The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1030: Want to be called by name

 Chapter 1030: Call your name

Because of the unique opportunities, the three young masters were reborn well, their parents were powerful, and they had the only resources for cultivation in the world. Therefore, they did not encounter any difficulties on the road of cultivation.

Even ordinary children don’t have the process of awakening their spiritual roots. They have already awakened their spiritual roots in their mothers’ wombs.

 Therefore, they usually regard cultivation as a game, just like playing. I never thought about how difficult cultivation is.

Now let them see through the experience of their parents who they admire, what kind of price they have to pay to gain strong cultivation strength, and let them face the matter of cultivation correctly.

How could Ji Jiuzhong not know about his sons' problems? This is why he took them out to experience it for himself, and why he easily let his sons see them outside.

 His decision soon proved to be the right one.

The three children watched like this for an hour. They didn't see their parents taking a break. Instead, they became more and more embarrassed.

At this time, they finally realized that it turned out that their parents had been practicing like this before they came back. Cultivation was not what they imagined, just absorbing spiritual energy and converting it into spiritual power. Instead, they needed to fight those terrifying things. .

The triplets' tacit understanding made them all look at their little hands, and then at the terrifying things outside. They thought that their parents were so powerful, but they were so embarrassed, and they didn't even have a chance to fight with Ben.

Think again about the strong pressure they felt when they went out yesterday. It was the first time they felt threatened since they were born.

 In an instant, the three children seemed to have grown up suddenly. They immediately got up to practice, and then asked to fight against Yun Tuan and the others.

 They must learn to fight first, and then when their cultivation becomes stronger, they can go out and fight those terrifying things like their parents.

 So, in the following days, the three children ate, slept, practiced, and fought on time, and their lives suddenly became regular.

Three children who were naughty and ugly before suddenly became so well-behaved, which Yun Tuan and the others couldn't accept.

 Seeing the three children working so hard, they felt a little sad.

Such a young child actually knows that life is not easy. Ordinary children of this age may not know what cultivation is.

 And their little masters have already begun to practice fighting on their own.

  Although they were born well and have good parents, they also have to endure things that other children will not endure.

 Therefore, the five of them are not sloppy at all in fighting the little master. They will not fool them because of their low cultivation level. They will tell them their weaknesses and shortcomings every time they fight.

 Under their guidance and training, the three one-year-old babies were able to fight decently in a few days.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong outside naturally knew what was happening in the space. While they were relieved, they also lamented that it was very hard to be their children.

 After all, from an early age you have to experience things that other children may never experience in their lifetime.

 In addition to the experience, the couple will personally instruct the children to practice and fight when they return.

Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye. The cultivation of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong reached the peak of the ninth level of the Great Sage as early as half a year ago. However, they are still hundreds of years away from the place where they obtained the sacred objects in their previous life. The land is far away, but there is no way to cross it.

Both of them were wondering, what happened here in ten thousand years, how come these black soul bodies have become stronger?

What is the reason? It has been two and a half years since they returned to Jiuzhongtian Continent. The Demon Lord's seal is on the verge of being broken and cannot hold on for much longer.

Although in the past two and a half years, the power of Yan Xiangluo's faith has not diminished. On the contrary, as more and more people in Jiuyuan Continent ascend to the ninth heaven, the people of Jiuyuan Continent have more faith in Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. The power is increasing.

 But even so, it can't be suppressed for long.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and returned to Pangu space. They wanted to study what was going on and decide what to do next.

They have reached the pinnacle of the mainland in terms of cultivation strength. It is impossible to break through here in terms of strength. After all, it is not that people with their cultivation level have come in ten thousand years ago. They still have entry but no exit, and return without return.

 They will not confidently think that they are stronger than those people.

And they firmly believe that only by going in can they know the way to completely eliminate demons. At that time, their cultivation strength was only at the level of a great saint. They rushed in with a lonesome courage, and then got the holy object. They didn't stay inside for long. I don't know. What's going on inside.

Of the three cute babies, there is quite a few Zhang Dalu. Although he is two years old, he looks like a three or four-year-old child.

Even though they are only two years old, their cultivation has already exceeded the king level.

 Normal monks can fly in the air only if they break through the king level, but the three children can fly in the air when they are one year old, otherwise they would not be so difficult to take care of.

The reason has also been studied by Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. They always thought it should be related to the fact that they began to absorb Pangu's breath when they were fetuses.

Furthermore, the three brothers are all spiritually gifted, just like their husband and wife, and because they have such a pair of parents, they have no obstacles in their cultivation, so they advance quickly.

This is because they are young, otherwise they would advance faster.

"Dabao, Erbao, Sanbao, parents are back." Yuan Xiangluo shouted happily.

Three little adults rushed over and threw themselves into their mother's arms. While being intimate, they did not forget to correct her in unison.

“Mother, we have grown up and cannot be called like this anymore. We need to be called by a big name.”

After the three brothers turned one year old, the biggest change was that they were no longer allowed to be called Bao'er, but Yan Xiangluo still liked to call them Bao'er.

 In fact, after the birth of the three children, Ji Jiuzhong had already chosen their names.

The surname is Ji. There is a cloud character in the name, which means their mother's surname. The only difference is that the female character of the character "嘘" is removed and only the sound is taken. The first treasure is called Ji Yunxiao, the second treasure is called Ji Yunhan, and the third treasure is named Ji Yunxi.

The reason why the eldest son is named Xiao means that it is the inheritance of his Ji family. His name is Jiuchong, so his son is Jiuxiao. However, the son’s name cannot contain his father’s name, so he just chose the character Xiao.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and responded, "Okay, Yunxiao, Yunhan, Yunxi."

The three cute babies were very speechless because they knew very well that their mother had promised well and would still call them Dabao, Two Treasures and Three Treasures next time she came back.

The third child, Yunxi, put his arms around his mother’s neck and said, “Mom, are you tired?”

 This is what they would ask every time their parents came back after they knew how dangerous it was for them to go out for training. Of course, they also learned to see if their parents were injured.

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