The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1027: who is the boss

Chapter 1027 Who is the boss?

Ji Jiuzhong also discovered that none of his three sons wanted to eat because they were hungry. After all, they absorbed so much spiritual power that they could live well without eating.

 Eating is mainly a matter of habit.

 Because he discovered that the time when children are hungry falls during the eating time during pregnancy. They are used to eating at this time.

 The three children ate the juice of the spiritual fruit that Yan Xiangluo had prepared before. It was refined by her. It was not just a spiritual fruit, it was very nutritious.

Therefore, when Yan Xiangluo woke up, Ji Jiuzhong also understood the pattern of the children's crying and knew how often to feed them.

With the help of Yun Tuan and the other five, there will be no chaos.

After Yan Xiangluo woke up, most of her cultivation had recovered, and her physical fatigue and weakness were gone.

"Is it still uncomfortable there?" Ji Jiuzhong asked softly when he saw that she was awake.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, more than half of her spiritual power has been recovered. In one day, nothing will happen."

Ji Jiuzhong quickly held her down as she was about to get up, "Then you should also take a good rest. Everyone has to stay in bed for a month to recuperate, and Luoluo is no exception."

So he changed the subject and said, "Do you know who is the boss, who is the second child, and who is the third child?"

 Immediately, he took out one of the recovery pills that Yan Xiangluo had refined before and fed it to her.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She didn't know her own body yet, but when she saw Ji Jiuzhong's worried eyes, she didn't say anything. He would just get used to it in a few days.

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "How did you know?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The one with the red bracelet on his wrist is the boss, the purple one is the second child, and the gold bracelet is the third child."

  She knows the effect of the elixir she refined very well. One elixir can indeed help her recover quickly. If eating it can make Ji Jiuchong feel at ease, then just eat it, it won't do her any harm anyway.

There is no way, he is not a spiritual chef, and he knows that Luoluo likes delicious food. In the black spring, there is no place to buy spiritual food. He can only let Luoluo cook some when he is comfortable. He uses Xuanwen to preserve it. How does it look like when he makes it? , that’s what it looks like when you eat it now.

Ji Jiuchong felt extremely guilty. Luoluo had been so hard from pregnancy to delivery, and she had to prepare almost everything by herself.

After all, it was their first time to experience such a thing. They could give birth to a child so smoothly without any elders or experienced people around. Yan Xiangluo knew that although she had the blessing of her medical skills and cultivation strength, it was also their luck. good.

Ji Jiuzhong took out the confinement meal he had asked Luoluo to prepare before, heated it with spiritual power and fed it to her.

Yu Xiangluo didn't say anything and just took the elixir obediently.

 If this was outside, she would never have to worry about it.

Although Yan Xiangluo's delivery was short and smooth, Ji Jiuchong thought it was a dream, but he noticed her weak appearance yesterday and insisted on giving Luo Luo a confinement period.

You must know that the two of them usually do not rely on elixirs. It can be seen that Ji Jiuzhong was very worried when he asked her to take an elixir when Yu Xiangluo was well.

Although she asked Ji Jiuchong to refine these three bracelets, she did not say they were for children, nor did she tell him which color they should wear for the elderly. After all, he always thought that there was a child in her belly. How could he? Is your guess so accurate?

“The order of colors Luoluo asked me to tell in the refining room was the ranking of the three brothers.” Ji Jiuzhong glanced at his three sons who were sleeping soundly.

 Thinking that Luo Luo had not told him that he was pregnant with three children, he felt even more guilty. He must have been too restless and too nervous to let Luo Luo hide that he was pregnant with three children. Thinking about it now, although I have never experienced it, I have seen other pregnant women. The belly of a pregnant woman who is pregnant with a child is not as big as Luoluo.

 It turns out that caring leads to chaos.

After Yan Xiangluo had eaten, the children woke up, and she immediately said coquettishly, "Jiuchong, I haven't hugged the children yet."

She told the truth. Although she delivered the children herself, he only took care of the umbilical cords of the children. Ji Jiuzhong came back without holding the children.

Ji Jiuzhong wanted to refuse, but when he saw her expectant eyes, he pushed the cradle over, picked up the eldest child and put it in her arms, "Just give him a hug. There will be plenty of time to hold him when he recovers."

Yan Xiangluo also knew that she couldn't ask for too much now, so Ji Jiuzhong nodded like a frightened bird.

"I'll give it a hug." Yan Xiangluo knew that she couldn't feed her child like a normal mother. After all, her time was limited. She had to continue to practice and improve her cultivation after she recovered, so she felt a little guilty in her heart.

 This is also the reason why she refined so much spiritual juice in advance.

Although the spirit juice juice contains a lot of nutrients and aura, which is better than breast milk, Yan Xiangluo feels that she has treated her child badly.

 After becoming a mother, she truly realized how she felt when her parents had to leave, and when she saw her again, no matter how much she did for her, she could not make up for the guilt in her heart.

When Yun Tuan and the others came in at the right time, they saw Yan Xiangluo holding the child and Ji Jiuzhong feeding them spiritual juice.

 Much better than when they were fed.

 They know that the child is so well-behaved because he senses the mother's breath and feels at ease.

Even Ji Jiuzhong was puzzled.

It was not surprising for Yan Xiangluo to see five transformed creatures. After all, he had seen them transformed in his previous life. Their appearance in this life has not changed.

Precisely because of their existence, Yan Xiangluo did not worry at all that taking care of the children would affect her experience and improvement.

Although Yan Xiangluo's body had fully recovered on the second day, she rested for another ten days at Ji Jiuzhong's request.

Until Ji Jiuzhong was sure that her body had indeed recovered to what it was before giving birth, the two of them left the child to Yun Tuan and the others to take care of them, and they went out to continue their training.

  After starting the experience this time, their difficulty became stronger. After all, the deeper they went into the Black Spring, the greater the danger. At first, they would go in to see the children every two days, but later they would only have time to visit them every ten days.

Just like that, a year has passed, and the three children are already running all over the ground. With their skillful energy, it is obvious that they did not learn to walk just now.

 Yes, at eight months, three children will be gone.

Yun Tuan and the other five looked a little confused. The main reason was that the three children were too naughty. They were only one year old, but they were extremely smart and had a good understanding of each other. They knew each other's intentions just by looking at each other. It was calculated by the three of them.

 Hence, what the two of them saw every time they entered the space was a lively scene.

“Mother.” When the three children saw the two people coming in, they all rushed towards Yan Xiangluo.

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