The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1035: Finale (5)

Chapter 1035 Finale (5)

Cheng Kun felt chills all over. He had sworn not to betray Yan Xiangluo, otherwise he would lose his soul. However, he did not do anything with his own hands when Yan Xiangluo was alive, and what he did later was after Yan Xiangluo died, and the binding force of the oath disappeared. Finally, he vowed not to punish him.

But now facing Yan Xiangluo, he couldn't say such a thing, or even say anything at all.

 But he didn’t want to die, “That was something that happened in your previous life. Since I’m still alive and well, it means I didn’t break my oath.”

Yan Xiangluo sneered, "When people are stupid enough, they feel smart."


He knew that Yan Xiangluo would not let him go, so he wisely did not ask her to spare his life. He only asked her to let his soul go and let him have an afterlife.

 After all, with his current cultivation level, he can still retain the memories of this life.

Yuan Xiangluoli ignored him. How can such a person talk about the afterlife and let him continue to do evil?

  If there were no people like him, how could the Demon Lord exist?

After Yuan Xiangluo learned about the origin of the demon lord, she hated evil people deeply.

 Cheng Kun disappeared from the world in despair.

 Everything that happened made Ji Junze and Zhao Jingyu's legs tremble. Jiang Chengyun did not move or participate in the deaths of Meng Hejing and Cheng Kun, which meant that Jiang Chengyun would not interfere in their lives or deaths.

The two of them immediately knelt down, confessed their guilt, and begged Yu Xiangluo to save their lives because they were from the family of Ji Jiuchong's parents.

Yan Xiangluo looked at them coldly and looked at them like clowns, and then said two words lightly, "Your life and death should be decided by Jiuzhong."

Ji Junze and Zhao Jingyu immediately felt lucky to have survived the catastrophe when they heard this.

Yu Xiangluo raised her hand and cut off the marriage line between Zhao Jingyu and He Siyun, "Don't think about evil ways in the future, otherwise you will kill yourself if Jiuzhong and I don't take action."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and threw the two of them out. Ji Junze and Zhao Jingyu, who were treated like this for the first time in their lives, felt very lucky, which proved that they had saved their lives.

This made them decide in their hearts that they would stay at home honestly from now on and never come out again, at least not while Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were still alive.

Yan Xiangluo didn't want to let the two of them go, but she really thought so. Ji Jiuzhong should decide whether they lived or died.

Thinking of Ji Jiuzhong, Yan Xiangluo sighed. Only then did she realize how much she owed Ji Jiuzhong. It seemed that no matter how good she was to him, she couldn't compare with what he did for her.

 Fortunately, they are considered good in this life. If they can successfully eliminate the demons again, they will be complete.

After dealing with the four people, Yuan Xiangluo ignored Ziyun Sage. From the moment he saw her, she knew that Ziyun Sage liked Jiang Chengyun deeply.

 Thinking about the fact that the blood bead has been nourished by the blood of a person who has cultivated the great sage for ten thousand years, she already knows who this person is without having to say who it is.

Yan Xiangluo was a little confused. She often heard about heartless men, but when she came here, she only saw infatuated men.

 Because this blood drop can only be nourished by the blood of those who are willing to do so.

 This is the choice of Saint Ziyun, and she will not interfere. However, Saint Ziyun has attacked her again and again, and the score still needs to be settled.

 But not now.

Even though it would be quick to settle accounts with her now, Yan Xiangluo didn't want her to be happy. “It’s time to settle our accounts now,” Yan Xiangluo said to Jiang Chengyun.

Jiang Chengyun sneered, "Why, you can't defeat me just after awakening the memory of the patron saint. I wonder what your current state is. Can you deal with these rotten fish and shrimps? If you want to fight against me, now you Do you have that qualification?”

Yan Xiangluo also smiled, "You are still as arrogant and confident as ever."

Jiang Chengyun didn't have any objections to Yan Xiangluo's words. After all, his ability to become the patron saint of the mainland proved that he was not a simple person.

 But he forgot that Yan Xiangluo was not an ordinary person to be the patron saint.

Jiang Chengyun listened to Yan Xiangluo's words without fear and looked at her with squinted eyes. He wanted to know what support Yan Xiangluo had in front of him in his current soul state, which made her so confident that he could not hurt her.

Yan Xiangluo stopped nagging and said, "Come on, there must be an end between you and me. It's better to choose a different day than to let it happen today."

Who can annex whose continent depends on today.

Jiang Chengyun became a little unconfident when he saw that Yan Xiangluo was so confident. Could it be that he had made any omissions?

What other trump cards does Yan Xiangluo have?

  After all, her soul body can only use it and she has no other power except soul power. No matter how many magic weapons she has, her soul body cannot use them.

And she had just awakened the memory of the patron saint. The power of the patron saint would not be restored so quickly. Naturally, it could not be compared with the power of his patron saint that had been restored for more than ten thousand years.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chengyun felt that he had a better chance of winning.

Jiang Chengyun has no choice now. He was reborn in Jiuchongtian Continent. He has no way to return to his continent except swallowing Yan Xiangluo's soul and annexing Jiuchongtian Continent.

But Yan Xiangluo's rebirth and rise were too fast this time, so he had to make a desperate move.

“Then let’s decide the outcome.” Jiang Chengyun rose into the air and stood at the same height as Yuan Xiangluo’s soul.

Yu Xiangluo thought, and Junzi Sword appeared in front of her. The four swords exuded a sword intent that made Jiang Chengyun scared.

What's going on? What kind of sword is this? How can it make his patron saint have such a timid sword intention? Even though he hasn't recovered all the power of the patron saint because he hasn't returned to his own continent yet.

That's not right, Yan Xiangluo is obviously a spirit body, how can he summon a weapon?

With a thought, the four gentleman's swords merged into one and fell into her hands. The aura on her body suddenly changed, and she ran towards Jiang Chengyun with the long sword in her hand.

 The speed is extremely fast. After all, her current strength is not only the peak of the ninth level of the Great Sage, but also the power of the patron saint that is gradually recovering.

Jiang Chengyun now has no time to think about why Yan Xiangluo can summon weapons and use weapons, because he has sensed that Yan Xiangluo's patron saint power is recovering at a speed that makes him jealous.

 After all, it took him ten thousand years to recover everything.

 As expected, you have to do whatever you want on your own territory.

Jiang Chengyun knew that he had to devour the soul of Yan Xiangluo before she regained all her power as a patron saint. Otherwise, when she regained all her power as a patron saint, he would have no chance of winning on her territory.

 Therefore, Jiang Chengyun used all his power from the beginning and had no intention of showing mercy.

 Sage Ziyun on the side changed his momentum when the two of them changed, and was forced to retreat far away. The pressure on them was too strong for her to bear.

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