The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1040: Finale (10)

Chapter 1040 Finale (10)

Yu Xiangluo's voice spread across the entire continent, and everyone could hear it. Everyone was stunned and shocked.

 It turns out that there is still a patron saint in their continent, but what does the patron saint mean?

There are other continents that also have patron saints and annexed each other, and their patron saints were injured in order to protect the continent, and they were reincarnated and reborn to awaken the memories of the patron saints?

It turned out that the demon took the opportunity to come to their continent at that time. So many great saint-level powerful men from the Nine Heavens sacrificed themselves thousands of years ago in order to seal the demon lord.

 In an instant, these news shocked them all.

Until Yan Xiangluo's voice disappeared, no one spoke for a long time.

For the first time in history, the entire continent fell into collective silence.

"Back then, the patron saint of another continent took the initiative to integrate his continent into the Jiuchongtian Continent. I was able to find a chance to prevent the continent from being swallowed up. In the future, we will collectively protect the Jiuchongtian Continent. The mainland's patron saint has the right to protect the continent. However, you should know that even the patron saint cannot protect everyone with the power of the demon lord. Therefore, the best way to eliminate demons is for all the monks to form a group. One person’s power is limited, and the entire The people in the mainland are all hugging each other, and the devil has nowhere to hide," Yuan Xiangluo continued.

These words are meant to brainwash everyone, and they are also true.

If the patron saint was omnipotent, there would be no demons invading the mainland.

“We must protect the homeland where we live together, for our parents, for ourselves, and for our descendants.”

Yan Xiangluo stopped talking when she said this. She said what needed to be said and told what needed to be told. As for whether the people of the continent they were guarding shared the same aspirations, that was beyond their control.

 After all, they are just guardian gods, not rules of heaven.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong took a look at the disappearing Black Spring realm. There was another place here that they couldn't find even if they were guardian gods. That was the place where the devil was really born, where the devil was born and nurtured. from.

There should be the most crucial thing to eliminate the demon.

Thinking of the pattern array in the last library in Qianjuan Mountain, it could send them to the place where the Demon Lord was born, but now they can't go.

The Demon Lord has slowly penetrated the demonic energy into all continents, which means that the Demon Lord's power has surpassed the power of Fengyuan Saint and others when they sealed him thousands of years ago. The reason why the seal has not been broken yet is not because the Demon Lord cannot. To break through the seal, it was about what time he was waiting for.

 And they have to go there when they deal the most fatal blow to the Demon Lord in order to completely eradicate the Demon Lord.

 This way, we will never have future troubles, so that Jiuzhongtian Continent and other continents will no longer be invaded by demons.

 The couple took a look at the situation outside and hesitated whether to take the children out.

 Finally Ji Jiuzhong made the decision to let the children out.

 You have to see it with your own eyes to understand how cruel and difficult the world is.

 The three children grew up absorbing Pangu's spiritual energy. The evil energy is not a fear to them at all, so there is no need to worry about them being corroded by the evil energy. On the contrary, the evil energy will allow them to gain better experience.

Yu Xiangluo brought out her three sons, and Yun Tuan and the five others followed.

 It would be fine if the three children were well-behaved, but it would be difficult for one or two people to look at them when they were shopping.

Especially now that they are no longer in the space, they are worried that the three children might get interested and run around and lose sight of them. Don’t you know that the entire continent is now under the control of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, and the children can’t escape.

Although this is not the first time for the three cute babies to come out, the first time they came out had a bad impression. This time they came out and there was no sense of oppression, which was quite novel.

It’s just that this gray sky is not as good as the space. Where is the beautiful world that my mother said?

Ji Jiuzhong patiently explained to the children, and the three cute children Yunxiao, Yunhan, and Yunxi understood that the world was beautiful, but it had been eroded by the devil's evil spirit.

 Suddenly the three little ones were very angry and wanted to slay the devil together with their parents.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not dampen the enthusiasm of the three little ones and led them outside the Black Spring.

Although the Black Spring has disappeared now, the stone monument erected before is still there. When he came to the stone monument, Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Do you want to destroy it?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "Keep it, it can be considered as a warning to the world, so that they always remember the price they paid to eliminate demons, and it also lets the world know that evil thoughts are not just a thought, but can be realized." The consequences are likely to be irreversible.”

Ji Jiudian nodded, "That's fine."

At this time, everyone who knew Yu Xiangluo from the Nine Heavens Continent and even the higher and lower continents knew that she was the reincarnation of the patron saint of the continent. And they also knew who the patron saint she was talking about who integrated her Eastern Continent into the Jiuchongtian Continent at the critical moment was Ji Jiuzhong.

 Who else has that strength besides him.

Especially her relatives and friends were shocked and worried about the news.

The first people to start uniting to slay the demon were her relatives, friends and those who followed them. Because they have developed unquestioning trust in the couple over the years.

As for Juan Chengye, Ji Zimo, Mu Changling, and Ge Tianjun who were in Jiuchongtian Continent, they contacted them immediately after Juan Xiangluo's words.

Knowing that they had come out of the Black Spring, they all saw them immediately.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong made an appointment at a place close to them and asked them to go there first.

When the two of them arrived with their children, the four of them were all confused when they saw the three cute babies. Didn’t they go into the black spring? When were these three children born?

 The reason why we didn’t ask whose children these were was because we knew that the three children belonged to Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong without even asking about their looks.

so similar!

Chengye glanced at his daughter and knew in his heart that her daughter must have been pregnant when she went in. You can tell by looking at the ages of the three children, they are all over two years old.

After the four of them were stunned for a moment, they all came to their senses and looked at Yan Xiangluo with distress, wondering how she had gone through what she had gone through while pregnant with her child in the Black Spring.

Ji Zimo looked at the three little ones and felt a long-lost feeling in his heart. They were the descendants of the Ji family, and their Ji family had finally begun to prosper again.

The three cute babies also looked at the four people opposite them curiously. This was the first time since they were born that they saw people other than their parents and Yun Tuan.

Yan Xiangluo introduced the three children, "Yunxiao, Yunhan, Yunxi, this is Ji Zimo, the ancestor of the Ji family. You should call your ancestor."

The three cute babies have long heard what their parents said. Now that they saw the real person, they immediately gave a decent gift, "Yunxiao (Yunhan, Yunxi) has seen the ancestors."

With tears in his eyes, Ji Zimo immediately helped the three cute children up, and then took out the greeting gifts, which were all treasures he had found in the past two years.

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