The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1042: Finale (12)

 Chapter 1042 Finale (12)

Yan Xiangluo said, "Dad, if we are no longer here, this continent should also be destroyed."

 One sentence made Chengye wake up instantly.

How could he forget the identity of his daughter and son-in-law? They are the patron saints of the continent. If they were no longer around, the continent would have been ruled by the devil or destroyed.

Then the three grandsons would be more dangerous with them.


Yu Chengye uttered a word with difficulty, because he realized at this moment that it was meaningless to say anything.

Yan Xiangluo knew that her father was worried about the children, but she knew better that if she and Ji Jiuzhong really died, then her small world of portable space could give the children a living space, and there would be people from the Taoyuan world there. , at that time, she can open the restrictions of the Taoyuan world. People in the Taoyuan world can practice as long as they have spiritual roots. Their own space is the other world, and their sons are not alone.

 This is the worst case scenario.

Mu Zixian and the others originally wanted to follow Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo, but Ji Jiuzhong asked them to do things with the four of them.

 After all, the Jiuchongtian Continent is so big, and the Demon Lord can come out anytime and anywhere. Their time is more pressing and their tasks are more arduous.

Mu Zixian and the others know very well what their own strength can do. If they can't keep up with their masters, they should just obey their orders.

 Finally we met, but we didn’t even have time to talk for a while.

 After discussing the matter, everyone separated from the couple.

  Before leaving, I looked at the three cute babies reluctantly, but in the end I turned around and left. They both knew in their hearts that the separation at this time was for the sake of being better together in the future.

The three cute babies saw their relatives for the first time, and they were separated again in such a short period of time. They were all in tears, which was very heartbreaking.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong coaxed them for a long time before coaxing their three sons.

 Then he said to the five people in the cloud standing not far away, "Let's start setting up the formation now."

Except for Yun Tuan, the other four divine beasts among the five are all contracted beasts of Ji Jiuzhong, so setting up the formation to protect the continent requires Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong to work together.

The two sent their three sons into the Pangu space. The adults’ conversation made the three children feel the solemn atmosphere, and they all returned to the Pangu space obediently.

 Then he flew to the stone milk in space and sat cross-legged in the invincible lotus seat.

 Wudi is the lotus platform of the ancient great god. Since the three children were two years old, they like to sit on the lotus platform and practice.

Wushuang was also crowded on the lotus platform with three children, right in the middle gap between the three children back to back.

Three beautiful and lovely children, sitting on the lotus platform, look good no matter how you look at them.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong glanced at their sons, their spiritual consciousness came out of the space, and said to the five Yun Tuan people, "After the formation is completed, you must stay in your respective positions for the time being."

Although the five people in Yun Tuan are reluctant to be separated from their three young masters, after all they have watched their young masters grow up with their own eyes in the past two years, they also know the importance of things and the responsibilities and obligations they have.

 The five people nodded in unison, "We will protect the mainland."

 They knew what Yuan Xiangluo meant, which was to entrust them with the task of guarding the peace of the mainland.

Without thinking, they also knew what kind of war it would be when they faced the Demon Lord, and what kind of devastating disaster the continent would face. Therefore, the five of them must protect the Jiuchongtian Continent and prevent it from being destroyed when the two masters are fighting the Demon Lord.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong teamed up to set up a protective array for the five sacred beasts. The Qingyun Pavilion in the Ji family's land was where the four sacred beasts lived, and it was actually a sacred object that guarded the four corners of the continent.

With Ji Jiuzhong's thought, Qingyun Pavilion appeared in front of them. The two of them input their protective power into Qingyun Pavilion. Qingyun Pavilion suddenly separated into four, and then disappeared before their eyes.

 “The four great beasts have returned to their places.” Yan Xiangluo’s voice echoed throughout the Jiuzhongtian Continent.

With her voice, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu disappeared, returned to their respective Qingyun Pavilions, and began their mission of guarding the continent.

People across the continent heard the sound of Yuan Xiangluo. Those who went crazy looking for the four divine beasts knew that the masters of the four divine beasts had fallen, and their masters were the patron saints of the continent.

 At that time, it should be the four great divine beasts that were guarding Yan Xiangluo and the others to regain the power of their patron saints.

I have to say that people’s imagination is very big. Although it is not so accurate, it is still partly correct.

The clouds are just there to protect them and increase their strength.

As the four major mythical beasts return to their positions, the body of Yun Tuan also rises. The Yellow Dragon guards the center of the continent and is also the head of the mythical beasts.

Yan Xiangluo took out the box given to her by the third senior brother. At that time, the third senior brother said that she could not open it until she regained her memory. There were her things inside.

 Although she knew what was inside after recovering her memory from this life, she didn’t know what it was used for. She only knew that it was something important to her.

 After recovering the memory and strength of the patron saint, she realized that the thing inside was the Nine Layers Palace, where the patron saint lived and the center of the continent guarded by Huanglong.

Yan Xiangluo opened the box, and the unknown thing inside instantly turned into a miniature palace.

Yan Xiangluo input the power of the patron saint, and then signaled Ji Jiuzhong to also input the power of the patron saint. In this way, Jiuchong Palace became the home of the two of them.

After Ji Jiuzhong input the power of the patron saint, the Jiuzhong Palace instantly grew in size and then disappeared into the sky, and the clouds also disappeared.

The two of them did not go to the Nine-layer Palace. Their spiritual consciousness could clearly perceive the existence and location of the Nine-layer Palace. Yun Tuan stood in front of the Nine-layer Palace and looked at the vast continent.

 They finally returned to their guarding position, and the task of guarding the continent began.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo sensed that the Demon Lord was forcibly breaking through the seal in the first training place. The power was so strong that she could not suppress it at all.

Liu raised his eyebrows and said, "Ninth level, the devil has broken through the seal."

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes and said, "It should be that the guardian beast has returned. The mainland's guardian force has become stronger. It senses a crisis and needs to act immediately."

First the supply of power was cut off, and now the mainland's protective power has been strengthened. How could the Demon Lord not sense the crisis?

"It will take at most one day for the seal to be broken." Yan Xiangluo said solemnly.

"There is no need to suppress him anymore. We need to go to the place where the Demon Lord was born immediately." As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, he took Yan Xiangluo's hand and disappeared, and his voice disappeared into the air.

 They must go there immediately to find the reason why the Demon Lord cannot be killed. This time there is really no time.

 (End of this chapter)

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