The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 108: You've grown up

Chapter 108 You have grown up

After a pause, Beitang Yunyu continued: "This is also the main reason why I can get along so well with Master Jun. It's because I only treat her as a Master and a friend, but not as a woman I admire. I don't see her as a woman I admire. I don’t know what kind of man can be worthy of her?”

Yuan Xiangluo's progress is too fast, and others don't know it. He comes here often, and he knows the speed of Yan Xiangluo's promotion very well.

Not only her cultivation, but what frightened him the most was Yan Xiangluo's talent for alchemy.

 She only started learning alchemy when she entered the sect. Just over a year ago, she is already a third-grade alchemist. You must know that he is now a fourth-level alchemist, but it took him three years to become a third-level alchemist. It took him a full year to break through to the fourth-level alchemy master. Don't think about the time it will take to reach the next level. many.

But he knew that Yan Xiangluo would soon become a fourth-grade alchemist. Is he worthy of such a person? The answer is yes, so he has never had any illusions about Yan Xiangluo. They get along well as both teachers and friends. You have to know that whether he can break through to the fourth-level alchemy master is the result of her guidance.

Can you imagine that a third-level alchemist would instruct another third-level alchemist to become a fourth-level alchemist?

 What does this mean? She can become a fourth-grade alchemist at any time if she wants.

Beitang Yunfeng's eyes paused. He had forgotten the rules of the Xianyun Sect. Looking at his younger brother, he really didn't have any romantic feelings for Yan Xiangluo. Moreover, his younger brother seems to admire Yan Xiangluo very much. Based on this alone, he knows that there is no chance of wanting Yan Xiangluo to be his sister-in-law.

Beitang Yunfeng sighed, "Yunyu, you have grown up."

My younger brother has always been very sensible and never caused him any trouble. In just three years, he has grown to such a height that he even ignores him.

Beitang Yunyu clearly knows what he should do and what he should not do, and he can also control his emotions and feelings well.

It’s hard not to like a girl like Yan Xiangluo. Most of the people who don’t like her do it out of envy.

 But liking and loving are two different things. He feels that there is no man in the world who is qualified to stand by her side.

Yu Xiangluo may have to go to a higher world if she wants to find a husband.

"What do you think about Miao Changye?" Beitang Yunfeng changed the subject and asked.

Beitang Yunyu's expression darkened, "I don't know why Miao Nagano is so hostile to me. I have never done anything bad to him, and because he is the youngest junior among us, I take special care of him. I didn’t expect that he actually hated me so much that he wanted to kill me. Just let me know. My identity means that I can’t handle this matter as I wish. Even if he doesn’t like us, he won’t ignore the Hanqi Empire. Face-saving.”

Beitang Yunfeng naturally knew who his younger brother said he didn't like them.

"Don't worry, even if he doesn't vent his anger on you, I will find an opportunity to vent his anger on you. Our brothers are so easy to bully."

Xianyun Sect has a very upright attitude. Besides, it has also tried its best to treat its younger brother. His younger brother is fine now. After Yuan Xiangluo saved him, he has no resentment towards Xianyun Sect.

But Miao Nagano, the chief culprit who harmed his younger brother, he will never let go. If what his father does cannot satisfy him, he will take action himself to let Miao Nagano get the retribution he deserves.

"Brother doesn't have to do anything. Even if my father doesn't ask for it this time, the sect will not take it lightly. The sect can't keep him anymore. If he attacks me again in the future, I won't. You’re welcome, I’m no longer the kid who needed my brother’s protection for everything.”

In an instant, Beitang Yunyu burst out with an aura that Beitang Yunfeng had never seen in his younger brother.

 At this time, he truly realized that his brother had grown up, even though he was only sixteen years old. "You have to be careful about Miao Yu, after all, she is Miao Changye's biological aunt." Beitang Yunfeng reminded his younger brother.

"As long as Miao Yu still thinks about the Peak Master of Tianshui Peak, she won't dare to do anything to me. I don't know how long I can stay in the sect, but I will leave sooner or later, but she will stay for a lifetime. She doesn't dare to fight. Take revenge on me."

Beitang Yunyu raised the corner of his lips. Although he didn't pay attention to some things in the sect and he didn't get close to anyone except Yan Xiangluo, it didn't mean that he didn't know the news in the sect.

Although Miao Yu is the only female disciple of the master, both the master and the master are very dissatisfied with her. Moreover, Miao Yu's alchemy talent will only reach the level of a fifth-grade alchemist in this life. It is difficult to break through. Although his cultivation level can still be advanced, there will be no major development, so Miao Yu will not be able to leave the immortal world in this life. Yunzong.

 She would not be able to achieve her current status no matter where she went after leaving Xianyun Sect.

 She knows this better than anyone else.

"You have to be careful. If you don't face him head-on, you will be hard to guard against if you don't have some dirty tricks." Beitang Yunfeng reminded his younger brother.

Beitang Yunyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will be careful. Master knows Miao Yu very well and will also guard against her."

 They have grown up in the palace and have seen too many dirty tricks to be so naive.

“Well, I’m going back to Hanqi now.”

Beitang Yunfeng didn't stay long. He originally wanted to come to see his younger brother and meet his benefactor, but he didn't plan to spend the night at Xianyun Sect. Now that Miao Changye had framed his younger brother, he couldn't stay any longer. He wanted to go back as soon as possible and report to his father. Emperor, let’s see what he does.

"Okay, I'll send my brother out." Beitang Yunyu has been in Xianyun Sect for three years. Except for the first year when his brother sent him to participate in the competition, this is the first time he comes to visit him, and he is very happy.

The two brothers went to say goodbye to their sect master, and then Beitang Yunyu sent Beitang Yunfeng out. On the way, Beitang Yunyu asked about their mother's situation.

Beitang Yunfeng narrowed his eyes and said: "It's still the same as before. How good can we live in the gap between the royal family and the mother clan? Unless I ascend the throne and become the emperor, my mother will never have to look at anyone's face again. ”

Beitang Yunyu thought of Xiangluo. It would be great if her mother could live as freely as she did.

Sigh, he just thought about it, there is only one concubine in the world, and that woman can live as clear and unrestrained as her at her age.

After sending Beitang Yunfeng away, Beitang Yunyu went back to practice in seclusion. As for how Miao Nagano dealt with it, he didn't care anymore. After this incident happened, he understood that nothing was as important as becoming stronger as quickly as possible.

If he becomes a powerful person in the mainland, no one will dare to attack him easily, and no one will dare to embarrass his mother, and the mother will not need to look at anyone's face.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that Beitang Yunfeng had gone down the mountain after leaving her. She still practiced and studied methodically according to the plan every day.

 A few days later, she heard from her master that the emperor of the Hanqi Empire agreed to end the matter according to the punishment given by the Xianyun Sect.

 (End of this chapter)

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