang Yuandong's formation skills are not low.

And he felt very clearly that Wang Yuandong was suppressing the power of the promotion. He should have gone to find a safe place to break through the promotion.

There is one more person with the highest cultivation level in the mainland.

 Just don’t know when he and Luoluo will become one of the strongest people in the mainland.

Yu Xiangluo came out of Pangu space, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Go deal with the white fox."

More people should have come there. Wang Yuandong's matter has been resolved, and they will go there after they deal with the white fox.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and suddenly thought that they had used the invisibility pattern, and the three days were not up, and today was the first day, but how could Wang Yuandong see them?

 If he can see it, does it mean that people with the same cultivation level as him can also see it?

“How could Wang Yuandong see us?” Yan Xiangluo stopped and asked.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, how could Luoluo be so cute? Only in hindsight did I realize something was wrong.

"I want the other party to see this invisibility mysterious pattern. All I have to do is input the mysterious pattern's breath into the other person's body. However, when we were separated, I had revoked Wang Yuandong's rights. Now that we meet, he can't see us either. of."

Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I wouldn't be able to hide this from a strong person with a level nine cultivation level of the Great Sage."

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