The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1022: pregnant

Chapter 1022: Pregnant

 After the news of the demon broke out, the Jiuchongtian Continent has truly changed.

Those who have been coveting the divine beads and soul stones before have given up as long as the good intentions in their hearts have not been completely wiped out.

 Because they knew very well that these two things would play the greatest role in the hands of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong when they wanted to eliminate demons in the future.

 But some selfish people who have lost their humanity are planning how to use the appearance of the devil to get this divine bead.

 They think that as long as they get the divine beads, they are not afraid of demons, and the life and death of other people has nothing to do with them.

Cheng Kun and Meng Hejing are one of such people. The most important thing is that they feel that they are already on the opposite side of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. Coupled with what they did to her in the previous life, even if they want to reconcile with her, they will not be able to make peace with her. impossible.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo didn't know that there was a truly cruel person hidden behind all this.

This man is Jiang Chengyun, the friend that Yan Xiangluo believed to depend on for life and death in her previous life. He was also the person who tricked her the most. The holy object was almost defrauded by him at first.

At this time, he was standing outside the main hall, looking at the mist-shrouded distance. Standing next to him was a woman wearing a purple dress with a fairy spirit.

If Yan Xiangluo definitely knows him, this person is Ziyun Saint, the one from Ziyun Palace.

Sage Ziyun paused when she heard this, and reached out to touch the bracelet she had worn for more than ten thousand years, "Does it have to be like this?"

 “Cherry, what should we do now?” asked Sage Ziyun.

Hasn’t she done enough for him? , no woman would be as stupid as her, right?

 Jiang Chengyun's eyes changed instantly, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

  Looking back at Chengyun, he glanced at the lavender bracelet on the wrist of Saint Ziyun, "It seems that I can only use it."

Sage Ziyun's expression changed. He had never spoken to her in such a tone. Today was the first time. Did he poke his heart?

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left.

He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would be so determined to go directly to the Black Spring after she came back. After entering there, even if he had the means, he would have no choice but to wait for her to come out.

 But what to do?

After all, in the previous life, the divine pearl was not in Yan Xiangluo's hands. He also plotted against her, but he failed to achieve his goal in the end. She still remembers his angry look very clearly now.

If she can come out, her cultivation will definitely be beyond a level that anyone can easily reach. If she wants to achieve her goal, she can only use this bracelet.

 Sage Ziyun fumbled with the lavender bracelet on his wrist, which he had given to her. He had said at that time that as long as the bracelet was not used, it would always be hers.

  Who allowed his heart to be lost on him?

She was a little confused, did he really care about herself? If the answer is no, then what does it mean to wait for more than 10,000 years?

Is it really not the Divine Pearl that he wants?

Sage Ziyun's eyes narrowed, "Why do I think you don't want the divine beads?"

 After all, that was the first time she saw him losing his mind.

 Jiang Chengyun glanced at her, "The thing happened unexpectedly. Is there any other way to go?"

More than ten thousand years have passed. In her heart, this bracelet already belongs to her. She never thought that one day this bracelet would be used by him.

 She has always regarded this bracelet as a token of their love, but now, it seems that she is wishful thinking.

With his clothes fluttering, Saint Ziyun stood alone for a while before turning around and leaving. She always knew that he had an obsession in his heart. Now that he was in this situation, she would help him again.

This time is also the last time. After you have solved the obsession in his heart, you will know where you are in his heart. You can either get what you want happily or give up.

Thinking of the man who loved him and was willing to sacrifice his life, Saint Ziyun felt extremely complicated.

As the news of the demon spread throughout the Jiuzhongtian Continent, the direction of the continent's winds changed unpredictably. But on the surface it looks a lot quieter.

 Just some ordinary people who cannot cultivate and monks with relatively low cultivation level are a little panicked. They are worried that when the devil appears, they will be the first to die.

Therefore, people from all walks of life in the mainland are paying attention to Heiquan, mainly concerned about whether Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong will come out.

However, there has been no news about Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong who entered the Black Spring.

Time passed little by little, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

 The hearts of the mainlanders are getting heavier and heavier. Half a year has passed and there is no news about the two of them. If there is no news, it is the best news, but they don't think so in Heiquan.

 Many people think that they may have fallen.

Although they didn't say it out loud, they complained in their hearts that the two of them were ignorant of the world. They went into the black spring just after they were reborn. Wouldn't they be destined to die?

 Not everyone thinks what they think. There are always people who trust them, such as their own people.

Mu Zixian, Changfeng, Jin Yutang and the hidden guards came to Jiuchongtian Continent one after another within half a year.

When they knew that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had gone into the black spring, they did not panic or worry, but began to practice and practice in an orderly manner as before.

They are not worried that they will not be able to get out, but that their own cultivation is not improving fast enough.

 Because they knew very well that they had to improve their cultivation as much as possible before the master and his wife came out, because when they came out, the demon elimination would begin, and there would be no time for them.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had walked less than a third of the way in the black spring.

  It only took less than half an hour to cross the road in the previous life. Now we have walked for half a year, and we have only walked a third of it. This shows how dangerous it is.

Although they have walked less than a third of the way, their cultivation level has reached from the first level of the Great Sage to the fifth level of the Great Sage.

To advance to the fifth level in half a year, this was already extremely slow for them in the past. However, if you know how difficult it is to achieve the level of a great sage, you will know how scary this speed of advancement is.

 Otherwise, it would not be possible. People who have cultivated above the fifth level of the Great Sage are not young, and most of them are older than ten years old or even ten thousand years old.

What’s more, Yan Xiangluo was still a pregnant woman at this time.

That's right, soon after entering Heiquan, Yan Xiangluo found out that she was pregnant, and it was already more than two months old.

Ji Jiuzhong was very upset. He had never thought about Luoluo being pregnant.

  After all, the higher the cultivation level of a monk, the harder it is for him to have heirs. This is an eternal fact that everyone knows in any continent.

  Why does it not work when we get to them?

  After all, they were so cultivated when they got married that it was almost impossible to have children of their own. Neither of them thought they would have a child.

This is also the reason why Yan Xiangluo didn't notice it even though he was a miracle doctor himself.

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