The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1020: open channel

 Chapter 1020 Opening the Channel

The place where Ji Jiuzhong reappeared holding Yu Xiangluo was the place they were going to next. It was also the place where no one in the entire Jiuchongtian continent dared to go. It was the place where they went to get the holy objects, and it was also the famous place of death in Jiuchongtian. "Black Spring".

 There is no return.

 They have already experienced this firsthand in their last life.

Although Ji Jiuzhong used his life to save Yan Xiangluo's life, he only allowed her to survive until she handed the sacred object into the hands of her master.

 Their current cultivation level is the same as when they entered in the previous life, and they are all at the level of the Great Sage.

 The reason why they came here at this time is because they know very well that only here can they grow up quickly.

 They don’t have that much time to break through their cultivation level little by little and reach the ninth level of the Great Sage’s peak cultivation level.

 Only here can they improve their cultivation level as quickly as possible.

  The Demon Lord will not wait for them.

Yan Xiangluo is now the one who suppresses the Demon Lord. She can feel the Demon Lord's power getting stronger every moment. Although she doesn't know how the Demon Lord does it, she knows that her own power can suppress the Demon Lord. Time is getting shorter and shorter.

 After all, everyone in Jiuyuan Continent knows about the Demon Lord. It is also good for them to eliminate demons.

 Coming back here again, she still felt a dull sense of depression.

This is also the place where they separated in their previous life.

 They can also tell their parents and friends who stayed in the Nine Yuan Continent that they are fine by opening the Nine Heavens Passage.

Now that they have left Jiuyuan Continent, the power of faith is decreasing little by little, which is definitely different from what they were in Jiuyuan Continent.

 The three years previously estimated are no longer possible.

This is because the power she used to suppress the demon lord was the power of faith, and almost all of this power of faith came from the Nine Yuan Continent.

 "Black Spring", the name is not scary, but the black character already tells people what the situation inside is like.

 The reason why they came here was because the passage from Jiuyuan Continent to Jiuzhongtian was also nearby.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the tall stone tablet standing on the barren land. On it was engraved the two words "Black Spring" in large letters, and next to it were four small words "Land of Death".

Since they have made a promise, now that they have the strength, they naturally need to open the passage first. If the people of Jiuyuan Continent are strong enough to come to Jiuzhongtian, it is also a good thing to come as soon as possible.

These four words seem to be more penetrating than the two words "Black Spring". The purpose is to warn people who come here and don't know where it is inside, not to go in any further.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Okay."

Yan Xiangluo remembered very clearly that Ji Jiuzhong fell and disappeared in front of that stone tablet.

Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Let's open the passage from Jiuchongtian to Jiuyuan Continent first."

 Now it is very easy for them to open the passage from Jiuchongtian to Jiuyuan Continent.

The two of them took off in the air and flew for about a quarter of an hour before they saw rows of aperture arches. This is where Jiuchongtian controls various high-level mainlanders to come to Jiuchongtian.

Each arch has words on it, which is the name of the higher continent opposite, representing the corresponding continent. The two found the arch of Jiuyuan Continent. The other doors were all white light, representing normal passage. Only the door of Jiuyuan Continent glows gray, indicating that the passage is closed.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were speechless. With so many passages to various continents, only Jiuyuan Continent was closed.

How unlucky is Nine Yuan Continent?

The two of them input spiritual power together. The spiritual power of the Great Sage's cultivation was very powerful. It directly lit up the light in the passage. The light flowed along the arch towards the Jiuyuan Continent on the opposite side, until it lit up the entrance where Jiuyuandu came. Bright.

 Since they left Jiuyuan Continent, someone has been guarding the entrance of the passage.

Suddenly I saw the passage light up. Everyone who saw it was stunned. They couldn't believe it. They thought they were too absorbed in their thoughts. They rubbed their eyes. The passage was still lit, and then a burst of cheers broke out.

“The Human Emperor and his wife have opened the passage.” Someone shouted loudly.

This news spread instantly, and the people who were guarding the passage to practice were also awakened by the sound, and they all came to the entrance of the passage as quickly as possible.

Looking at it, it turned out that the passage was no longer gray, but shrouded in extremely bright white light, and the stone archway-like door also became brighter.

 Those present immediately spread the news to their relatives and friends.

It has been ten thousand years. The passage has been sealed for ten thousand years. It has finally been opened. As long as their cultivation reaches the requirements, they can go to the Nine Heavens. This is not a dream, it is real.

They were shocked that Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo had really gone to other continents, and had gone to Jiuchongtian through passages from other continents. Moreover, they were able to open the passage in such a short time. How powerful these two people were.

 Always exceeding their expectations.

And Chengye and his wife also received the news immediately.

The couple were very excited. The two children should have found a way to open the passage when they got there, otherwise how could they have done it so quickly.

They never expected that the two children would make rapid progress when they arrived there, and now they would have joined the ranks of the Nine Heavenly Powers.

 After all, no one would have thought that they could break through to the strength of the Nine Heavenly Powers in just one month.

Just after the two of them left Jiuyuan Continent, someone else from Tianqian Continent came to Jiuyuan Continent, and the first one to come here was Beitang Yunfeng.

He was holding back his energy and practicing with all his strength. He just wanted to go to the higher continent as soon as possible and didn't want to lag too far behind Ji Jiuzhong.

 But when he came here, he could hear about the deeds of Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo everywhere, especially when he knew that they had ascended to the Jiuchongtian Continent, he was so shocked that he almost collapsed.

How long has it been? While he was still trying his best to come to the Higher Continent, he already had the strength to go to the Nine Heavens Continent.

Beitang Yunfeng thought that Yan Xiangluo had once said that she wanted to go to Jiuchongtian to see the evergreen tree. Now her wish had finally come true. It was a pity that he was not the one accompanying her.

Beitang Yunfeng was really hit hard by the two of them, but when he learned about the demon, he cheered up in an instant.

 It is an established fact that one's own talent and strength are not as good as theirs, but it does not mean that one is worse than others.

 Eliminating demons is the responsibility and obligation of everyone. He could no longer lose to them in terms of mentality, so he started practicing hard again. I just hope that I can help in eradicating the demon.

Among the group of people who came later were Yan Xiangluo’s first best friend Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu. This young couple had already gotten married in Tianqian Continent.

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