The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 107: Be your wife

Chapter 107 Being your wife

Now he believes that the girl in front of him is the useless girl with five spiritual roots, Ruan Xiangluo, who took the initiative to cancel Ji Jiuzhong's big marriage. After all, even Ji Jiuzhong doesn't like her, so it's normal for her to look down on her own promise.

This is the first time he has encountered a girl with such a personality. Not any woman can voluntarily give up her position as regent. After all, Ji Jiuzhong was the favorite husband of all the women to be married in the Tianshun Empire.

Not only did she do it, but she did it so neatly that he couldn't help but look at her differently.

It was only when he came today that he found out that Yan Xiangluo had given up on the Qingyun Sect and actually came to the Immortal Cloud Sect, and became a disciple of the Poison King Deng Changze, becoming the only direct disciple of Qian Poison Peak and the only disciple who learned to refine poison. descendants.

It seemed that she had carefully considered everything from breaking off the engagement to completely severing ties with the concubine family. She had no intention of going to the Qingyun Sect at all.

Yan Xiangluo was not what she was rumored to be at all. At least he felt that the girl in front of him had special ideas. She knew exactly what she should do and what she should do. She did not hesitate when she should give up, and she did not hesitate when she should take action. Don't be timid, just like when you saved yourself.

Thinking about it now, she should have heard the other party calling his name and knew that she was Yunyu's brother, so she took action. Otherwise, she would have passed by quietly without making any stop.

Such a woman already has her own principles of dealing with things. There is no need for him to insist on repaying her kindness. He can just help her if necessary in the future.

Beitang Yunfeng smiled and did not insist on his promise anymore, "I heard from Yun Yu that Miss Yu's cooking skills are very good. I wonder if I am so lucky that I can have a meal today?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless after hearing his words, and rolled her eyes silently in her heart. You came here so shamelessly, and you spoke so shamelessly. In addition, Xianyun Sect wanted to fight with the Hanqi Empire because of Miao Changye's matter. Negotiation, can you refuse?

No matter what, I couldn't let him leave Thousand Poison Peak in a bad mood.

"The ingredients are all brought by Yunyu, as long as he allows it." She also agreed in disguise.

"Then I'm in luck." Beitang Yunfeng's smile became even brighter, not caring about the perfunctory tone in Yan Xiangluo's tone.

Beitang Yunyu hurriedly said: "Uncle Master, I'll clean it up. You can just take the spoon later."

Since the first time he had a meal, Beitang Yunyu has developed from a prince of a country who had no idea what the kitchen looked like to being familiar with washing and cutting, and making all preparations. His progress is extraordinary.

Beitang Yunfeng was surprised to see his younger brother doing the kitchen work so neatly and skillfully. Looking at Yan Xiangluo, he saw that she still had an indifferent and casual expression, and he felt that he had discovered another principle of her dealings.

She will not have any special attitude towards you because of your high status, or there is no such thing as high or low status in her heart. Her attitude towards you depends entirely on your attitude towards her. At first glance, Yun Yu did not regard herself as a noble prince in front of her, but treated him as a friend on an equal footing. This was why she was recognized by Yu Xiangluo.

If Yun Yu came as a prince from the beginning, I'm afraid Yun Yu wouldn't be able to enjoy a single meal of the food she cooked, and she wouldn't be able to borrow her brother's help and be rescued by her in Wanghai Forest.

Yan Xiangluo went back to the room and changed into a pair of neat clothes, still bright red, and then entered the kitchen.

Beitang Yunyu washed and cut the rice very quickly, and Yan Xiangluo washed the pot and cooked the rice. Then he looked at the dishes Beitang Yunyu brought, thought about how to cook them, and then started cooking.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen. Beitang Yunfeng stood outside the kitchen door and watched. He had a feeling in his heart that it felt like a young couple busy cooking together.

Thinking about Yan Xiangluo's age, he is only fourteen years old this year. His younger brother entered the Xianyun Sect when he was thirteen and is sixteen years old this year. The two of them are indeed of the right age. As for identity, my father would be very happy to see it happen. The last thing he wanted was for the two brothers to marry a wife with a strong family background. This matter can be considered. It would be good if Yanxiang became his sister-in-law. The queen mother would also like a woman like her. After all, her life is what her mother once longed for but could not get.

Yan Xiangluo doesn't know Beitang Yunfeng's inner calculations. If she knew, she would just give him a blank look. How can you really worry about it? The Hanqi Empire is not worried enough for you, and you are still meddling in her business.

 When the rice is ready, the dishes are also ready. Beitang Yunyu skillfully laid out the dishes, put the rice out and arranged it, and then fetched water for Yu Xiangluo to wash her hands. Everything was done so naturally and smoothly.

Beitang Yunfeng's mouth twitched when he saw it. If Yan Xiangluo really became his sister-in-law, this would probably be a reflection of his younger brother's future life. However, it looked very fireworks, something he longed for but could not get.

His origin is destined, and he has no connection with these fireworks. However, he can try to protect his younger brother to live however he wants.

“Brother, come in and eat.” Beitang Yunyu waved to her brother who was standing outside the kitchen after Yan Xiangluo washed her hands.

Beitang Yunfeng ate in the kitchen for the first time since he was born. There was a first time for everything, so he didn’t worry about it. He walked in and sat down at the table.

Yan Xiangluo said: "I don't have any rules here. You can eat whatever you are used to."

Beitang Yunfeng nodded, "Okay."

He finally saw that not only did she have no rules here, but she also had no rules in her heart.

 She is not a person who likes to be bound by rules. The more she thinks about it, the more suitable she is with her brother.

However, he didn't think much about it at this time. The aroma of the food made him, who had never had any requirements for food, unable to bear it.

After taking a bite of the food, I realized why my younger brother came so diligently to eat. The food was even more delicious than what the royal chefs of the Hanqi Empire cooked. It was so delicious that he was full for the first time in his life.

From the beginning to the end, Yan Xiangluo never asked Beitang Yunyu how he was poisoned, nor how he dealt with Miao Changye. Until they left, Yan Xiangluo just said two words "no" indifferently.

Back at Xianyun Sect, Beitang Yunfeng said to his younger brother: "Yunyu, what do you think of Xiangluo?"

“Uncle Yu is a very good person, a good person, a good talent, and good at cooking.” Beitang Yunyu said happily.

 “How about being your daughter-in-law?”

Beitang Yunyu was startled by his brother's words, and quickly explained: "Brother, are you kidding? Don't say this again. Let's not mention that our sect has regulations that do not allow master-disciple love, but there is no such thing. Rules, Master Jun is not someone I can match, but I still know this."

 (End of this chapter)

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