The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1029: Alternative parenting

 Chapter 1029: Another way to teach children

Ji Jiuchong sat down with her child in her arms, and Yan Xiangluo also sat down next to her husband with her eldest child in her arms.

Ji Jiuzhong patted his sons on the back, "The outside world is not exactly like this. The place where normal people live is still very good. Parents shoulder the heavy responsibility of exterminating demons, and they must use this cruel method to become stronger as quickly as possible. , Only in this way can we protect the continental space where we live and allow you to grow up freely, healthily and happily.”

The three children are still too young, and they cannot accept too many truths. Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "When your parents' cultivation reaches the highest level in this continent, I can take you out of here and take you to see your grandfather and grandmother. And my uncle."

The three children understood after hearing these words. If they stayed here and waited for their parents, they would be able to leave the scary place outside early and see the grandfather, grandmother and uncle their parents mentioned.

 Then the three cute kids said in unison, "We will be good."

Ji Jiuzhong rubbed the soft hair of his sons and said, "This space belongs to you, mother. You can play as much as you like without restraint. As long as you don't leave here, you can play whatever you want."

He just wanted his sons to know that not everything is safe, so that they would have a sense of self-protection from an early age, and he did not want to restrict his sons' childish nature.

He wanted his sons to have everything he didn't have when he was a child.

The eldest son lay in his mother's arms and asked dully, "Dad, what do we want to do to our parents?"

Not to mention the soft attachment to her son, not even Ji Jiuzhong could resist it. Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and said to the children, "Ask your mother to open the space permissions to you, so that you can use it at any time." I can see my parents, but they are worried about scaring you."

 The three cute kids immediately cheered up, "We won't be scared."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything. He asked them to tell them if he was scared enough to see them. He didn't want his sons to grow up in a warm nest. Since they were so thoughtful, let them know from now on that their parents would know every day. What are you going through?

Yan Xiangluo wanted to object, but thinking about the way her father taught her when she was a child, she didn't say anything.

 Strong flowers cannot be raised in a greenhouse, and their sons are destined to be anything but ordinary, so it is much better to let them know the cruelty of the world from now on than to let them know it again when they go out and suffer setbacks.

Seeing her sons become energetic again, Yan Xiangluo felt that she was at a disadvantage when it came to teaching her sons.

Yan Xiangluo handed over her sons to Ji Jiuzhong, and she went to the kitchen to cook delicious food for the children.

 My child is different from a normal one-year-old child and can eat a lot of complementary foods. Therefore, every time she comes back, she will cook some delicious food for the children.

Yan Xiangluo feels a sense of accomplishment every time she sees the children happily eating.

 Besides, the delicacies made by her are easy to digest and have no impurities. No matter how much the children eat, it will not be harmful.

The family of four sits at the table and enjoys the reunion dinner warmly. This is a scene that happens every time they come back, and it is also the children’s favorite time.

 After eating, I played with the children for a while. It was getting dark, and it was the same in the space. The three children had to sleep normally every day.

They would also take a nap during the day. When they were away, Yun Tuan and the others would arrange the nap time. Because Yan Xiangluo had said it in front of the children in advance, the three children were very cooperative and took a nap. There was nothing naughty about it.

 Because my mother said, sleep well and eat well so that you can grow up quickly.

Looking at the children sleeping sweetly, Yan Xiangluo nestled in Ji Jiuchong's arms, enjoying the rare happiness and tranquility.

The **** storm outside and the peace and tranquility inside formed a huge contrast. If the two of them hadn't had strong spiritual consciousness, they would have become mentally ill.

However, the two of them didn't stay long. They stayed with the child for a while and then left the space to continue their experience. The permissions of the space, Yan Xiangluo, are open to all their spiritual pets. One is to facilitate their entry and exit, and the other is to allow them to leave Pangu Space as quickly as possible when they want to leave her.

Hence, when Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong left, Yun Tuan and the others knew about it, because as soon as they left, it was no longer quiet outside.

Looking at the masters outside who were working hard to practice, Yun Tuan and the others sighed. All they can do now is take good care of the young masters and let the two masters practice without any distractions.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong's current cultivation levels have reached the eighth level of the Great Sage.

It took them one year to advance to the third level. It can be seen that the higher the level of the Great Sage's cultivation level, the harder it is to improve.

But they don't know yet that the cultivation level of their great sages is different from that of the great sages of the same level outside.

 The big gap is, of course, between the people outside and them.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the solid black shadows. The further they walked in, the more such souls they encountered.

They are all black and can drip as black as ink. This shows how seriously these soul bodies have been blackened and how long they have existed.

 This is also the main reason why they were lost here in their previous life.

These black soul bodies are very powerful. Even if Yan Xiangluo has a strong Celestial Master strength, he cannot face so many black soul bodies.

Looking at the black souls coming in the distance, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong began to practice in preparation.

These soul bodies cannot be killed, but their power can be consumed. This is also how they improve their cultivation.

 It's just that every battle is a battle with the God of Death. These black souls will not show mercy to them. Once they encounter them, they will fight to the death.

 In a moment, the two of them were already in a state of embarrassment.

 In the Pangu space, the three cute babies woke up. When they saw that their parents were not around, they knew that they had gone out to practice again.

 A little frustrated, suddenly the eyes of the three cute children lit up, and they could see their parents.

What do you think?

 When they think this way, it’s as if their eyes can see through and they can see the scene outside.

 But when they saw the scene outside, they were so shocked that they stopped making any move.

 Did your parents experience this?


What are those things and why are they so scary?

 Scarier than what their parents saw yesterday when they took them out?

Yun Tuan and the others sensed that the three little masters had woken up, so they came in, and then saw their dazed looks.

White Tiger was about to step forward, but Suzaku stopped him and motioned for them to wait for a while.

The three young masters are watching their father and mother fight. Let them watch. Only when they understand the cruelty outside will they know how difficult it is for their father and mother. Let them know that it is not easy to improve their cultivation.

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