The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1037: Finale (7)

Chapter 1037 Finale (7)

And the mainland must be there when the patron saint exists, otherwise why would it be necessary to first devour the soul of the patron saint and destroy his soul before the continent can be integrated.

Of course, the patron saint can also voluntarily integrate the continent into other continents. Now it turns out that this is possible, but the continent will have two patron saints.

 The strength of the continent will also increase as a whole, but the patron saint of any continent is not willing to share the same rights with others.

Think about it, I am the controller of the entire continent, can it be the same as someone else who can make the decision?

However, the situation of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong is an exception, and it is difficult to replicate. After all, there are very few female mainland guardians, and almost none can truly care for each other.

Yan Xiangluo shed tears when she saw Ji Jiuzhong's excited look.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly wiped her tears, "Why are Luoluo crying?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled again, "I'm happy."

This crying and laughing scene made Ji Jiuchong feel a little sad. It was not easy for them to get to where they are now.

"From now on, you will be in charge of the mainland." Yan Xiangluo choked with sobs.

“What are you doing then?” Ji Jiuzhong asked in confusion.

"I'll give you a daughter." Yan Xiangluo blushed.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, and his handsome face showed a silly smile for the first time. Suddenly he felt worried again, "But I still want to see my daughter."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless and rolled her eyes at him, "Then you take your daughter to take care of the mainland."

Ji Jiuzhong immediately hugged her and said, "How can that be done? I can't be separated from Luoluo. I have to take Luoluo with me."

Ji Jiuzhong reacted very quickly and instantly knew why his wife was dissatisfied with him.

Yan Xiangluo snorted and thought to herself: If you react quickly, I would really have to consider whether to give you a daughter.

After the two of them stood there for a while, they looked at the black soul body in the distance.

Then he got up and walked towards Baiyu Terrace.

Now that they have the power of the Guardian God, the entire continent is under their control, and they also know what is going on with the existence of the Black Spring.

Yan Xiangluo had an idea in her mind, but she wanted to go to Bai Yutai to have a look. If it was really as she thought, then she would have a much greater chance of winning by cutting off the demon lord's power supply first and then finding a way to get rid of the demon lord. .

Ji Jiuzhong is also helpless. Even if they are the guardian gods of the mainland, they cannot directly exclude Black Spring. After all, it is a power from ancient times.

The two came to the white jade platform. Yan Xiangluo put her hand on the white jade platform and felt it.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo let go of his hand, but the sealed demon lord sensed something and suddenly became frantic. Black clouds suddenly rolled in the entire first training ground.

 The first training place has been closed for a year and a half. During this period, no one from that continent can enter the training area.

 So no one was hurt.

The Demon Lord sensed that someone had entered the black spring and had come into contact with the White Jade Platform, and he immediately had a bad feeling.

 He eagerly absorbed the power.

When Yan Xiangluo retracted her hand, she felt that the opponent was absorbing power faster, so she knew that she had alerted the Demon Lord.

“We must destroy Baiyu Terrace.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuchong.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Bai Yutai, "Is this the link where the Demon Lord absorbs power?"

"Yes." Yan Xiangluo pointed to the black soul body in the distance, "The power comes from them, but the transmission of power is this white jade platform. The sacred object we took away at that time is the lotus lantern on the white jade platform that now suppresses the demons. The Lord’s magical weapon is precisely because it comes from here and inputs our power to suppress the Demon Lord.”

Ji Jiuzhong walked around the white jade platform and said, "This is not easy to destroy."

Ji Jiu reassessed his own strength and found that he could not destroy the Baiyu Terrace. It's not certain that you can't destroy the White Jade Terrace, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Bai Yutai, then at the black souls in the distance, narrowed her apricot eyes, and then said to Ji Jiuzhong, "The power of the demon lord comes from their resentment and evil spirit. If I purify them Have you been saved?”

This method works, it directly cuts off the source of the demon lord's power at the root. However, Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the countless black soul bodies, could he purify so many?

 “Is it too much?”

Yan Xiangluo said enthusiastically, "I don't know how big my spiritual power is yet. I can try it today."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes lit up when he heard this. Now Luoluo is the patron saint, and the spiritual power of the patron saint should at least cover the entire continent.

 Don't worry about not having enough mental power, but worry about having enough soul power.

“Do you have enough soul power?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

Yan Xiangluo said, "If you don't have enough, come in batches."

She has thought about it. If she can come together, she will purify and save them all together. If she can't, she will come in batches, and she can always save these black soul bodies.

 It is better to save an evil spirit than to destroy one.

Perhaps this will be more meritorious.

Ji Jiuzhong thought about it and said, "You can try it."

 Now that this book is here, those black souls do not dare to attack them or even approach them, but they can be saved in batches.

 Without the source of power, he no longer believed and could not kill the devil.

As soon as she thought of it, Yan Xiangluo took out her colored glass lamp. The colored glass lamp exuded a crystal clear yellow light and was very beautiful.

Although the glazed lamp had long been returned to her hand, this was the first time in her life that she used it.

In her previous life, her Celestial Master was very powerful and could activate the glazed lantern. In this life, her Celestial Master's power is even stronger. In addition, she has awakened the memory of the patron saint, and the patron saint's power is also recovering. She can override the glazed lamp. The power will be stronger and the effect will be better.

The glazed lamp is the magic weapon she uses to purify their souls and save them.

However, she has never purified such a dark soul body in her previous life. After all, these soul bodies have very strong soul power and date from ancient times to the present.

As soon as the glazed lamp appeared, the black souls in the distance became restless, as if they sensed something.

Yan Xiangluo has long discovered that these soul bodies have lost their nature. They don't know who they are or what they do. They just rely on instinct to cultivate their soul power and attack when they see strange smells.

 “Mom, this lamp is so beautiful!” After the three babies in the space woke up from their nap, they habitually looked at their parents first.

 When he saw the colored glass lamp that Yan Xiangluo took out, all three pairs of eyes suddenly lit up.

Yunxi couldn't help shouting.

Although Yan Xiangluo was busy purifying the black soul body, she would not ignore her sons if they spoke out.

 “I’ll give it to you to play with when mother is finished.”

 The three children suddenly said in unison, "Thank you, mother."

Ji Jiuzhong twitched the corner of his mouth. If people knew that the treasured weapon for purifying the soul was given to Luoluo for children to play with, don't be heartbroken.

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