The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 103: Goodbye male devil

Chapter 103 Goodbye Male Demon

Yan Xiangluo immediately ran to the room where her master was refining alchemy, and then stood quietly watching.

Having been a disciple for more than a year, this was the first time she saw her master refining such a complex detoxification pill.

 She had not figured out the toxic relationship between the five poisons, but she could understand it after watching her master making elixirs.

This is also the method that Master always teaches her. He only lets her watch him refine it once when she really can't understand it. If she still doesn't understand it, she will have to ask her to speak on demand.

 Haven’t played her on demand yet.

Deng Changze waved his hand, and dozens of medicinal materials were placed on the long table beside him. These are the medicinal materials that are in conflict with the poison in Beitang Yunyu, and are also the prescriptions for refining antidote pills.

With another wave of his hand, an exquisite alchemy furnace appeared in front of him. A cluster of flames fell under the alchemy furnace, and the alchemy began.

This flame is not Deng Changze’s fire power, but the strange fire he contracted. Not everyone can boldly use his own fire power to make elixirs.

 Deng Changze was envious of his young disciples for this. He no longer needed to contract a strange fire. It was not easy to find a suitable strange fire, and it was even more difficult to tame the strange fire through a contract. Failure to do so could lead to death.

Yan Xiangluo first looked at the medicinal materials needed for the detoxification pill, which ones she had not thought of yet, and then watched her master attentively as he began to refine the pill.

Deng Changze began to put in the medicinal materials in an orderly manner, which was slower than ordinary alchemy.

 In fact, he had researched the elixir recipe a few days ago, but the Xianyun Sect did not have one of the herbs. The sect leader spent a lot of effort to get it, and there was only one plant. Therefore, he had no room for failure and had to succeed at once.

 He must be cautious and cautious.

As the speed slows down, Yan Xiangluo will have more time to think.

Therefore, when Deng Changze refined the antidote pill, she also understood the medicinal relationship between the five poisons, but it was a pity that there were no medicinal materials for her to try. The most precious medicinal ingredient is not so easy to obtain.

 This also shows the strength of Xianyun Sect.

"Understood?" Deng Changze breathed a sigh of relief after the refining was successful. He did not rush to Xianyun Peak and first asked his young apprentice if he understood.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I understand, but it's a pity that I can't try it."

Deng Changze smiled, "This is the difference between refining elixirs and refining poison pills. The poison that needs to be detoxified by the poison pills is different every time. You need to figure out the detoxification pill recipe on the spot every time. You do not need to refine many detoxification pills at once." One is enough, so as long as you know how to do it, the important thing is the process of thinking. Every time is an opportunity for you to understand the toxicity. The more you think about it, the more you will become more familiar with it. "

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that in addition to some common poisons, the detoxification pills that alchemists can refine can be detoxified. Some rare poisons require specific detoxification pills to detoxify.

The poisons that can be cured by Xianyun Sect are not ordinary poisons, and they are different every time. No one else can use the detoxifying pill that detoxified Beitang Yunyu. There are also very rare medicinal materials in it. There is really no need to refine one or a few more and waste it.

“Master, I understand. I will go back to sort out my thoughts and save the manuscript.” Yan Xiangluo said seriously.

Since learning alchemy from her master, every time she encounters a difficult elixir prescription, she will keep a manuscript of her research and contemplation process. If she also accepts a disciple in the future, this is also a method for disciples.

 No matter how stupid the apprentice is, he can understand it with her detailed analysis process.

Deng Changze smiled happily, "Go, master, go and detoxify Yunyu." Yan Xiangluo returned to her room, wrote down the analysis of the five poisons that she had not yet fully understood, and then put the manuscript away.

 Over the past year, her manuscripts have been packed into two boxes.

The master went to Xianyun Peak and did not come back until night. She was not worried that Beitang Yunyu's poison could not be cured. It was precisely because the poison was cured that the master did not come back.

They want to discuss how to give an explanation to the Hanqi Empire and how to deal with Miao Changye.

Over the past year or so, she also understood that the reason why her master still stayed at Thousand Poison Peaks was that he had not found an heir. The main reason was that Master Qianhe and his uncle were both living in seclusion, and he could only help his nephew to guard the house. Join the Immortal Cloud Sect. Unless there is a major matter involving the life and death of the sect, Master Qianhe and his uncle will not participate in the management of the sect.

After dinner in the evening, Yan Xiangluo was ready to continue reading Ji Yin's Xuan Wen Kung Fu. After all, time was running out and she had to finish reading this Xuan Wen Kung Fu within a year.

Just when she was looking at the Ji Yin Xuan Pattern technique attentively, she felt the aura fluctuating around her, and she put away the Ji Yin Xuan Pattern technique with a thought.

It’s not that she is too cautious, but this technique belongs to Ji Jiuzhong, and it is the technique of the Ji family. She can’t lose it because she won’t be able to explain it clearly. Whoever believed that she could lose the technique in Thousand Poison Peak probably thought that she didn't want to return it to Ji Jiuzhong.

Just as she was putting away Ji Yin, a man appeared in the room, wearing a black robe and his skin was sickly pale. It was him.

Yan Xiangluo was upset. The experience in Wanghai Forest was too fantasy. She had completely forgotten about the person she met before, no, it was a demon.

 I sighed in my heart, it’s good to be strong. Look, for a large sect like Xianyun Sect, people come as soon as they ask, and they haven’t alarmed anyone yet.

You must know that there are many elders with strong cultivation levels guarding the Xianyun Sect in the dark. Thinking that he was not from this continent, I was not surprised, only envious.

 She calmly pointed to the futon opposite the table, "Sit down."

The man was not at all panicked or surprised by the sudden appearance of this little girl. He was a little curious. In such a low-level continent, which family raised such an outstanding little girl, it would be great if she came from their demon world.

The man sat down opposite her. Yan Xiangluo poured him a cup of tea, and then asked, "Have you found the prickly pear fruit?"

  She gave the man within half a year, but it was obvious that the man had to spend some time finding these medicinal materials, but it only took more than three months.

“Found it, I’ve also found all the other medicinal materials.”

The man found the medicinal materials according to the list given to him by Yan Xiangluo. Although the other medicinal materials were expensive, they were still easy for him to find. Only the prickly pear fruit took some effort, but he got it.

 Just because his demon baby was injured and he didn't go back by himself, it took a lot of time, so it took more than three months to come.

Yan Xiangluo did not ask him to take out the medicinal materials first, but asked him to stretch out his wrist and feel his pulse again. After checking his physical condition, he said: "The physical condition is quite good. I will make the elixir right now. Please wait."

Hearing this, the man took out all the medicinal materials and placed them on the table, "Look at it, are they all right?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the medicinal materials on the table and twitched the corner of her mouth. This person is really cautious.

 (End of this chapter)

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