The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1024: Have an intuition

Chapter 1024: I have an intuition

  People sometimes describe geniuses as saying that they started practicing in their mother’s womb. This is really the case with her baby, who was able to absorb spiritual energy on his own when he was still a little bean sprout.

 So much so that she was absorbing spiritual energy all the time.

By the time things came to fruition, she was already looking forward to how powerful her baby would be.

But since their father is so worried, she won’t tell him yet and will give him a surprise when the time comes.

Fortunately, she didn't tell Ji Jiuchong that what he was carrying was not a baby. Otherwise, no matter how many reasons he had, he wouldn't have been able to practice this for half a year.

And Ji Jiuzhong really didn't know anything about this matter. Therefore, although he could sense the breath of life in her belly, he didn't know that it was not a breath of life at all. He thought it was because Luoluo absorbed the breath of Pangu in the Pangu space. Children were better than others. The fetus needs to be strong.

“Well, it’s time to take a good rest and prepare for the arrival of the child.” Yan Xiangluo finished eating the spirit fruit and didn’t waste the core. She threw it directly into the portable space of her previous life and planted it.

In the past few months, she has developed a habit and started to take good care of her original portable space. After a few months, the space has changed a lot from before.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and pulled Ji Jiuzhong into Pangu space.

Today they are still living in the converted bedroom from the practice room prepared by their master Deng Changze, but it was just rearranged by Ji Jiuzhong.

However, since they knew that there was going to be a little master, they were planning to wait until the little master was born to transform into a human form and take care of the little masters on his behalf.

It doesn’t take much time for him to refine the cradle anyway. Let’s refine it when the time comes!

 Now in the Pangu space, except for the bedroom and kitchen where she lives, all her other belongings have been taken to the portable space of her previous life.

Ji Jiuzhong also made a cradle, which is a magical tool that can care for the baby independently.

She plans to give birth to her child here, and as long as Pangu Space still exists, the child will be raised here.

As soon as the two of them came in, the mythical beasts were the first to gather around. They all looked at Yan Xiangluo's belly curiously, feeling the breath of the little masters in her belly.

Since she knew she was pregnant, Yan Xiangluo started to prepare the clothes, mats, quilts and other things the child would need when she came in to rest as long as she had energy.

Yan Xiangluo was hesitant to speak at that time. She wanted to tell him that it was not enough, but she was worried that if she told him, he would be more worried about her own health, so she endured it and did not say anything.

 This is an instinct. She feels that it is not long before she says goodbye to Pangu Space.

 In fact, all five of them could sense that it was not a baby inside, but they thought Ji Jiuzhong knew about it, so they never said that this was how the misunderstanding arose.

Yan Xiangluo envied the little ones in her belly. This cultivation environment started when they were reincarnated.

 The reason why they still live here is because the Pangu atmosphere here is not only good for their cultivation, but also good for their children.

 Those like them who spend all day cultivating in Pangu’s breath don’t even have to think about it.

 The five beasts have now regained their strongest strength, and they can all transform. However, they have a tacit understanding that they have not transformed, and they still maintain the form of spiritual beasts.

 Let alone the fetus now, even those aristocratic families do not have the strength to find the spiritual energy with Pangu's aura to practice.

After eating so many abyss wandering insects, the black dumplings took three months to digest and absorb, and now they have returned to small black dumplings. Quietly nestled on the space stone milk, motionless.

Yan Xiangluo still doesn’t know what it is.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo comes in, Zhetian will come to her side, release the power of life, and help her raise the child in her belly. Wushuang asked Yan Xiangluo to prepare a box for it that would not reveal its aura, and put all its Yuanzhu into it, saying it was a meeting gift for its little masters.

Even Wuji likes to hang around her now.

Ji Jiuzhong ignored the spiritual pets surrounding her and went directly to the kitchen to prepare spiritual energy ingredients.

Although he really wanted to cook for Luoluo, he didn't have the ability. Any food Luoluo eats must be spiritual food without any impurities, so as not to leave any bad influence on the child.

Yan Xiangluo was lying on the rocking chair outside the door, rocking gently, feeling the meticulous care of her spiritual pets.

 This was refined by Jiuchong for her. She didn’t need to use any force, just her thoughts, and the rocking chair would rock according to her wishes.

The fragrance falling into Dantian independently absorbs the Pangu breath in the Pangu space, nourishing the children.

She placed her hands gently on her belly, feeling the vigorous and powerful breath of the children, and a loving light appeared on her face that she was not even aware of.

Ji Jiuzhong made all preparations and saw a scene like this when he came out.

This is what he sees every day recently, and it is also the happiness he longs for in his heart. It’s just that this happiness would be better if it were placed in ordinary times.

 “Luoluo, everything is ready.”

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes to look at him, her almond-shaped eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons, "Wait a moment and then do it again."

The brilliant man in front of her had taught her things that she had never done in her previous life, and that she had never even bothered to spend time doing.

Yan Xiangluo felt warm in her heart and became more determined, determined to protect this happiness.

Ji Jiuzhong sat down on the chair next to her. There were tea cups, spiritual fruits, and some food on the table next to her.

 He poured two cups of spiritual tea, one for each of them. After taking a sip of tea, he said, "Luoluo, is there anything wrong with Pangu Space?"

 He found that all the things belonging to Luoluo in Pangu space were sent bit by bit by her to the space she carried with her in her previous life. Even part of the large medicinal field where she planted it was removed by her.

When he came in every day recently, he also discovered that the power of Luoluo's spiritual consciousness was acting on the mountains in the distance, where there were various spiritual stone veins.

He was certain that some of these spirit stone veins had been removed by Luoluo. Although not much, he felt that Luoluo was making preparations.

 Such obvious actions and behaviors would make it impossible for Ji Jiuchong to avoid them.

Yan Xiangluo looked into the distance and did not hide anything from him, "I have an intuition that Pangu Space will not belong to me forever, and this feeling is getting clearer and clearer."

With just one sentence, Yan Xiangluo let Ji Jiuzhong understand that she was preparing to leave Pangu Space.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't ask any more questions. He believed in Luoluo's intuition. What's more, Luoluo also had the aura of the strongest heavenly master in the mainland. Her feeling was definitely not wrong.

Feng Yan narrowed her eyes. If Pangu space will not belong to Luoluo forever and will definitely leave, then in what way will the space leave?

 Will it hurt Luoluo?

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