The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 104: Recognize a brother (1)

Chapter 104 Recognizing a Brother (1)

Yan Xiang Luo quickly picked out a few medicinal materials and threw them into his arms, "You don't need these."

 Seeing her calmly throwing out the few rare medicinal herbs she had put in, the man's cold expression softened a little.

 He put it in on purpose, just to know what the little girl would do, but to his surprise, she threw it back to him without even thinking about it.

 Having personality, he likes it!

"I'm not an alchemist. I don't need these. You can keep them for later. They are not available in this continent." The man threw the medicinal materials to her again.

Yan Xiangluo was not polite. Since the man had said so, wouldn't she be a fool if she didn't want it anymore? She neatly put away the medicinal materials.

The man's mouth twitched when he saw her putting away the medicinal materials so happily. She felt that she was waiting for his words.

  I didn’t say anything.

Yan Xiangluo didn't go to the alchemy room to make the elixir either. The man in charge suspected what she was doing and decided to make the elixir in front of him.

She stood up and walked to the middle of the room. As soon as she thought about it, the shabby alchemy furnace she had bought for ten low-grade spiritual stones was suspended in front of her.

It's not that she is too careful, Shiwo is not an ordinary alchemy furnace, it is an alchemy furnace with spiritual consciousness and the ability to talk. It obviously knows a lot of things, but it is very arrogant. It is not the key but he never talks to her.

She didn’t know much about this demon. If he knew what kind of treasure the stone nest was and took it away, she wouldn’t be able to defeat him.

 Alas, in the final analysis, I am still too weak!

This time when the man saw her alchemy furnace, not only the corner of his mouth twitched, but his whole face twitched. He was very capable, but why was the alchemy furnace so shabby? It seemed that the poverty she said last time was not fake, not ordinary poverty.

He was a little confused. This girl's medical skills are so good and she can make elixirs. Why is she still so poor?

 He has never seen the alchemist who was poor.

However, if she really wants to be able to detoxify herself, I should give her more spiritual stones, let her improve her living conditions, and at least buy an alchemy furnace that can match her alchemy skills.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know that her prudent behavior had gained some benefits for herself.

At this time, she used her spiritual power to bring the medicinal materials that the man took out to her, and they were also suspended in front of her. At the same time, she took out other needed medicinal materials from Pangu space and also suspended them in front of her.

 Then the flames of fire power fell under the alchemy furnace, and the alchemy began.

The man shrank when he looked at her flaming eyes. This little girl is amazing. She actually used her own fire power to make pills. How can she sustain it with such a weak cultivation?

But judging from her familiar appearance, it seems that she often does this, so that's OK. This girl's talent is not ordinary. It's a pity that she was born on the lowest continent. If she were in his place, she would definitely grow up very well. quick.

Yan Xiangluo was concentrating on refining the elixir, throwing in the herbs one after another at a very fast speed, which dazzled the man. He had also seen other people refining elixirs, and this was the first time he had seen someone refining elixirs so easily and quickly.

Although he is not an alchemist, he also knows that every step of alchemy is difficult. No matter how he looks at it, he feels that this girl is just playing.

Yan Xiangluo quickly entered the purification stage. The man thought that her speed would be slower, but to his surprise, she was faster. When condensing the elixir at the end, the speed is slower, but it is only relatively compared to the previous two steps. When a pill with golden lines rose from the pill furnace, the man was stunned.

 Perfect quality elixir, although it was only the third grade, but its quality was beyond his expectation.

 She was able to refine elixirs of perfect quality. Such a genius actually appeared in such a low-level continent, which made him want to take her back. Yan Xiangluo put away the flame and the elixir furnace, and delivered the elixir to the man with spiritual power.

She said with some regret: "You can detoxify it by taking it. Unfortunately, I am only a third-grade alchemist. If the grade were higher, this elixir would have some great benefits."

 The man looked at her in surprise, what other benefits does the detoxification pill have?

Seeing the man in a daze, Yan Xiangluo thought he doubted her strength, and said: "I'm not exaggerating. Although this detoxification pill has no big benefits, there are still some small benefits. While detoxifying, it can remove the poison in your body." The hidden disease has been cleared.”

The man came back to his senses. This pill can not only cure the poison in himself, but also clear up the hidden disease? She still thinks this is just a small benefit?

How strong is her alchemy talent?

The man didn't say anything. Whether what she said was true, you will know if you try it. Anyway, you know your body very well. If you can't detoxify it, you will be useless.

 He took the elixir and put it in his mouth. The elixir entered his mouth and slid down. The man felt it carefully.

 The effect of the elixir is very mild, unlike the detoxification elixirs he had taken in the past which were very aggressive in detoxifying.

 The body felt very comfortable. The seriously injured Demon Infant had already sat up. Then he became more and more energetic. Soon the Demon Infant returned to the state before the injury. He knew that the poison in his body had been detoxified.

But the effect of the medicine had not stopped at this time, and it continued to warm and nourish his body. Sure enough, as Yan Xiangluo said, the hidden diseases in his body were cured bit by bit, and all the bad breath was expelled from the body.

 It will not end until all the effects of the medicine are released.

The man looked at Yu Xiangluo and said with emotion: "You are amazing!"

 “That’s right.” Yan Xiangluo said proudly.

 Her medical skills were great in her previous life, and her alchemy skills were great in this life. The combination can only make her even more powerful. She does not need to be modest about this.

The man was pleased by her arrogant look and gave a rare smile, "Since you are so powerful, I would be embarrassed if I didn't give you some reward."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. There was also a reward. She thought that the formation disk was her reward.

The light in her eyes was caught by the man. It turned out that he was greedy for money, and he thought of teasing her. "Choose one of two rewards. The first one, let me sworn brothers and sisters with different surnames; the second one, I will give you 10,000 pieces." "Spiritual Stone."

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that the man would have such thoughts. He actually gave her two rewards to choose from. Her black eyes like a clear pool turned around and she chose the first one without hesitation.

The man was surprised. She detoxified him, and she obviously knew that he was a demon. She didn't shy away from it and actually wanted to sworn brothers and sisters with him with a different surname. Doesn't she dislike him?

I am the demon that those righteous people say they want to kill.

 “Why choose the first one?” the man asked.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "If you choose the first one, the reward will be greater than the second one. You are my brother, so why don't you give me less?"

The man was speechless by her argument. Thinking of his identity, he asked, "Aren't you worried about being implicated by me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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