The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 109: Punishing Nagano (1)

Chapter 109 Punishing Nagano (1)

Yan Xiangluo blinked and asked, "Master, how does our sect decide to punish Miao Nagano?"

Emperor Hanqi no longer wants to see Beitang Yunyu, he is still his son. He can bully him, but others cannot. This is not a problem that he does not care about, but a problem with the Hanqi Empire's face.

Since the Hanqi Empire agrees with the punishment given by the Xianyun Sect, it means that the result of the discussion between Master and the others is not light for Miao Changye and satisfies Emperor Hanqi.

"Tell the world what he has done and expel him from the sect. He will never be able to claim to be a disciple of the Xianyun Sect. Before leaving, he will have to bear the punishment of one hundred and eight lashes from the Punishment Hall." Deng Changze said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Although such a decision calmed the anger of the Emperor Hanqi Empire, it also brought disrepute to the Xianyun Sect.

Yan Xiangluo had obviously thought of this. Seeing that the master was a little sad, she comforted him: "Master, this is good. Although it damages the reputation of the sect, it also allows the world to see that our Xianyun Sect is upright and honest. We will not favor any disciple with questionable moral character, even if he is a direct disciple of the sect master. If you want to send your child to study in a sect, would you choose such a sect as your first choice?"

Deng Changze smiled and said, "Xiao Luo'er's idea is unique. Thinking about it this way, I feel much better."

"Yeah, when the next time the sect recruits disciples, a moral check will be added. Master, let's see, there will definitely be more people coming." Yu Xiangluo looked sure that this would be the case, which amused Deng Changze.

"Prince Hanqi and the Prime Minister have arrived tonight and will personally oversee the execution tomorrow. Then the entire sect disciples will go." Although he knew that the young apprentice was trying to comfort him, the method and reason he used did soothe his depressed mood. , the tone is much more relaxed.

 He wanted to go and comfort his master, brother and nephew as soon as possible.

Looking at the master who was leaving again, Yan Xiangluo shrugged and went back to the room to continue looking at Ji Yin.

Early the next morning, almost three months after their training, the disciples of the Xianyun Sect gathered together again. Both the inner disciples, the outer disciples and even the handyman disciples all participated.

 It was in the square where they originally ran for election as inner disciples.

Yu Xiangluo's direct disciples stood at the front, followed by the inner disciples, then the outer disciples, and finally the handyman disciples.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the far left in the first row. Next to her was Zhang Qinghao, the eldest disciple of the sect leader. Just because her seniority is higher than that of Zhang Qinghao and the others, she is the only junior master among the disciples present, so she takes this position.

 Hence, she could see the people standing at the entrance of the main hall clearly.

In addition to the sect leader and several major peak masters, Beitang Yunfeng was also seen. Standing next to him was an elegant middle-aged man, who should be the prime minister of the Hanqi Empire.

 “Bring Miao Nagano up.” The sect leader said.

His feelings are only known to himself. He accepted Miao Nagano as a disciple as a closed disciple, and had high hopes for him. He hoped that he could become another genius disciple of Xianyun Sect like Beitang Yunyu.

 After all, Beitang Yunyu's status as a prince meant that no matter how outstanding he was, he could not inherit the position of the head of the Xianyun Sect. No one knew that he was planning to train Miao Nagano as his successor.

 What Miao Nagano did had a great impact on him. Although the temperament of his disciples was developed at home since childhood, he also had the responsibility to teach after becoming his disciple.

 I feel regretful that a genius has died like this. Proclamation to the world will ruin Miao Changye's future path. Which sect will still accept him? Even his family might give up on him.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Miao Nagano who was brought up from the left. He had been in Houshan Pass for nearly three months. His complexion had not changed much. If there was any change, it should be better than before.

Yan Xiangluo was puzzled. Didn't he feel guilty or worried at all for doing such a thing?

Out of curiosity, when Miao Nagano approached her, she used her mind-reading skills to know what he was thinking at this time.

"Beitang Yunyu must be dead. After he dies, I will be the number one genius of Xianyun Sect. Master will definitely help me exonerate myself. I will be the leader of Xianyun Sect in the future. No one can block my way anymore. ”

At this time, Miao Changye saw that Yan Xiang had fallen, and his eyes flashed with surprise, "I haven't seen her for more than a year, and she actually looks better. She can only be mine."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless when he heard Miao Changye's thoughts. Who gave him the confidence? It was both the Xianyun Sect and himself. Why was his face so big?

What does the way of heaven mean? How can such a person become the son of destiny? Is letting him live again just for fun?

"Beitang Yunyu? How is it possible? How is it possible that he is still alive? It seems like nothing happened?" When Miao Nagano saw Beitang Yunyu, his heart suddenly changed, even with a hint of fear and uncertainty.

The person who brought him up pushed him, and he regained consciousness and continued to walk forward.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? It's impossible to be alive after being poisoned. I took such a big risk. Not only did I not get his chance, but I also let him come back alive. What should I do?"

Xiang Xiangluo only heard these, and the distance was far away, her mind reading was not good.

However, she can be sure that Miao Nagano did not get any news when he was in confinement, otherwise he would not be so surprised and surprised, nor would he think so.

It seems that even Miao Yu can't reach into the back mountain of Xianyun Sect, otherwise she would have sent a message to Miao Changye.

She looked at Miao Yu, and sure enough, she saw Miao Yu looking at her nephew with an expression of reluctance and distress, no matter how forbearing it was.

Miao Nagano was taken to the stone steps of the main hall. Looking at Beitang Yunfeng standing above, he felt even more panicked.

This was the first time he saw Beitang Yunfeng in this life, but he had seen him many times in the previous life. Although he could only look up at him, he still knew him.

This man is cruel and ruthless, but he is very good to his mother and brother Beitang Yunyu. He is here, and Beitang Yunyu is not dead. Things should be serious, and I am afraid there will be no good results.

He looked at his aunt and saw that his aunt shook her head gently. What do you mean, didn't her aunt plead for him?

 Looking at his master again, he looked at him with a disappointed look on his face. What does this mean? Are they all going to give up on themselves?

Without waiting for him to be confused and frightened, he heard that Master announced the guilt he committed, and finally talked about his punishment.

 One hundred and eight lashes? Declare the world? Expelled from the sect?

Miao Nagano was suddenly confused. Did God let him live another life just to make him end up worse than the previous life?

Expelling him from his school and announcing to the world is equivalent to pronouncing a sentence, and he will never get ahead in life.

 (End of this chapter)

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