The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1038: Finale (8)

Chapter 1038 Finale (8)

Yan Xiangluo activated the glass lamp, and the yellow light of the glass lamp spread out in all directions. When the black souls saw the yellow light running toward them, they instinctively turned around and ran away.

However, Yan Xiangluo's spiritual power locked part of the black soul body, and they couldn't escape the range of the glazed lamp's light even if they wanted to run.

The black souls shrouded in the light of the glazed lamp struggled desperately at first, but as the color of their souls faded, the intensity of their struggle weakened, and they finally gave up the struggle.

 In about a quarter of an hour, the black color of the black soul body shrouded in the glass lamp disappeared completely, and everything became transparent. This is the color of a soul body with a clean soul.

 At this time, they all regained their consciousness and were a little confused.

Yan Xiangluo's voice spread out, "I will save you to reincarnate. If you want to leave, don't resist. Those who resist will not be polite and will be destroyed directly."

Her voice was pleasant, but it had a very threatening tone.

None of the purified souls resisted. Yan Xiangluo chanted a spell that Ji Jiuchong couldn't understand, and then he saw the souls disappear one by one in front of their eyes.

After knowing that the last one had disappeared, Yan Xiangluo took back the glazed lamp.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly asked, "Are you tired?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "There is no problem with the power of spiritual consciousness, but the power of soul control is consumed relatively quickly. We must wait until the power of soul control is restored before we can continue."

Furthermore, she could feel that although the power of her faith had not increased, its strength had become stronger. This was the result of the blessings of her merits in purifying and transcending those black soul bodies just now.

 This is a good thing.

 The power of faith she gets in the future will be stronger. This is the power that the patron saints want but cannot get.

 Merit is not so easy to accumulate.

After resting for an hour, Yan Xiangluo continued to purify and transcend the black soul bodies. This process lasted for seven days. It was not until they could no longer find a black soul body in the black spring that Yan Xiangluo sent the glazed lamp in. I went to Pangu Space to play with my sons.

 The couple started studying Baiyu Terrace again.

After Yan Xiangluo saved the first batch of black soul bodies, Ji Jiuzhong discovered that Bai Yutai's power was weakening. After all the black soul bodies disappeared, Bai Yutai's power had been weakened by half.

“Can the White Jade Terrace be destroyed now?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

As long as the White Jade Terrace is destroyed, the Black Spring can be destroyed, and the demon lord will have no base camp. If the demon lord is eliminated, the demon will be completely eradicated.

 Only in this way can normal order be restored to Jiuchongtian Continent. Only then can the two continents be integrated more thoroughly.

Ji Jiuzhong thought about it for a while and said, "You can try it."

“How confident are you?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"Let the black group come out to help and suppress the demon lord's power to fight back, and I can successfully destroy the Baiyu Terrace." Ji Jiuzhong thought about it carefully, and the only thing he was worried about was the demon lord's angry counterattack.

It seems that only Heituanzi is not afraid of any dark power. Therefore, letting Heituanzi come out to help will definitely succeed.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay, I'll ask Hei Tuanzi to come out and help."

With a thought, Heituanzi appeared in front of Yan Xiangluo.

Hei Danzi, who is still practicing on the space stone milk, is used to being suddenly called out by his master. Every time he comes out, there is delicious food to eat. Therefore, Hei Danzi jumps up and down excitedly as soon as he comes out.

Yan Xiangluo pointed at the White Jade Platform and said to Heituanzi, "The White Jade Platform is a magic weapon that transmits power to the Demon Lord. We want to destroy it. Can you block the Demon Lord's magic attack?"

Ji Jiuzhong added, "Just block it." Hei Tuanzi had not yet seen the power of the demon lord, so Yan Xiangluo said to him, "Feel it first and see if it works."

Black Tuanzi clings to the white jade platform and senses the demonic power emanating from the violent demon lord on the other side due to the interruption of power transmission.

 Then he turned into a little black man and nodded.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, and Ji Jiuzhong nodded, which meant that he was ready.

Yan Xiangluo said to Heituan, "We'll start right away, get ready."

Heituanzi nodded again, then leaned against the white jade platform.

Yan Xiangluo asked, "Will this hurt Heituanzi?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "No, I want to carve the explosive mysterious pattern. This time, I want to carve it into the white jade platform. Therefore, I need Hei Tuanzi to help resist the attack of the demon lord. After I carve the pattern, I will carve Hei Tuanzi into it." Bring the dumplings back.”

 “What can you do with me?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

“Luoluo, just bring us into the Pangu space when I bring back Black Tuanzi, otherwise we will be implicated by the intensity of the blast.” Ji Jiuzhong had already begun to prepare the tattoo.

“Okay, don’t worry.” Yan Xiangluo knew Ji Jiuzhong’s profound pattern strength. As long as he could successfully carve the explosive pattern, he would definitely be able to destroy the Baiyu Platform.

 At this time, the Demon Lord had been furious for seven days. During these seven days, the Demon Lord kept attacking the seal, and the power of the seal became weaker and weaker.

Yan Xiangluo felt it very clearly.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly carved mysterious patterns, and Yan Xiangluo could feel that every stroke of his carving went deep into the white jade platform.

The White Jade Terrace looks like it is only as high as one person, but in fact it is quite deep underneath.

It can be imagined that every stroke of Ji Jiuzhong's pattern consumes a lot of mental and spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo waited quietly, but her spiritual consciousness sensed the seal.

The black dumpling clung tightly to the white jade platform, sensing whether there was any attack power from the demon lord.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes have always been on the black ball. As long as it makes any movement, it means that the demon lord's attack is coming.

Sure enough, Heituanzi's limp body swelled up instantly, and Yan Xiangluo also felt the powerful attack coming from him.

 She looked at Ji Jiuzhong worriedly. After all, Ji Jiuzhong couldn't be distracted from fighting, could Heituanzi do it?

Yan Xiangluo was ready for a fight. If the attack force of Black Tuanzi could not be blocked, she would immediately pull Ji Jiuzhong back.

  You must not be injured anyway, especially if you are injured by magic.

This magic power is different from the magic power of the demon cultivator.

When mentioning the magic power, Yan Xiangluo thought of leaving Jiuyuan Continent. She told her parents about the results of her research on why the spiritual practice could not touch the demonic energy. I wonder if her parents had publicized the method.

 Actually, after they left, the Nine Heavens Passage was opened, and Jue Chengye spread the method as planned.

Many spiritual practitioners have tried the method they mentioned, and sure enough, the body no longer rejects the evil energy, but excretes it as waste power.

After conducting research, Yan Xiangluo discovered that as soon as the demonic energy enters Lingxiu's body, Lingxiu instinctively resists. Therefore, the demonic energy becomes an offensive force, so it will conflict with his own spiritual power. As long as he ignores the magical energy, he will When the demonic energy enters the Dantian, block it. Without attacking, the demonic energy will be excreted by the body as waste gas.

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