The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1028: smart baby

Chapter 1028 The smart kid

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. Why did his three sons not seem to see him as their father every time he came back?

Yan Xiangluo knelt down happily, stretched out her hands and hugged her three sons into her arms, kissed each of them on the forehead, and then said, "You are naughty again."

“No, we are very good.” The three children said in unison.

The flickering eyes would be more believable if they didn't flicker.

The three babies not only walked early, but also talked early. They were only one year old and could already speak very clearly.

Although the three babies are triplets, they don’t look alike and each has its own characteristics.

The boss’s facial features resemble Ji Jiuchong’s, especially his phoenix eyes, which are exactly the same as Ji Jiuchong’s. Although the second child's eyes are like Ji Jiuchong's, his other facial features are like Yu Xiangluo's, so he has a completely different temperament from his eldest brother. The third child's face looks like a copy of Juan Xiangluo's, and looks more like their uncle Juan Anluo.

Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong prefers the third child who looks like Luoluo. Looking at the smaller version of Luoluo, although he is the male version of Xiaoluoluo, the child is now smaller, longer and tender, and looks more like a girl. Ji Jiuzhong is The third child has a feeling of realizing his daughter's dream.

Yan Xiangluo also saw that he liked the third child more, and reminded him not to be partial, as it would hurt the boss and the second child.

 Although you have many children, you will always have your favorites, but you can’t go too far.

Today, three children flew apart in space to find their parents.

This made the five people in the crying cloud group unable to use force and could only chase them. If there weren't so many of them, they wouldn't be able to catch them.

Therefore, after Yan Xiangluo got close to her sons, Ji Jiuzhong reached out and picked up the three sons together, spun them around a few times, made the three babies laugh, and then put them down.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xiangluo looked at the five people and asked.

Haven’t you seen the children’s happy expressions when they came back? This is the child’s happiness. Both parents love them very much.

Yun Tuan hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth, "Master, the three young masters are looking for the masters everywhere today, saying that they want to practice with you."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Yun Tuan and the other five who were breathing a sigh of relief, and raised her eyebrows. Something was wrong today. What kind of strength did Yun Tuan and the others have? How could the three children have such expressions?

They have no idea that their parents are no longer in the dimension, nor do they know that the place they are in is their mother's portable dimension. They think that they are in the same dimension, but they are just farther away.

It seems that the three children are not generally naughty, otherwise Yun Tuan and the others would not show such relieved expressions.

Ji Jiuzhong is very obedient. How could he let his son go through the experiences he had in his previous life? Besides, they are all his own sons, so he naturally likes them.

 So they thought they could find their parents by flying far away.

 This is something that she and Ji Jiuzhong have longed for in their past and present lives.

Yun Tuan was not bragging at all when he said he was looking for masters everywhere. The three little masters started practicing in their mother's womb and were able to fly in the air after they were born.

  The two of them had a close relationship with their parents in their previous lives. In this life, although Yan Xiangluo was loved by her parents, reality also separated them. Therefore, she wanted their children to grow up happily under the love of their parents.

 This also has the help of Zhetian, Wushuang and Wuji.

 It’s not like this today, it’s been a few days, and their mental state can no longer bear it.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect it to be like this. To be honest, the three children were too young, and she never thought that they would have such a thoughtful mind. But since they have such thoughts, they will not stop until they achieve their goal. As a mother, she naturally knows this very well.

 The intelligence of the three children was formed during the fetal period. Their current IQ is equivalent to that of a six- or seven-year-old child. They are very smart.

 Don’t treat them like one-year-old children.

After Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Do you want to go out to practice with your parents?"

  The three cute babies’ raised little heads immediately nodded in unison, “I want to go.”

Ji Jiuzhong did not dampen their enthusiasm, nor did he say anything. They were too young to go out for training.

Ji Jiuzhong squatted down, trying not to let his sons raise their necks to look at him. They were not tired, but he was tired for them just by looking at him.

Ji Jiuzhong explained patiently, "The place you are staying in now is your mother's personal space. This is the world that belongs to your mother. You can follow her wherever she goes. The place where your father and your mother went out to practice. The environment outside is very bad, I can take you out to have a look.”

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well how smart his sons were. Even though they were only one year old, they had little brains and couldn't be fooled.

 Instead of persuading them, it is better to take them out and let them experience it for themselves.

Yan Xiangluo was actually opposed to it. After all, she knew very well what was going on outside. They were already very close to the worst place in Black Spring, the place where they obtained the sacred object in their previous life.

Although the children have been practicing since they were still in their mother's womb, no matter how powerful and evil they are, they are still little babies just one year old. She is worried that she will not be able to protect them well when she goes out.

Ji Jiuzhong naturally knew her worries and gave her a wink to reassure her.

Yan Xiangluo pursed her lower lip and swallowed back her objections. Ji Jiuzhong was their biological father, so he would naturally put their safety first.

Ji Jiuzhong put the eldest child into Yan Xiangluo's arms, and he picked up the second and third children one by one.

 Then he said to Yan Xiangluo, "Just go out and leave it to me later."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and held her eldest son tightly in her arms.

The three cute kids were extremely excited. They only knew they were going out with their parents and had no idea what they were about to face.

The couple left Pangu Space with their children in their arms. As soon as they exited, a strong coercion hit them. The three children immediately nestled tightly into their arms and became motionless.

The dark space outside looked scary, and the terrifying pressure that made them breathless made them all confused.

What is this place?

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The oppressive power you feel now is nine-tenths of it blocked by my father with the isolation mysterious pattern. It is as powerful as ten of your fingers. Now it is only as big as one finger. You still have to come out and experience it with your father and mother." ?"

 The three sons were speechless, but their three little hands waved vigorously to indicate that they would not come out.

Ji Jiuzhong then took them back to the space.

The feeling of oppression immediately disappeared as soon as they returned. The three cute babies were still in their arms for a long time without coming back to their senses. When they came back to their senses, they hugged their parents tightly and did not let go.

They were worried. In such an environment, parents would stay for so long every time they went out. What if something happened?

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