The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1026: Where is our daughter?

Chapter 1026 Where is my daughter?

There was obvious fatigue in Yan Xiangluo's voice.

Ordinary mothers take a long time to give birth, which naturally consumes a lot of energy and physical strength. She only spent half a quarter of an hour. No matter how strong her cultivation level is, it does not mean that her body is not weak.

On the contrary, she consumes a lot of mental and spiritual energy. After all, she wants the child to be born safely, not just to make the birth process fast.

Yan Xiangluo's words suddenly woke up Ji Jiuzhong. He quickly carried the bamboo bucket to the bed and said incoherently, "So fast?"

Although he has never experienced a woman giving birth, he also knows that when a woman gives birth to a child, she has to go through **** once, and the torment will take a long time.

How come he just went out to boil some water and gave birth to the child in the blink of an eye?

 He had an unreal feeling.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "Do you think my reputation as a miracle doctor is in vain? Besides, what is my level of cultivation?"

She was pregnant with three babies. If the normal delivery did not kill her, she just used her life force to give birth to the three babies quickly. During the period, she used mental power to control and spiritual power to assist.

 Besides, she is a heavenly master. How could she not choose a good time to be born?

The child's umbilical cord has been taken care of by Yan Xiangluo. Ji Jiuzhong only needs to clean the child and wrap it up.

You can imagine how complicated Ji Jiuzhong's mood is at this time, but he is a little in a hurry right now. The child is so young that he doesn't know where to start.

 There is no other choice when she has no choice. Since she can choose the time and date of her child's birth, she naturally wants to give her child a perfect birth date.

Ji Jiuzhong said distressedly, "Look at the sweat on your head. Take a rest quickly. I'll take care of the child."

The tired Yan Xiangluo was speechless and raised her eyelids, "Our daughter hasn't found us yet."

Ji Jiuzhong first carried Yan Xiangluo to their bed inside, covered her with a quilt and let her rest, and then went to see the children.

It is almost impossible for normal monks to have children at their level of cultivation. They have never thought about having a child.

Even so, his hands were trembling. He always thought that his wife had one child in her belly. How could she give birth to three children?

 But the fact is that things that would be as difficult as ascending to heaven with other monks are accomplished unexpectedly here, not only three at a time.

He suddenly woke up, opened his bag and looked under the quilt in disbelief, and then said with a horrified look on his face, "Luoluo, where is our daughter?"

Ji Jiuzhong, who was still a little out of shape at this time, wanted to get so much from him.

Yan Xiangluo didn't want Ji Jiuzhong to see her in a mess, mainly because she didn't want him to worry. Therefore, she had used her spiritual power to clean herself up. She threw the dirty clothes on the ground and wore clean clothes. clothes.

  She had known for a long time that the child would be born on this day. After all, the child is in her belly, and her spiritual power, mental energy and vitality are very strong. It is not difficult to make the child grow up as soon as possible.

 Finally, he cleaned and wrapped all three children. The children were comfortable and stopped crying, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

She was also very helpless. She was born with three babies, but none of them was the daughter Ji Jiuchong expected. Yes, the three babies were all boys.

Ji Jiuzhong was severely shocked. The daughter he had been waiting for for so long hadn't come yet? How is it possible? None of the three is a daughter?

Ji Jiuzhong confirmed again and wrapped up the quilt again in despair, and then put the child into the cradle he made. Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that this cradle could be either big or small. It was quite spacious for three babies to lie in one cradle. It was indeed a magical artifact.

Ji Jiuzhong pushed the cradle to the bedside with a disappointed heart, letting Yan Xiangluo rest at ease. He then went to clean up the delivery bed and the dirty clothes that Yan Xiangluo had taken off.

Seeing the blood on the delivery bed and the blood on the clothes on the floor, Ji Jiuzhong's hands were still a little unruly. When had Luoluo ever suffered such a big crime? She had never shed so much blood even when she was injured.

If you don’t have a daughter, then you don’t have one. We can’t let Luoluo suffer anymore.

Compared with Luoluo, a daughter is not that important. Ji Jiuzhong knows what he wants most.

 My mood gradually calmed down.

After cleaning up, the **** smell in the house also dissipated. Ji Jiuzhong sat by the bed and looked at his wife, who was sleeping soundly, and then at his three sons, who were sleeping soundly. It was as if he was in a dream.

When Luoluo was pregnant before, every time she came into the Pangu space, the spiritual energy would automatically flow towards her. However, Ji Jiuzhong found that after the birth of the child, the speed and amount of the spiritual energy in the Pangu space flowing into the room were much stronger, especially It’s the Pangu aura that seems to be getting stronger.

 It has reached a level that he cannot ignore.

 After all, such rich and powerful spiritual energy and Pangu aura were surging around him, it was impossible to ignore them.

I saw that not only my daughter-in-law was absorbing spiritual energy, but my three sons were also absorbing spiritual energy. Although I knew that Luoluo had consumed too much spiritual energy and absorbed spiritual energy to regain strength, I still wondered why the Pangu aura in this Pangu space suddenly became stronger?

 After sensing it carefully, I found that the three sons absorbed Pangu's aura faster than their mother.

Ji Jiuzhong finally calmed down. His sons were going against the will of heaven. They began to absorb spiritual energy and practice since they were born. They still had spiritual energy with a strong Pangu aura.

Now it is still so crazy to absorb the ancient atmosphere of Pan, it is impossible to want ordinary.

 It is not surprising to think that they began to absorb Pangu's spiritual energy from the moment they were reborn in their mother's womb.

I have to admit that my sons are really good at reincarnation.

 With his and Luoluo's heaven-defying talents, coupled with the heaven-defying training environment, Ji Jiuzhong was looking forward to how unparalleled the practice of these three boys would be in the future.

The five Yun Tuan, Wu Shuang, Wu Zhi, and Zhe Tian were all anxious outside. They had all heard the cries of their little masters, so why weren't they allowed in to take a look?

Yan Xiangluo slept all day and all night, but the three children did not sleep for that long. During this time, they had diarrhea, pee, and were hungry. Ji Jiuzhong was in a hurry.

Although Yan Xiangluo had told him what to do before, he was still at a loss as there were three children.

 Five of the clouds turned into human forms, especially Suzaku, who turned into a woman, which was a great help.

The reason why he didn't disturb Fan Xiangluo was because Ji Jiuzhong used the mysterious pattern on the bed where Fan Xiangluo slept to isolate the sound, so that Fan Xiangluo couldn't hear the child's crying. It does not affect her ability to rest and recover.

However, Ji Jiuzhong found that the three children were actually easy to take care of. As long as they didn't pee, poop, weren't hungry, and were well-behaved, they would just sleep soundly.

 While sleeping, I am absorbing spiritual energy.

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