The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1041: Finale (11)

 Chapter 1041 Finale (11)

 It was the first time in their lives that the three adorable children received gifts from other than their parents. They all looked at their parents in a polite manner. When they saw their parents nodding, they happily accepted the gifts.

 Put the gifts into their respective storage rings.

This was made by their father himself for them on their second birthday. It has a lot of space inside and can hold a lot of things.

But this was the first time they received a face-to-face gift, and their joy was beyond words.

Ji Zimo was extremely pleased to see the descendants of the Ji family. This was something that made him happier than Ji Jiuchong returning to the land of the Ji family.

 Because this means that the Ji family has truly been passed down.

"Come on, Yunxiao, Yunhan, Yunxi, this is my grandfather's meeting gift." Chengye didn't need to be introduced by his daughter, and directly gave the meeting gift to his three grandsons.

The three cute babies finally saw their mother’s father, their grandfather, and happily threw themselves into his arms.

 “Where are my grandfather, grandmother and uncle?”

When Chengye heard his three grandsons asking this question, he immediately understood that his daughter and son-in-law should often tell his three grandsons about them, otherwise the three children would not be so naturally close to him.

"They are in Jiuyuan Continent. We will see them when they come or when we go back." Zhuan Chengye held his three grandsons in his arms and said softly.

 It is even gentler than when I coaxed my daughter.

“Come on, come on, you can’t see my younger uncle now, but you can meet your older uncle first.” Ge Tianjun also took out his own greeting gift.

 The three cute babies immediately came out of their grandfather’s arms and respectfully bowed to their uncle.

As for my mother, this uncle, although not my mother's cousin, is very, very good to my mother.

 Look at the greeting gift given by the uncle, it is also very good for them.

 In the end, Mu Changling also gave a meeting gift.

Three cute babies hugged his legs and called Grandpa. My mother-in-law said that her weapon, the long spear, was made by Grandpa himself.

  The four of them were originally in a very depressed mood, but their moods were relieved by the sudden appearance of three cute babies.

 Seeing the three cute dolls, they suddenly felt a sense of vitality in their hearts, as if they were not so worried about facing the devil.

  After receiving the greeting gifts, the three cute babies were held in the arms of their grandfather, ancestor, and uncle one by one.

Mu Changling didn't even try to catch her, but asked Yuan Xiangluo what was going on.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong briefly recounted their experiences over the past two years.

 “How confident are you that you can eliminate the demon?” Mu Changling asked.

Several other people also looked at the two of them, and this was the question they wanted to ask.

Yan Xiangluo said, "We have destroyed the source of the demon lord's power, but it's hard to say how sure we are of exterminating the demon."

 “Any more questions?” Mu Changling asked with a frown.

The source of the demon lord's power has been destroyed by these two children, so why are we still not sure how to eliminate the demon?

Yan Xiangluo said, "Everyone knows that demons cannot be killed. Until now, we don't know the real reason why they can't be killed. Therefore, we have to go to another place before we can eliminate the demons."

 “Where?” Several people asked in unison.

"The birthplace of the devil." "The birthplace of the devil has been destroyed by you, hasn't it?" Yan Chengye asked doubtfully.

"Dad, what we destroyed was only the place where the demon's power came from. As for the place where the demon is truly cultivated, there is another place. It should not be far from there, but it requires some special means to get there." Yuan Xiangluo explained. .

 “It’s very dangerous?” Yan Chengye understood immediately.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "We don't know what kind of place it is, but if we want to truly eradicate the demons from the mainland, we must go there."

The four of them knew that they were the guardian gods of the continent. They had just recovered the memory of the guardian gods. Although they were the guardians of the continent, it did not mean that nothing could trouble them. They were just the guardian gods of the continent, not the rules of heaven.

 “When are you going?” Yan Chengye asked again.

“We need to rearrange the formations to protect the continent first, and then go.” Yan Xiangluo sighed.

 She and Ji Jiuzhong died and were reborn, and the five divine beasts followed them and returned to their original cub forms and fell into a deep sleep.

And the formations used by the five divine beasts to guard the mainland have also disappeared. Now if you want to eliminate the demons, you must first rearrange the formations and let the five great beasts return to their positions.

 This way, the continent will not be destroyed when we actually confront the Demon Lord.

Neither of them can guarantee whether the Demon Lord will do something to destroy the entire continent when he loses his vitality.

 They must first protect the mainland. This is their responsibility and obligation as patron saints.

 “We’ll go with you.” Juan Chengye said immediately.

Ge Tianjun also said, "Yes, although our current cultivation strength is not strong enough, it is better to have a large number of people than to face it alone."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong understood that being able to make such a decision meant that they were ready to sacrifice themselves.

After all, they knew very well that going to the place where the Demon Lord was born was definitely more dangerous than the battle that sealed the Demon Lord ten thousand years ago.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and refused, "It will be more useful for you to stay on the mainland than to go with us."

Ji Jiuzhong explained, "The monks on the mainland have different mental states, and they need someone to guide them in the right direction. Eliminating demons is the responsibility of the monks on the entire continent, and it also requires all of us to resist together."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the faint demonic aura that filled the sky, "These demonic auras are pervasive and invade people's bodies all the time. We need someone to guide us correctly on how to resist these demonic auras."

Ge Tianjun understood what the two of them meant and did not insist on his own ideas. "Okay, don't worry, leave these matters to us."

At this moment, Mu Zixian and the others got the news about Ji Jiuzhong and Yuan Xiangluo and came over.

 Naturally, I was shocked when I saw the three young masters. After the shock, there was surprise.

 They actually have little masters, not only one but three.

 The masters are so amazing. After going into the black spring, they were able to give birth to three little masters safely and raise them so well.

Even Chang Feng and Jin Yutang, who usually don’t see smiling faces, were extremely rare. They had rare smiles on their faces, and they were so gentle that they seemed to be completely different people.

The three adorable children were once again receiving a large number of greeting gifts. They were completely unaware of the heavy hearts of the adults and were extremely happy.

Yu Chengye looked at his three grandchildren and said, "Leave the child to us."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Dad, it's better for us to take it with us."

Although his daughter didn’t say anything, Jue Chengye thought that having space on his daughter’s body would indeed be much safer than having them by his side.

Thinking about where they are going, I am still a little worried.

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