The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1018: Help you once

 Chapter 1018 I’ll help you once

“Although we can hide it from their eyes, our aura is not at all gone. If they are at the ninth level of the Great Sage, they should be able to sense a trace of aura. After all, they are strong.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

Yan Xiangluo frowned when he heard this, "We still have to be more careful later."

Ji Jiuyan nodded. The attraction of the divine bead was too great. No one could guarantee that those with the highest cultivation level in the mainland would not covet the divine bead.

 At this moment, Wuji, who went to check for news about Ji's family, came back. Wuji not only checked the news of the Ji family, but also the Zhao family. This was Ji Jiuzhong's order. No spiritual beast could compare to Wuji's strength in this regard.

Ji Jiuzhong communicated with Wuji for a moment and already knew the current situation of the Ji family and the Zhao family.

The Zhao family doesn't matter, after all, he only has hatred and no other feelings for the Zhao family, but the Ji family...

 When I think of Ji Jiuchong of the Ji family, I feel an indescribable emotion in my heart.

The Ji family, who had to protect their mother even if she lost her life, have become really lonely after thousands of years. I don’t know how my mother would feel if she knew this.

Yan Xiangluo sensed that Ji Jiuzhong's aura was a little lonely, and reached out to hold his hand, "You have me."

Ji Jiuzhong came back to his senses and smiled, and shook her hand firmly, "I'm fine, I just feel sorry for my mother."

Yan Xiangluo knew that the mother Ji Jiuzhong was talking about was his mother from the previous life. In this life, he had never even seen his mother. In the previous life, his mother was plotted to death by her nephew when he was ten years old.

 Speaking of which, the relationship between his mother and his mother in his past and present life was very weak.

“That’s what mother wanted, otherwise how could she be plotted against with her talent and strength.” Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and said.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly realized why such a strong mother was tricked by Ji Junze, who was only a teenager at the time.

Mother was so deeply hurt by her lover, in fact, she probably didn’t want to live for a long time.

  Living like a zombie is partly because she has a son who has not yet grown up, and secondly, because her uncle risked his life to save her and has not repaid the kindness, and Ji Junze calculated that she would give her an excuse to leave.

At that time, I was already ten years old. Although life on my own was a little difficult, it was not life-threatening. And Ji Junze's plan made her return her uncle's life-saving grace.

 She gave up all love and affection.

  Things that bothered me in my previous life are now instantly clear to me.

After understanding it, although he felt relieved, he also felt a sense of sadness. Isn't there a true love that goes both ways and stays together until old age?

He and Luoluo loved each other in both past and present lives, and he and Luoluo still had memories of two lives, but neither of them had a good ending. What about this life?

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt a little confused about the way forward.

Looking down at Luoluo's worried eyes, he cursed himself secretly, thinking about what he was doing, as long as they worked hard to get to each other in this life, he didn't believe that their love would not be fulfilled in three lives.

 “Let’s go.” Ji Jiuzhong said softly.

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved when she felt that the aura on his body had calmed down.

 The two of them rose into the air and came to the valley again.

 The white fox's condition is even worse, and his breath is weak.

Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Wait for me here, I will go there myself."

Ji Jiuzhong doesn't want to, so how can she rest assured that she can go there by herself? There are so many powerful men with great saint level cultivation here that they can't even count them.

But before he could say anything against it, Yan Xiangluo said again, "It's just a matter of a few words, soon." Looking at him with watery almond eyes, Ji Jiuzhong immediately understood that she wanted to say a few words to Bai Hu alone.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Ji Jiuzhong let go of her hand.

Yu Xiangluo smiled, it's good to have a lover who understands you.

Yan Xiangluo teleported to the white fox.

 Although Xue'er couldn't see her, she still felt her. After all, we had a contract, and he still sensed her soul aura.

Xueer wanted to raise her head to look at her, but because her breath was weak and she had no strength, she couldn't do such a simple movement.

Yan Xiangluo’s voice sounded in her consciousness, “Do you still want to live?”

Xueer was surprised. She should have known that he had betrayed her, otherwise she would not have refused to go to the place they agreed on, and Cheng Kun would not have used such extreme means to force her out.

 But since he knew it, he must have known it was a trap, so why did she come again and didn't ask her why he betrayed her when they met?

 Instead, he asked her if she still wanted to live?

 Does she still want to save it?

  If your cultivation is abolished, what will you do if you survive?

Xueer already regretted being treated like this by Cheng Kun. She thought that the love beyond the world was just a scam from beginning to end, and she betrayed the person who was best to her.

It knew very well that when Yan Xiangluo contracted herself, it was not because of how good her talent was. On the contrary, her talent was very mediocre. Yan Xiangluo just liked that she was well-behaved and sensible and needed a companion.

 How lucky I am to have met her.

It knows very well how many cultivation resources Yan Xiangluo has spent on it in order to make it successful in cultivation and transformation. Even before she died, she not only canceled the contract but also prepared the spiritual treasures she needed for her transformation.

 And it was because a man betrayed her.

Why isn’t she angry?

 “Think.” Xueer answered with great effort in her consciousness.

Even so, who would want to die if he could live?

Yan Xiangluo's tone was calm, "Okay, I'll help you one more time to keep you alive."

Xueer was shocked. She had already betrayed her and she still wanted to help her. Was she stupid?

 How come you are still so merciless after resurrecting your life?

 But in her current situation, she couldn't even speak a complete sentence, and she couldn't ask her doubts at all.

Yan Xiangluo said again, "When the senior brothers brought you back in the previous life, you had just gathered the strength of the elixir. Now you are almost the same as when we first met in the previous life. You have to start from scratch in this life."

Xueer suddenly understood that Yan Xiangluo did not care about its betrayal, but punished it in her own way.

With his own cultivation talent, it is almost impossible to return to the state when he first met her in his previous life and practice to transform. Even surviving is difficult.

She is telling herself with facts how precious everything she gave to her was, but she betrayed her so cruelly that she still left it alive, letting herself live in regret every moment.

 Such a punishment can be said to be more painful than death.

Yan Xiangluo is also telling you that I will give you a chance to live again to see if you can live as well without her as you did with her in the previous life.

 If it was just because of its current situation that it regretted before, now it is really shameful and regretful for everything it has done.

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