The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1039: Finale (9)

Chapter 1039 Finale (9)

  But if it’s magic power, no, the method needs to be changed.

 Because magic power is emitted by demonic cultivators, and they are usually fighting. Therefore, as long as the physical strength does not directly confront the magic power, it is easy to guide the magic power out.

While Yan Xiangluo was thinking, Heituanzi's body swelled up. Even Ji Jiuzhong could sense that although the demon lord's powerful attack had released some of its strength, it was still very strong, but Heituanzi actually absorbed the attack power directly. It went into the body.

Then the black dumpling was stretched up and turned into a **** dumpling.

Ji Jiuzhong moved quickly, knowing that Heituanzi could no longer take the Demon Lord's attack.

Just when the Demon Lord's next attack came, Ji Jiuzhong completed the last stroke of the tattoo, and he immediately said to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, take us in."

As soon as Yan Xiangluo Ji Jiuzhong spoke, he had already sent the black dumplings in first, then grabbed Ji Jiuzhong and dodged into Pangu space.

As soon as the two of them entered, they heard a dull and loud noise outside.

The explosive mysterious pattern engraved by Ji Jiuzhong was detonated by the power of the Demon Lord. Coupled with the Demon Lord's attack power, the White Jade Platform was completely destroyed, almost turning into powder.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at the large pile of white powder outside with lingering fears.

 They were almost about to be exploded together.

The demon lord's roar was deafening in the first training place, but unfortunately only Yuan Xiangluo could hear it.

Yan Xiangluo patted her heart and saw three treasures standing beside them. Worried about scaring them, she hurriedly knelt down to comfort them.

But she choked back her words of comfort before she could say it, because she saw the excited eyes of the three treasures. They were frightened, obviously excited, and regretful that they could not participate in person.

Yan Xiangluo stood up awkwardly. Ji Jiuzhong smiled when he saw her appearance and hugged her waist comfortingly, "There's nothing wrong with being a little bolder."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the three treasures who were still staring outside, and sighed. How young are they? With such courage, they will have nothing to worry about in the future.

 “The Black Spring has disappeared.” Ji Jiuzhong pointed outside.

Yan Xiangluo also saw it. They were all patron saints, and they could sense the process of continental integration even without looking.

 The three babies saw the changes outside with their own eyes, and they all opened their mouths in shock. Why has the outside changed?

Yan Xiangluo explained to the three babies, "What you saw before was a place called Black Spring. There were evil spirits there from ancient times, and the power they formed created demons. Now it has been destroyed by dad. As long as the devil is eliminated, the mainland will be safe."

Although the children are still young, they are very smart. Yan Xiangluo does not hide the fact from them. She tells them first that whether they understand it now or not, they will remember it and they will understand it when they grow up.

However, the children have very high IQs. They all looked at their father and said in unison, "Daddy is so awesome."

Ji Jiuzhong knew that Luoluo wanted to make her image taller in the children's hearts and warm her heart.

“It’s mainly because your mother purified and transcended all those black soul bodies that dad was able to destroy this place.”

The three cute kids immediately looked at their mother with admiration, feeling very proud in their hearts, thinking that they would have to work hard to cultivate until they grow up to be as powerful as their parents.

They know that as long as they are on the Nine Heavens Continent, they will never be able to surpass their parents. After all, their parents are the patron saints of the continent.

It was noon at this time, and Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong decided to take the children out. They had never seen the normal appearance of Jiuchongtian Continent until now.

But Yan Xiangluo noticed that the sky outside was gray. "What's going on?" Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked in confusion.

Ji Jiuzhong released Wuji, "Don't worry, let Wuji go check the news."

After Wuji went out, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo also went out, but they didn't let the children come out. The two of them sensed the devil's aura as soon as they came out.

It’s like returning to the first place of training.

"Did the devil's breath leak out?" Yan Xiangluo suspected that the devil's breath leaked out from the black spring.

She let go of her spiritual consciousness to perceive the entire Jiuzhongtian Continent, and found that all parts of the continent were the same, all gray.

"No, if it was leaked just now, it wouldn't have spread throughout the entire continent so quickly." Ji Jiuzhong said.

"Let's wait until Wuji comes back to see the situation. I'm afraid the Demon Lord is coming out." Yan Xiangluo sensed the seal again and said.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Sooner or later we will face each other."

Now that the Black Spring is destroyed, the Demon Lord's follow-up power is gone. Now we just need to deal with the Demon Lord with peace of mind.

 It is always easier than the time of sealing the demon ten thousand years ago.

 Because what they were worried about was how to completely kill the demon lord.

The couple flew in the air, and Wuji came back in about half an hour, bringing news from the mainland.

“Wuji said that this situation has been going on for more than a year and is getting more and more serious.” Ji Jiuzhong finished communicating with Wuji.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "It seems that the seal has no real effect anymore. The Demon Lord broke through the seal earlier than we expected."

Ji Jiuzhong was not surprised. In addition, they destroyed the Demon Lord's follow-up power today, so the Demon Lord must be more anxious to come out.

“Spreading the news, it is not our own responsibility to eliminate demons, it is the responsibility of the monks across the continent. Only if their realm keeps up can the continent become stronger and stronger.” Yan Xiangluo thought for a while before making a decision.

Ji Jiuzhong also agreed with Luoluo's decision. After all, as soon as the demon lord comes out, the entire continent will suffer. Even if they don't want to contribute, it's better to let them be prepared so that they won't be in a hurry.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Come on Luoluo."

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo didn't shirk. After all, she was the patron saint of Jiuchongtian Continent.

After Yan Xiangluo pondered for a while, he directly released his spiritual consciousness and spread his voice out. It could be heard in any corner of the entire continent, not only the Jiuchongtian Continent, but also the higher and lower continents below.

"I am the patron saint of the continent. More than ten thousand years ago, because the continent was devoured by other continent patron saints of the same level, the Black Spring, the land of evil spirits in ancient times, took the opportunity to come in during the battle, so the demon lord stayed in our continent."

“Ten thousand years ago, Saint Fengyuan and more than three hundred great saint-level powers worked together to sacrifice themselves and seal the demon lord. I was reincarnated into this life and awakened the memory of the patron saint, and I just destroyed the Black Spring.”

"But the Demon Lord is about to break through the seal. The Demon Lord was formed by the evil thoughts of the evil spirits at the end of ancient times. We must work together to eliminate the Demon. Only by completely killing the Demon Lord can the continent return to normal order and prevent the Demon Lord from harming other people." mainland."

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