The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 106: Don't actually want it

Chapter 106 Don’t want it

“Okay.” Yan Xiangluo took a black jade plaque given to her by Ge Tianjun, with a magic word engraved on it.

Ge Tianjun didn't say that this jade medal contained the power of his strongest blow. It was originally used for self-defense, but now he gave it to her to protect her once in her life.

The sister he met today is very dear to his heart. He hopes that she can go to the higher continent as soon as possible.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, she saw Ge Tianjun disappear.

After being stunned for a while, Yan Xiangluo put away the black jade token Ge Tianjun gave her, then took out Ji Yin and continued to read.

Although the recognition of Ge Tianjun as her brother was a bit sudden and hasty, he was very much to her liking. She could feel that Ge Tianjun was a very principled person at heart, and he would definitely do what he promised.

Even though the reason for becoming sworn siblings with different surnames is recognition of her medical skills and alchemy skills, there are restrictions on how people interact with each other. Would you want to associate with a weak person who can't do anything for no reason?

She also has a principle in her heart, that is, she has decided to treat each other sincerely. Mutual benefit is the way for people to get along. No relationship can be maintained by one-sided effort.

Ge Tianjun's coming and going did not alarm anyone. Even when Deng Changze came back, he found no trace of demons coming to Qiandu Peak.

It can be seen how strong Ge Tianjun is.

Yan Xiangluo knew this very well, and it became the motivation to spur her to practice harder. She wanted to go to the higher world as soon as possible to see what Ge Tianjun lived like.

When Deng Changze came back, he saw that her room was still lit. He knew that she had not rested yet. He had become accustomed to it. It can be said that the young apprentice did this every day, studying and practicing all night long.

He never stopped him. In fact, practicing all night is much better than sleeping all night. This is something that all monks know, but few can persist in this way.

His little apprentice never seemed to have used her bed before coming to Thousand Poison Peaks. Therefore, when others asked why her cultivation level increased so fast, he told them that she had never slept in her bed. Anyone who asked him No one will ask any more.

 After watching Bansu Jiyin, she did not continue reading. Reading too much was of no benefit, it consumed too much mental energy, and she could not absorb so much knowledge.

She got up and went to the practice room built by her master to practice the Nine-turn True Essence Art. When dawn was about to break, she began to practice the Changling Spear technique. She danced a Changling Spear with steel in its flexibility and strength in the steel bars. Mixed with flexibility, it feels like the man and the gun have become one.

The handyman disciples who got up in the morning to prepare for cooking heard the movement in the training room and all looked at each other. Master Uncle Yu started practicing Changling Spear again after he came out of seclusion. He got up earlier than them. It was really an extraordinary effort. .

 They didn’t know that she didn’t have a single night’s rest.

Hearing the sound of the handyman disciples cooking, Yan Xiangluo stopped and was about to make breakfast, but the master happened to be there.

When the master and apprentice sat down to have breakfast, she asked, "Master, how did Yunyu's matter be resolved?"

Deng Changze said: "It hasn't been finalized yet. Last night, Yunyu received a letter from his brother Yunfeng Beitang, the prince of Hanqi Kingdom. He wants to visit Yunyu. When he arrives, he will tell him the details. Let’s talk and see what Beitang Yunfeng says before deciding.”

Beitang Yunfeng is coming?

“When will Beitang Yunfeng come?” Yan Xiangluo asked.


Yu Xiang stopped, he couldn't have come here for the sake of saving him. But I didn’t think too much about it. Miao Nagano is very talented, but he doesn’t follow the right path. He should be taught some lessons, but I’m afraid the price he has to pay will not be small this time, and he may not be able to stay in Xianyun Sect anymore.

After breakfast, Yan Xiangluo didn't take this matter to heart and went back to her room to make elixirs.

At noon, Beitang Yunyu's voice came from outside the door, "Uncle Yu, I'm here to eat."

Yan Xiangluo happened to be reading Shuyilu, and heard Beitang Yunyu's voice which was a little tempting. Isn't his brother coming today? How come he still has time to come to his place to have a meal? Could it be that his brother hasn't arrived yet.

 Putting away the books and records, he opened the door and saw a man standing next to Beitang Yunyu, it was Beitang Yunfeng.

When the door opened, Beitang Yunfeng saw a slim girl with a world-famous appearance wearing a fiery red dress and a white Xianyun Zong uniform, walking out.

 The slim figure and the calm temperament all surprised him.

She is much better than Liu Yuexi, the first fairy of Xianyun Sect. She should be the first fairy of Xianyun Sect.

“Uncle Yu, I heard what my brother said. Thank you very much, Uncle Yu, for saving my brother. Both of us brothers have received such great kindness from Uncle Yu, and we don’t know how to repay each other.”

To be honest, what Beitang Yunyu said was that he felt that he could not repay his own kindness. Adding on to his brother's, this kind of kindness was indeed not something that could be repaid easily.

As soon as his brother said it today, he knew that this person was Ruan Xiangluo. Among the people in the Xianyun Sect who could save him just because he knew it was his brother without any entrustment from him, Ruan Xiangluo was the only one.

 And only she can refine the magic elixir to such a strong effect.

“Didn’t I say I could just get more ingredients?” Yan Xiangluo didn’t expect Beitang Yunfeng to come to Qiandu Peak.

Beitang Yunfeng was actually shocked. The girl in front of him was only at the seventh level of the spiritual level. He didn't sense her existence at the time. Could it be that she used a mysterious pattern to hide her aura?

 Otherwise, he really couldn't explain why he couldn't sense her existence.

He still knew something about Yan Xiangluo. After all, she had been known as Ji Jiuchong's unmarried wife for several years. He also knew very well that she was framed and got the Qingyun Sect's entrance token as a blessing in disguise, but she used it to break off the relationship with the Yu family and break off her engagement with Ji Jiuzhong.

At that time, I admired her very much. Although her cultivation was poor, her character was very strong.

It’s just that the Yan Xiangluo in front of him is very different from the rumored her. If his brother hadn’t told him clearly that she was the former fiancée of Ji Jiuzhong, the regent of the Tianshun Empire, he would never have believed it.

"I won't thank you enough for your kindness. If there is anything that I, Beitang Yunfeng, can do in the future for Miss Yu, just say it. As long as it does not involve the interests of the Hanqi Empire, I will do my best to help you complete it." Beitang Yunfeng He spoke.

Yan Xiangluo didn't need Beitang Yunfeng's promise. "I saved you just because you are Yun Yu's brother. You don't need to do this. This is between me and Yun Yu."

Her words were very obvious, that is, you don't need to feel that you owe me anything. I saved you not for your sake, but because you are Yunyu's brother. The friendship between Yunyu and I does not require such a heavy commitment.

Beitang Yunfeng was surprised that she didn't want Prince Qi's promise.

 (End of this chapter)

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