The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 112: It's the limit

Chapter 112 is the limit

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "No, the effect is very good. You are very talented as a doctor. If you hadn't given him the acupuncture, I wouldn't have been able to preserve his cultivation if he came to me today."

Mu Zixian's eyes burst into surprise that Yan Xiangluo actually praised him. He had grown up with praise from his family elders, but there was no such praise that made him excited and happy at this time.

 After he was happy, he thought about what Yan Xiangluo had said. He could keep his cultivation, but what about the poison? Can it be suppressed?

“Girl, can the poison in my master’s body be suppressed?”

If the poison cannot be suppressed, the master may not be able to wait until he enters the secret realm of the spiritual spring and gets the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. What's the use of keeping his cultivation level.

Changfeng was also anxious and looked at Yan Xiangluo worriedly.

Ji Jiuzhong was very calm, "Miss Yu, just tell the truth."

He knew that his body was in terrible condition inside. If Zixian hadn't given him some acupuncture and taken the healing elixir, his liver and intestines would have been severed long ago. He wouldn't have been able to reach Qiandu Peak and see you. The fragrance has fallen.

Since Yan Xiangluo said that he could maintain his cultivation, there should be a solution to the problem.

"Now your poison can no longer be suppressed by acupuncture. There is only one way, which is to force the poison to one place and wait for detoxification." Seeing Ji Jiuzhong's calmness, Yan Xiangluo gained a new understanding of him. .

He is not too old, just twenty years old. He was able to control the imperial power of Tianshun Kingdom when he was a teenager, and he could do things that no one in his decades could do. It shows that he is neither IQ nor strong. Generally strong.

 At least in his past and present life, Ji Jiuzhong was the youngest and most accomplished man she had ever seen.

 At this age, he can be so calm in the face of life and death. What level of state of mind has he reached?

 She can see through life and death because she has experienced life and death once. What about him?

After hearing her words, Ji Jiuzhong was not as happy as Mu Zixian and Changfeng. He thought for a while and asked, "What's the price?"

Mu Zixian and Changfeng also understood that since suppressing poison has a price, the price of gathering poison and waiting for detoxification will not be small.

Yan Xiangluo once again lamented in her heart that Ji Jiuzhong's ability to reach the position of regent of Tianshun today was not due to luck alone, but to his real strength.

"This is your last chance. This way you can only control the poison for one year. After one year, if you can't detoxify, you will die from the poison. There is nothing I can do." Yan Xiangluo said indifferently.

 In fact, she felt a little pity in her heart. She loved and cherished talents, which made her feel that it was a pity that Ji Jiuyi died like this.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes flashed with a stream of light, "Can spiritual power be used?"

“It’s okay, but you still can’t exhaust all your spiritual power.” Yan Xiangluo admired Ji Jiuzhong’s meticulous thinking.

His current condition is more serious than that of his adopted brother Ge Tianjun at that time. Ge Tianjun is acutely poisonous. He has accumulated poison since birth, and the poison is too strong. This method can protect his Dantian and cultivation to the greatest extent.

Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong was born with fetal poison. Although it was serious, his body has always been coexisting with the poison. It can be said that he has adapted to the existence of the poison, so he can use acupuncture to suppress the poison. Now that the poison is forced to one place, instead It took longer than Ge Tianjun.

 But one year is the limit.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng's eyes lit up. One year, the secret realm of Lingquan will be opened at the beginning of next year. It is already May, and there is more than enough time. As long as you get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, you can completely detoxify the master. This is also the master's last hope for detoxification, as Yu Xiangluo also said.

Although Ji Jiuzhong didn't have any emotional changes on the surface, his heart was full of ups and downs. Yan Xiangluo's medical skills surpassed his knowledge of medical skills. He was really curious about how this little girl learned such a powerful medical skill.

"Then there will be Miss Laoju." Ji Jiuzhong's words meant that he agreed to do this.

Yan Xiangluo never thought that he would refuse. After all, this was his only chance.

"You can't use acupuncture to force the poison into one place now. The injury in your body is too severe and you can't bear it. You can stay here for three days to recover from the injury, and then I will use acupuncture to force out the poison on you." Yuan Xiangluo He took out a medicine bottle and handed it to Ji Jiuzhong.

"There are three elixir pills here. One of them is snake fruit, which is good for your current body. Take one pill every day, and then meditate and practice. Don't rush, practice step by step. Practice as long as you can. Don't show off, take rest as your host."

This was made when she was refining the fifth-grade elixir. She happened to have snake fruit, so she refined it. Although she is now a fifth-grade alchemist, she did not have some of the precious medicinal materials and did not collect them. , so the fifth-grade elixir has not been refined yet, whether it is the one given to her by Master Qianhe, or the elixir in Shuyilu, or even the elixir in Master Chengan's ancient elixir book.

Ji Jiuzhong took the medicine bottle, poured out an elixir, threw it into his mouth and drank it. But she was very surprised in her heart. It was an elixir of perfect quality. Are the elixirs she refined all of them of perfect quality?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the time and said, "The pills taken at this time today will also be taken at this time in the next two days."

“I know.” Ji Jiuzhong responded.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and looked at the empty training room and asked, "You can only live here for these three days. Do you have daily necessities?"

Mu Zixian immediately said: "Yes, we carry it with us."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "There is a kitchen on the south side of Qiandu Peak Palace. If you need to cook, you can use it. There are some ingredients in it. If you don't mind, you can use it directly."

Although the food in her kitchen is all spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables, and spiritual animal meat, they are not cheap. But even if she doesn't pay herself, it's enough for Ji Jiuzhong to give her the Ji Yin Xuan Wen technique.

 Besides, Ji Jiuchong is not a searcher either.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng looked at each other. Neither of them knew how to cook. They always brought prepared food with them every time they went out. Although they had ready-made ingredients, they still wanted their master to eat something warm if possible. Meals.

Mu Zixian said shamelessly: "Girl, we don't know how to cook. In the past three days, can you please bring a portion to our master when you cook?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the three of them, and Ji Jiuzhong stopped thinking about it. Given his identity, he probably hadn't even entered the kitchen, let alone cooked. Mu Zixian and Changfeng are both very powerful, so they certainly don't waste time on trivial matters like cooking.

 It was only three days, and she also had to cook and eat.

 “Okay.” After saying this, he turned around and left.

 It is noon now and she is going to make lunch.

After Yan Xiangluo left, Mu Zixian and Changfeng looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Master, what should we do this time?"

 (End of this chapter)

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