The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1036: Finale (6)

Chapter 1036 Finale (6)

If Saint Ziyun didn't retreat quickly, she would have no chance of leaving alive.

 This also made her see clearly that she had no place in Jiang Chengyun's heart, otherwise he would not care about her life or death.

 Sage Ziyun stopped after escaping to a safe place. She heard some information from the previous conversation between the two. Yan Xiangluo and Jiang Chengyun were both patron saints.

 Is there a patron saint in mainland China?

How come she hasn’t heard of it?

Now think about it again, I don’t know how high it is to compare with Yan Xiangluo. How can I compare to this person? She is the reincarnation of the patron saint.

However, she still wanted to see the result. She also knew from the conversation between the two that in today's battle, one side would definitely disappear completely.

 For the first time, I didn’t have such a firm hope that Jiang Chengyun would survive.

  In fact, at her level of cultivation, she could no longer observe the battle between the two. In her eyes, the two of them were just two groups of light, the colors of which were constantly changing.

 The patron saint must have all spiritual roots, so the light of their battle is colorful. Although it is very beautiful, no one can enjoy such beauty.

Sage Ziyun only looked at it for a few times before he had to look away. If he continued to look at it, Sage Ziyun knew that he would go blind.

 But although the battle was fierce, it did not last long. Jiang Chengyun looked at the sword inserted into his heart in disbelief.

How is it possible? How did she do it?

Yu Xiangluo drew out the Junzi Sword neatly and restrained Jiang Chengyun with her soul power.

"You're surprised why a sword can pierce your heart, right?" Yan Xiangluo was not relaxed either. She was breathless when she spoke. After all, she had not yet recovered all her power as a patron saint.

"Why?" Jiang Chengyun knew that he had lost and that his soul would be devoured by Yan Xiangluo, but he still wanted to die.

"This sword is called the Gentleman's Sword. It consists of one plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. When combined into one, it is the Gentleman's Sword. It only kills evil people."

As soon as Yan Xiangluo’s words fell, Jiang Chengyun knew the reason.

It turned out that he was a wicked person. He was stunned. Guardian God, that is such a holy identity. How could he be a wicked person?

Don’t the patron saints of other continents do the same thing?

Yan Xiangluo knew what he was thinking when she saw his expression, "You must think that the patron saints of other continents do the same thing, but have you never thought that they are all upright challenges, and are you willing to admit defeat even if you lose? "

After hearing what Yuan Xiangluo said, Jiang Chengyun immediately realized that he had gone astray. No wonder his writing skills were in a mess.

 I think he had a gentleman's heart when he became the patron saint. When did he change?

 It is probably because people are constantly being challenged and failing, and the fear in their hearts breeds evil.

“I won’t give up even if I lose to you.” Jiang Chengyun looked at Yan Xiangluo and said the last thing.

A hint of helplessness flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. The guardian angel sounded good to her, but who knew their helplessness.

Jiang Chengyun's soul body disappeared, Yan Xiangluo's soul body power doubled immediately, and Jiuzhongtian Continent merged with another continent silently to form one continent.

Only the patron saint Yan Xiangluo can sense it. By the way, there is another exception, Ji Jiuzhong.

When Yan Xiangluo awakened the memory of the patron saint, his memory also awakened, because he had taken the initiative to merge the mainland with the Jiuzhongtian continent. Therefore, his soul power would not be absorbed by Yan Xiangluo, and his soul body Also still exists.

Of course he knew what Yan Xiangluo was facing. He was still very worried when his soul body faced Jiang Chengyun.

 When he sensed that other continents were merging with the Jiuchongtian Continent, he knew that Luoluo had won.

Ji Jiuchong's mood was instantly released. Watching Luoluo slowly open her eyes, he rushed over and hugged her.

 Tightly, as if hugging the most precious treasure in the world.

Yan Xiangluo was also very excited and stretched out her arms to hug him back, "Jiuchong, how can I be nice to you?"

Ji Jiuzhong knew what she meant, "Just give me a daughter."

Yan Xiangluo's excitement was immediately disturbed by his words. At this time, she still missed his daughter. This is how much she wanted a daughter.


Since he wants a daughter, he can give birth to her, but only after getting rid of the devil.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately hugged her and spun around happily. Although she didn't know if they could have another child now that they were both patron saints, Luoluo's agreement showed that she cared about him.

They have gone through so many twists and turns, and it is not easy to be together. Now they have three lovely sons. Regardless of whether they have a daughter in the future, Ji Jiuzhong is actually very satisfied.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and took down the book she was holding on her head, "Although Luo Luo has restored the memory of the patron saint, the patron saint's power has not been fully restored. Even if it is restored, it will not be easy to deal with the devil. Now Luoluo is the patron saint of Jiuzhongtian. You should first sense what is weird here."

Originally, the plan was for the two of them to find a way to leave here first. Now, by chance, Luo Luoluo has resumed his status as the patron saint, so let's not rush and find out what's weird in the black spring and how to completely eradicate the demon lord.

Yan Xiangluo felt very sorry for Ji Jiuzhong. Originally, he was also the patron saint of a continent, but he fell to this point because of her. Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Ji Jiuzhong just merged his continent with her own Jiuzhongtian continent. She does not have his soul power, and his soul body is also intact, otherwise he would not be reincarnated with her from life to life.

So, can both of them be the patron saints of Jiuzhongtian Continent?

Yan Xiangluo closed his eyes and sensed the entire Jiuchongtian Continent. Sure enough, with this perception, he could sense the current location of the continent Ji Jiuzhong originally guarded and the fusion of Jiuchongtian Continent.

It turns out that Black Spring is the dividing line. It can be said that Black Spring took advantage of the integration of their two continents to invade the mainland.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes and said to Ji Jiuchong, "Maybe your status as a patron saint has not been taken away, and we can protect the Jiuchongtian Continent together."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned after hearing what Yan Xiangluo said, and then understood what she meant. He closed his eyes and released his consciousness to perceive. Sure enough, he sensed the part of the continent that originally belonged to him.

Ji Jiuchong was extremely excited when he opened his eyes again. He was not only excited that he could become the patron saint of the mainland again, but he was also excited that he could finally be with Luoluo forever.

 As for what he was most worried about after recovering the memory of the patron saint before, it must be Shouyuan.

Even the highest level of cultivation in Jiuzhongtian has a limit on longevity. The patron saint of the mainland is the same as the longevity of the mainland. In other words, the patron saint is present in the mainland. The patron saint refers to the soul of the patron saint. The body is there.

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