The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 111: Terrible

Chapter 111 It’s terrible

Beitang Yunyu felt helpless and did not take the initiative to interact with them. In her spare time during training, she went to Qiandu Peak to have a meal.

So much so that the handyman disciples at Qiandu Peak kindly reminded Yuan Xiangluo to stay away from Beitang Yunyu. He was a noble person and was not easy to mess with. The price for messing with him would be like Miao Nagano's.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, wasn't this verbal violence combined with cold violence?

You don’t need to think about this to know that someone deliberately spread the word. This is to prevent Beitang Yunyu from making friends in the sect. Without friends, there will be no help.

Although I know who did it, I can't find any evidence, and there is no good solution to the matter. The more I care about things, the more things will go as the other party wants.

 This point was understood by Xiangluo in her previous life, and she had experienced it personally.

Because of her grandmother's preference and her own medical talent, her peers in the family did not dare to do anything to her, so they treated her with such cold violence. They never thought that it would be difficult for her to live as a sick person.

At that time, she was unable to resist and could only deal with it coldly, but the effect was the best. After all, no one was better than her in medicine. They still asked for her. As long as they asked for her, the cold violence could not continue. .

Beitang Yunyu didn't care about the attitude of the sect disciples towards him, and instead comforted her.

“Uncle Yu, don’t worry about it. It will naturally fade over time. Besides, I am very satisfied to have Uncle Yu as a friend in the Xianyun Sect. Let the rest of the people follow their fate.”

 What happened this time gave Beitang Yunyu a new understanding of the sect.

First of all, what the master said to Miao Changye made him understand that the master knew his future better than he did. He did not blame the master. After all, the master was the leader of a sect. It was what he should do to consider the sect. No matter what, , Master was also very good to him.

Secondly, there is a purpose in making good friends with fellow disciples. Before meeting Yan Xiangluo, he himself had never thought about showing all his sincerity to anyone. It was just a matter of interests between you and me. It's just a matter of hugging each other for warmth. Seeing that the relationship is getting closer, when things really happen, like now, they will always put their own interests first.

Therefore, there is no need to devote time and emotion to management, just let it happen.

The last point is that everyone knows that he came to Xianyun Sect just to learn alchemy. His identity is destined to not stay in Xianyun Sect. Sooner or later he will leave, so those who never want to leave will not be friends with him again. Very normal thing.

After thinking about these three points, he clearly knew how he should deal with himself in the Xianyun Sect in the future, so he didn't care about the reactions of other disciples.

Seeing that he was in such a good mood, Yan Xiangluo wasn't worried anymore.

Although as a member of the Xianyun Sect, you have to think about the sect, but there is no need to deliberately make friends with anyone. If the sect is in trouble, she can only help if she has the ability, and the rest will be left to chance.

 She is much better now than in her previous life. She has two friends, Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu.

Thinking of Jin Xinrong, I was a little worried about what happened to her family to make her go back in such a hurry.

More than twenty days passed in a flash, and Jin Xinrong did come back at the time she said. As soon as she came back, she came to Qiandu Peak to see her. She also found out what happened to the sect and felt very emotional.

"I feel very lucky to be an inner disciple. Miao Changye is already a direct disciple of the sect master, but he is still not satisfied. Now, my life is completely ruined."

Yan Xiangluo saw that she looked a little haggard, so she couldn't ask directly, so she could only ask tactfully, "Has the matter at home been resolved?"

Jin Xinrong sighed, "That's it. That family isn't dirty in private, but I'm not strong enough."

Hearing her tone, Yan Xiangluo understood a little bit, but Jin Xinrong didn't take the initiative and said she couldn't ask any more questions about her family. Jin Xinrong didn't say anything else. Obviously, she didn't want to talk about family matters.

The two chatted for a while. After Yan Xiangluo stayed with her for lunch, she asked Bai Diao to take her down the mountain.

From that day on, Yan Xiangluo discovered that Jin Xinrong worked harder, both in alchemy and cultivation.

She will come to Qiandu Peak to ask for help if she has any doubts. She is not stingy and will help anyone who can help her.

 My temperament has also changed a lot, and I am not as straightforward as before. Experience is indeed the fastest way for people to grow up.

In this way, time flies by, and another year has passed. The fifteen-year-old Yan Xiangluo is standing tall and graceful. Her cultivation level has reached the ninth level of the spiritual level, the level of the alchemist has reached the fifth level, and the level of vitality has reached the eighth level. class.

 She still did not participate in the sect competition and training. She didn't care what the sect disciples said about her, and she continued to practice, study and experience in her own way.

She was able to advance to the ninth level of the spiritual level because she went to Wanghai Forest to experience beyond her physical limits. However, she also clearly felt that the obstacles to advancement were becoming stronger and stronger. In the past, she could reach this level after stabilizing her cultivation. The peak of the first level, but this time, she was only at the ninth level of the spiritual level, and it was too difficult to reach the peak.

Let her know that it will be extremely difficult to break through to the king level, and this level will not be easy to pass.

However, Ji Yin has read them all and is ready to return them to Ji Jiuzhong when he comes for acupuncture. Then she can start practicing Xuan Ke.

However, Ji Jiuzhong did not come at the originally agreed time, and Yan Xiangluo was a little uneasy. Ji Jiuzhong must have encountered something, and it was not a small matter, otherwise he would not have allowed his body to become poisonous.

 Two months later, she finally met Ji Jiuzhong.

His condition can be imagined. Although he looks unchanged, his physical condition is extremely bad.

Yu Xiangluo admired him in her heart. How could this man be so tolerant?

Mu Zixian and Changfeng still accompanied him. Mu Zixian asked anxiously after feeling Yu Xiangluo's pulse: "Miss Yu, can you still suppress it?"

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and glanced at him, "You gave him acupuncture."

 She used an affirmative tone, which she could tell by feeling her pulse.

Yan Xiangluo had to admit in her heart that Mu Zixian was very smart. He was able to do this just by watching himself perform acupuncture twice. His talent was indeed not that good.

Mu Zixian was shocked. Yan Xiangluo could tell that she had given her master an acupuncture just by checking his pulse. How powerful was her medical skill?

 Did she really figure it out by herself by reading medical books? Are there really such powerful people in the world?

Mu Zixian, who is called a genius, feels that his title of genius is very valuable. Only people like this can be regarded as geniuses.

However, he admitted honestly, "At that time, the master was seriously injured and the poison was uncontrollable, so I performed the acupuncture according to Miss Yu's treatment method, but the effect was not good."

Beauties, I returned from my parents’ house yesterday. I came back late. I was too tired and couldn’t type. I got up this morning to write. I will update one chapter first, and the second chapter will be later. I will update it after I finish it.



 (End of this chapter)

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