The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 105: Recognize a brother (2)

Chapter 105 Recognize a Brother (2)

The little girl's talent is extremely good, and she has such abilities. It's only a matter of time before she goes to the higher continent. No matter where she is, she can do very well with her ability. If people know that she has a demon sworn brother, she will The situation will definitely not be too good.

 Is she really not worried that her identity will implicate her?

 After all, he is no ordinary demon.

Or maybe she doesn’t know much about demons and what kind of existence they are in the hearts of those monks?

"Implicated? What should I, a person with nothing, worry about? Besides, I never look at a person's status, I only look at the person himself and his eyesight. You are very pleasing to the eye. Don't pay everyone. No one can have it. How many people can do it, but if you do it, what will happen to the devil?”

Yan Xiangluo's words are true. If she really accepts the devil as her adopted brother for some reward, is she so greedy for money?

 The first thing is that she really thinks this person is friendly. Although he is a demon, he is much stronger than those people who claim to be righteous but do villainous things.

Furthermore, this is a fantasy world. She knows that forming a brother and sister with different surnames requires making an oath, and breaking it will result in divine punishment, so she is not worried about what the man will do to her.

Furthermore, her soul is not from here, and the distinction between humans and demons is not based on what the other person cultivates, but on their character.

 In her heart, some people are devils and demons.

 The man originally thought that she would choose the second condition, but he didn’t expect that she would choose the first one without hesitation. He really didn’t expect that she would have more than one sister.

"Why, if you just tell me, I can choose the second one." Yan Xiangluo continued when she saw the man didn't respond.

The identity of this person who didn't know in the magic world was in trouble with his injuries. If he really worshiped him, it was equivalent to more trouble. If he didn't want she would not be reluctant.

 It's just a pity that there are few people who like it, no, it's a devil.

The man laughed loudly when he heard this, "I, Ge Tianjun, am a person who breaks my word. I can't be better off as a little girl. Okay, I recognize you as my sister. Come, let's sworn sworn friends."

The man stood up and came to her, kneeling down first, followed by Yan Xiangluo.

 The man saluted upward and said, "Today, I, Ge Tianjun, and..."

Turning his head to look at Yan Xiangluo, he still didn’t know the name of this sister.

“嘘香LUO, the 嘘 next to the female character, the fragrance of the fragrance, the luo of the luo.” Yan Xiangluo immediately said her name in great detail.

Ge Tianjun continued, "Today, I, Ge Tianjun, and Yuan Xiangluo have become brothers and sisters with different surnames. As evidence from heaven, we have made an oath to share blessings and share hardships. We will never betray or hurt each other in this life. If we violate our oath, heaven and earth will Kill him and his soul will be destroyed."

Yan Xiangluo also followed Ge Tianjun’s words and saluted upward, “Today, I, Yan Xiangluo, and Ge Tianjun have become brothers and sisters with different surnames…”

After finishing speaking, the two people kowtowed three times in unison, and a red light enveloped the two people. This was the binding force of the oath. Even if Ge Tianjun was a demon, he could not violate the rules of heaven and earth.

 When the two stood up and looked at each other, their moods were different.

The cold aura on Ge Tianjun's body obviously calmed down. He took out a gift ring and handed it to Yan Xiangluo, "Here, this is the pocket money I gave you. I'll give it to you after you spend it."

When Ruan Xiangluo took a look inside the ring, she thought, "Oh my God, there are so many spiritual stones." She looked up at Ge Tianjun and said, "Brother, do you have a vein of spiritual stones in your home?" Ge Tianjun was amused by her exaggerated expression. "Well, yes, there is more than one."

Yan Xiangluo immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll feel comfortable taking it."

This gift ring contains not 10,000 spiritual stones, but 100,000, and they are all high-grade spiritual stones. She has really made a profit for such a arrogant brother.

The reward given to her when she was admitted to the Qingyun Sect royal family was a thousand high-grade spiritual stones. The direct disciples of Xianyun Sect are only given ten high-grade spiritual stones every month, and a total of only one hundred and twenty high-grade spiritual stones a year.

She is already extremely enviable for possessing these spiritual stones. If people knew that she had a brother who could acquire 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones in one move, it would not be envy, but jealousy.

“When I get back, I will get you a high-grade alchemy furnace. Throw it away and don’t keep it. It’s too shabby.” Ge Tianjun said, thinking of her shabby alchemy furnace.

Yan Xiangluo said sheepishly: "Brother, no need, I have a good alchemy furnace. The one I used today was bought for ten low-grade spiritual stones when I made my first elixir."

Ge Tianjun immediately understood what she meant, "You're not old, but you're very clever. Yes, you must be on guard against others."

Ge Tianjun doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with her doing this. There are no very trustworthy people in this world. It’s good for the little girl to be more discerning.

"That's right, otherwise your sister and I would be able to live until now." Yan Xiangluo was telling the truth. Both she and the original owner were very defensive, and it was not easy for them to live.

As soon as she finished speaking, she started rummaging through her gift ring. Her adopted brother was so generous, and she, as a younger sister, couldn't rummage through it.

 Find a lot of medicine bottles and put them on the table. Then he took out a pen and marked each medicine bottle with the name of the medicine and what it cured.

It took a while to finish marking.

"Brother, these are for you, because you are a demon. The other elixirs I refined are of no use to you. These are all you can use. Brother, feel free to use them. Although they are only third-grade elixirs, the elixirs refined by your sister are of no use to you. But they are all of perfect quality and have good effects. When my alchemy level reaches another level, I will refine some elixirs suitable for you." Yu Xiangluo pushed the medicine bottles to Ge Tianjun.

Ge Tianjun looked at a lot of pills, his eyes were a little hot, he recognized this sister, and she hadn't been cared about by anyone in many years.

He put the elixir away politely. Although Yan Xiangluo's elixir was not of high grade, it was easy to use. Didn't he experience it personally?

"There is no need to rush to refine elixirs for me. The level of the mainland is too low. As soon as my cultivation level recovers, I will be sent back by the rules of heaven and earth. If I think about it again, unless I get such a serious injury again. When you can go to the higher continent Make alchemy for me again. Then your alchemy level will be higher, and you will have bragging rights."

As he spoke, Ge Tianjun raised the corners of his mouth, obviously thinking about how good he felt when he was bragging.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that there were such restrictions in the rules of heaven and earth. Didn't the fantasy books she read always say that as long as you suppress your cultivation level, you can stay in the lower continent? It seems that things are not static.

"Oh well."

Ge Tianjun had already noticed the repulsion of the power of the rules of heaven, and said quickly: "Sister, I'm leaving. You can take this. When you go to the higher continent, just input your spiritual power into it, and I will know that you are coming, and I know your location and will take you to my brother’s place when the time comes.”

 (End of this chapter)

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