The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1023: not one

 Chapter 1023 Not one

And after they left Jiuyuan Continent, they had been very busy, and Yan Xiangluo didn't notice that her menstrual period had not come.

 With her level of cultivation, it is normal for her not to have menstrual periods.

When she first learned that Luoluo was pregnant, Ji Jiuzhong was confused. When she came to her senses, she wanted her to go into the Pangu space to practice and raise the fetus. It would be safe. After all, they were in the black spring, the most dangerous place on the mainland, and could be there at any time. Danger to life.

 But he was rejected by Yan Xiangluo.

 The reason is simple, they have no time to delay.

If you go into the Pangu space to raise a baby, you will have to give birth to the baby eight months later at the earliest before you can continue to experience it.

 But it has been less than three years since the Demon Lord broke through the seal, so they had no time to delay.

 The final reason to persuade Ji Jiuzhong was that if she was not strong enough as a mother, even if she gave birth to her children safely, how could she protect them from growing up?

 How can their children live happily without a peaceful living space?

In addition, Yan Xiangluo did not have any symptoms during pregnancy. If it were not for the fact that she sensed the breath of life, she would not have discovered that she was pregnant.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo deeply realized the benefits of having the legendary divine pearl to increase his cultivation speed. Indeed, the speed and ease of cultivation are many times faster than others.

 Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong's experience has added another test, which is to always pay attention to Luoluo's safety.

Not only were they worried about her safety, but the most important issue was that this was the Black Spring and there was no one else except them. Where could they go to find the midwife who would deliver the baby? What would Luo Luo do if there was no midwife?

 He has never experienced anything like this, and no matter how smart he is, he will never deliver a baby. Therefore, as her belly grew bigger and bigger, he became more and more worried, and recently he could no longer hide his emotions.

Although the child came suddenly, although there were surprises and more shocks, Ji Jiuzhong was looking forward to the arrival of the child. This was his and Luoluo's child, something he had never dared to think about. He was looking forward to having a child like Luoluo. My daughter, how happy it would be to hold a soft and waxy daughter in my arms.

 Just like this, Yan Xiangluo practices during the day, and takes time to rest in the Pangu space at night and absorb the Pangu breath in the space. This is good for the development of the fetus.

“Jiuzhong, have you encountered any problems in your practice recently?” Yan Xiangluo looked at him doubtfully.

 Although he has encountered many dangers since he came in, and has been on the verge of life and death every time, he has never been so worried. Why is he often frowning recently?

  Could it be that you have encountered some bottleneck in your cultivation state of mind?

Even so, as her belly grew bigger day by day, Ji Jiuzhong became more and more worried.

Although her training time was not as long as Ji Jiuzhong's, nor was it as intense as his training, she was not left behind by Ji Jiuzhong's advancement in cultivation.

He has never expressed this worry, but Yan Xiangluo noticed that he had been frowning involuntarily recently, as if he was worried about something, so she couldn't help but ask.

You must know that Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation talent and speed are already monster-like. However, her training time is one-third less than Ji Jiuzhong's and the intensity is half less, but she can maintain the same level as him and break through and advance.

It can be seen how amazing the speed of cultivation is after possessing the divine beads.

Ji Jiuzhong could only compromise and agreed to her continued training, but he also said that if she felt any discomfort or her life was in danger, she would immediately go to Pangu Space to rest.

Ji Jiuzhong helped her sit down on a stone, took out the washed spiritual fruit and handed it to her. Yan Xiangluo took it and ate it.

Although her cultivation level is enough to enable her to raise her children well without eating human grains.

However, Yan Xiangluo insists on supplementing enough nutrients every day, which are foods rich in spiritual energy. She said that they should let their children experience the joy of tasting delicious food.

Ji Jiuzhong did not refute her, but he felt in his heart that it was not the child who could eat it by himself, so there was no joy in tasting delicious food.

But he didn't dare to say this. Whether the pregnant woman had a reaction or not, but she still had the mood that often changes suddenly.

 In this case, Ji Jiuchong felt guilty for letting her get pregnant, so he did his best to take care of Luoluo's safety and emotions.

Now that his worries were seen by Luoluo, he didn't hide it from her.

“Luo Luo will give birth in less than two months, but there is no Wen Po here, what will we do then?” Ji Jiuzhong expressed his worries in the past few months.

The reason why he said it was because he really couldn't think of a way. Luoluo was an alchemist and had strong medical skills, so maybe there was a way.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, then smiled, took a bite of the spirit fruit and said, "Is this what you are worried about?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the heartless smiling man and said helplessly, "This is the most difficult thing I have ever encountered in my previous life."

Yan Xiangluo's smile became even brighter when she heard this. This was the first time in her life that she saw Ji Jiuzhong's helpless look.

Ji Jiuzhong hugged the person lovingly, "Why are you laughing?"

“You have forgotten what I do, does the miracle doctor know?” Yan Xiangluo held back her smile and said to him.

Ji Jiuzhong touched her swollen belly and said, "Doctors don't heal themselves, don't you know?"

Yan Xiangluo put her hand on his slender hand and felt the little life in her belly together, "I am a great sage. Things that ordinary women encounter during childbirth will not happen here. As long as the time is up, the child will Don’t worry if the birth goes smoothly, nothing will happen to you, the baby and I will be safe and healthy.”

Ji Jiuzhong was still unsure after hearing this. He was worried that Luo Luo had no solution to the matter, so he deliberately said this to comfort him.

But he didn’t say anything more.

"We will give birth in less than two months. Let's not practice for now. We will go to Pangu space to rest and recuperate. Luoluo can also have more time and prepare more. When Luoluo gives birth safely and recovers, we will continue to practice." Ji Jiuzhong changed. topic.

 He wanted Luoluo to refine some elixirs to deal with situations that occurred during production.

She is a miracle doctor after all, and the god-level elixir she refines can bring people back to life. It should be able to cope with emergencies.

 He can bear any outcome, but he cannot accept losing her.

Yan Xiangluo originally planned to do this. After all, the belly was scary. Although the child was very well-behaved, she could no longer take risks.

Looking at Ji Jiuchong's nervous and worried look, he was secretly glad that he knew he was pregnant at that time and did not truthfully tell him that he was not pregnant with a baby.

But who has the most trump cards? She is not afraid of having more babies. It has been more than eight months, and she has taken good care of them. Not only that, he also didn’t fall behind in his cultivation advancement.

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