The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1021: Xuanwen description

Chapter 1021: Mysterious Pattern Explanation

Beitang Yunyu reached the cultivation level to leave before Jin Xinrong, but he did not come first. Instead, he waited for Jin Xinrong to reach the level and the couple broke through together and came here.

 From this point, we can see that the relationship between the young couple is very good.

Originally, Jin Xinrong thought that she would finally see Yan Xiangluo after arriving at the Higher Continent. Unexpectedly, just a month before they arrived, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had already gone to other Higher Continents, and from other continents to Jiuchongtian Continent.

The difference in strength is too far.

When the couple heard about the legendary story of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong in Jiuyuan Continent, Jin Xinrong was extremely proud.

 Hong Kong was not affected by their strength at all, but became even more energetic.

Her best friend is so good, she can't be too bad, she has to work hard to practice.

However, knowing that Yan Xiangluo's parents and younger brother were here, she and Beitang Yunyu went to Jiuyuan City first, and after meeting with Yan Xiangluo's parents, they began to practice and improve their cultivation.

However, she always returns to Jiuyuan City after every experience. After all, the spiritual energy in Jiuyuan City is the richest in the entire Jiuyuan Continent. There is also the experience tower, which is what Xiang Luo left behind. How high can the ninth level of cultivation reach?

They were already a continent away from Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong in terms of cultivation strength. In order not to embarrass her best friend, she did not hesitate to improve her cultivation level.

I know that they should have gone into a secret realm to practice before they came out, and only in this way will the sound transmission stone be isolated.

 Many people have the mentality of wanting to go to Jiuchongtian as soon as possible to see what miracles Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong have created, which motivates them to practice hard.

The passages have been opened, and they can just practice by themselves. This way they still cannot go to the ninth heaven, which is too embarrassing for the emperor and his wife.

When the passage between Jiuyuan Continent and Jiuzhongtian was opened, more monks from Jiuyuan Continent were inspired to practice hard.

 This is the path they must take. Eliminating demons is the first priority. If they want their relatives, friends and even mainlanders to live a peaceful life, they must first ensure the stability and existence of the mainland.

Once you step into this place, there is no turning back.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't know this, but the power of faith in them suddenly increased, making them understand that this was the effect of the people in Jiuyuan Continent knowing that the passage was open.

 But he couldn't wait for them to come out, so he left a message for them to save them from worrying about not being able to contact them when they came out. After that, the two of them walked into the Black Spring without hesitation.

 Now there is no longer any hope of going to the Nine Heavens, but as long as your cultivation strength reaches the highest level in the High Continent, you can go to the Nine Heavens.

This is very helpful for Yan Xiangluo to suppress the demon lord. Previously, due to the reduction in the power of faith, the time to suppress the demon lord was shortened.

 For a time, people from the Nine Yuan Continent were the most diligent in cultivating among all the higher continents. So in a short period of time, the monks in Jiuyuan Continent have improved their cultivation level one after another, and at the same time, the overall strength of Jiuyuan Continent has also been improved.

The monks in Jiuyuan Continent have consciously respected Ji Jiuchong as the Human Emperor.

 The two looked at each other and smiled, knowing what the other meant, and they were both very happy.

The two of them glanced at the black spring stone tablet with inscriptions on it, and contacted Ji Zimo and Mu Changling, but they couldn't get in touch.

But before going in, Ji Jiuzhong left a mysterious pattern on the stone tablet to explain.

Inform everyone in Jiuzhongtian Continent that when they go to the Black Spring to improve their cultivation, they are also looking for spiritual objects that can suppress the demon lord. They also truthfully told the people of Jiuchongtian Continent that the Demon Lord would break through the seal within three years. This time they could only completely eliminate the Demon. It was impossible to seal the Demon Lord again.

 Don't say much else. If you say too much, they won't see it and will take it to heart. If you don't say it, let them think about it on their own, which will motivate them more. It also lets them know that eliminating demons is not a matter for the two of them, but a matter for the monks on the entire continent.

 In the face of the matter of exterminating demons, which is related to the life and death of the entire continent, other personal interests plotted by you and me are trivial matters.

The two people felt something different as soon as they walked past the stone monument. They did not look back. They had been there once and knew that they would not see anything if they turned back.

 A feeling of searching for souls appears, which is also the biggest threat to entering here.

Ji Jiuzhong held Yan Xiangluo's hand and said, "Do it little by little, don't be in a hurry."

Yan Xiangluo nodded.

Black Spring is not full of dangers as soon as you enter. The danger increases as you go deeper. Their purpose is not to die, but to experience and improve their cultivation. Therefore, they must slow down. If their cultivation strength has not been raised to the highest level, Definitely not going to the central place. That's where they originally got the sacred object.

The last life came in too hastily, and the two of them went straight to the center. Not only were they seriously injured, they almost couldn't get out.

Missed the opportunity to experience this journey, now they have time to walk slowly over it. The strength along the way is enough for them to raise their cultivation level to the highest level before the demon lord comes out.

 Half a month after they entered, someone finally discovered the mysterious pattern outside the Black Spring.

 After all, no one usually comes here. This is because some people were curious about how Black Spring came to see it, and saw such news that shocked the entire continent.

 This news immediately swept the entire Jiuchongtian Continent.

Even Ji Zimo and Mu Changling, who had just come out of the secret realm, were stunned. They already knew the Nine Heavens Continent and what kind of existence the Black Spring was.

What kind of cultivation are these two children now, and why did they get in? Didn't they die there in their previous life?

 After worrying about it, I thought that my two children would not make meaningless sacrifices, so I settled down and started to improve my cultivation.

 At the same time, he also secretly publicized what he knew about demons, and little by little it penetrated into the hearts of the people in Jiuchongtian Mainland.

 This is more stressful than the two children saying it directly.

 And what they did caused panic in the entire Jiuzhongtian Continent.

The strong men on the mainland felt very ashamed. They chased the two people for the divine beads, but the two people had such great righteousness in their hearts that they entered there again in order to save the mainland.

They knew very well that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong died in their previous lives just because they went there to retrieve the holy objects.

It can be said that the reason why more than 300 great saint-level experts were able to seal the demons in the first place of training ten thousand years ago, these two were the greatest contributors.

Without the two of them risking their lives to get the holy object, no matter how many strong men sacrificed, they would not be able to seal the demon lord.

I'm afraid that this world has turned into a world of demons thousands of years ago.

Especially those powerful men with high level of cultivation of the Great Sage. In an instant, they finally understood what was the obstacle to breaking through the cultivation level. It was the state of mind. They considered themselves cold-hearted and did not care about worldly matters, but they lacked the most important thing. The most important thing is the state of mind, which is righteousness.

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