The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 122: No baby

Chapter 122 No baby

He raised his hand and put the cloud on his shoulder, then opened the bed curtain and got out of bed, opened the door, took out a lighting bead and went to the kitchen. After a while, the aroma of the food spread, and in the dark The squatting people were so greedy by the smell that they wanted to rush into the kitchen and **** the food away.

Yan Xiangluo cooked a lot of dinner. After all, there was a cloud. Even though it was only as big as her palm when it shrank, it still had a big appetite.

Carrying the food back to the main room, the satisfaction of eating it with one's own favor only caused suffering to the person squatting in the dark.

Especially the people sent by Changfeng to protect Yu Xiangluo. They know that this good-for-nothing girl with five spiritual roots who was once famous in Tianshun Imperial City is not only no longer a waste, but also has such good cooking skills. This is not an ordinary suffering.

After dinner and cleaning up, Yan Xiangluo went out with Yun Tuan in her arms.

  Although it was already dark now, there was still an hour before the curfew in the imperial city. She had slept all afternoon and was preparing to go out for a walk. Of course, the main purpose was to hunt for treasure.

Walking on the street, there were not many people, but the restaurants were still very lively. Yan Xiangluo walked casually on the street.

Two years have passed, and Yan Xiangluo has changed a lot. No one recognizes her on the street.

 Besides, most of the people who knew her were young girls, and the girls from that family would not be allowed to go out for a walk at this time. Although no one knew her, a little girl walking alone on the street still attracted people's attention, especially those who coveted her beauty and had evil intentions.

 But she has many strong "bodyguards" in the dark, so she is not afraid.

 Before the time is up, these people will become her bodyguards in disguise and will not let anything happen to her.

Yan Xiangluo ignored the looks of those people and used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yun Tuan, "Yun Tuan, how can there be any treasure in the imperial city?"

Yun Tuan pointed with his little paw, and Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth, "That's the palace. Let alone hunting for treasures, you can't even get in."

Yun Tuan pointed his little paw again, and Yan Xiangluo immediately patted his little paw back, "That's the Regent's Mansion, where Ji Jiuzhong lives. Do you dare to hunt for treasures?"

Yun Tuan, who was not even afraid of the imperial palace, immediately trembled when he heard Ji Jiuzhong's name. He did not dare to provoke that man.

 But apart from these two places, there are no other treasures in the imperial city?

"Yun Tuan, let's set our sights lower. Just see if there are any treasures at home." Yan Xiangluo knew Yu Tuan very well. In its eyes, only treasures like fire beads and wooden beads were considered treasures.

Yun Tuan heard this and asked, "Master, is that the concubine's family?"

Yu Xiangluo slapped her forehead. Yun Tuan came to the imperial city for the first time. Naturally, he didn’t know about Yu’s family.

"On the right hand side, go down the alley. Turn left at the first intersection. The second mansion you walk in is your home." Yun Xiangluo told Yun Tuan the location of her home in her memory, and they just happened to have a chance. After coming back, I also reached this position.

Yun Tuan said disgustedly: "Master, they don't have much treasure at home."

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, "Then look at what's in their warehouse? They have bullied your master a lot in the past."

Hearing that he had bullied his master before, Yun Tuan was immediately unhappy and said angrily: "It doesn't matter what he has in the warehouse, master, let's go and collect it all for them."

“It makes sense.” Yan Xiangluo carried Yun Tuan into the alley and asked Yun Tuan to find a place closest to the warehouse of Yu’s family. They couldn’t go in openly. Yan Xiangluo does not shy away from those who follow her secretly. Even if she has a deal with her family, it is nothing more than her own news. The Yu family now has no relationship with her at all, and cannot control her, so the value of her use is not high.

At this time, she didn’t know that Ji Jiuzhong’s people were also following her in the dark, and Ji Jiuzhong knew every move she made.

He took out a piece of wood. It was one of those wood blocks that she obtained at Thousand Poison Peaks that carried mysterious patterns. This wood block was the first mysterious pattern, the invisibility pattern, that she carved out.

 She had this invisibility tattoo carved after Mu Zixian told her the news about her father, and it was prepared for today. Because the tattoo level was not high and could only last for half an hour, she carved several tattoos for later use.

At this time, she didn’t know that being able to carve invisibility patterns that lasted for half an hour on her first tattoo was no longer a question of high level, but a question of how talented she was.

Therefore, those who followed her secretly saw her take out an ordinary wooden block, input a burst of spiritual power, and then after a burst of light, her figure disappeared, but the strong could still sense her aura. .

 But immediately, her aura was so weak that they had to work hard to detect it.

The enemy sighed inwardly. He was indeed the child of that couple. This was really a lot of tricks. They didn't know that this mysterious pattern was carved by Yu Xiangluo herself. If they knew, they would definitely not just sigh.

After Changfeng's people sent the news back, even if Ji Jiuzhong knew that she had finished reading Ji Yin's mysterious pattern, he never expected that she would carve such a high-level mysterious pattern so quickly.

After all, when she gave him the Ji Seal, she had not yet started carving it. In just these two days, not only did she carve out the mysterious pattern, but her level was also not low.

Mu Zixian said: "It couldn't have been prepared for her by her master."

 After all, Poison King Deng Changze was very good to his only disciple, Yan Xiangluo.

Ji Jiuzhong said: "Even if Deng Changze prepared it for her, she didn't use it. No matter what level of the mysterious pattern in Ji's seal is carved out, when used, it is extremely fast, with almost no reaction time, and the spiritual power is input. The effect, what Yinwei described is Ji Yin’s mysterious pattern.”

Mu Zixian and Changfeng were both stunned. Is it possible that Yan Xiangluo not only has great medical skills and alchemy skills, but also has such a strong talent for Xuanwen?

Mu Zixian touched his nose and said, "Why is she going to Yu's house?"

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes and said, "She should suspect that the Yu family was involved in this incident."

“Didn’t the old general Yu make an oath that all of Yu’s family members would not take action against Yu Xiangluo?” Mu Zixian asked in a daze.

“Did their family take action against Yuan Xiangluo?” Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Mu Zixian.

Mu Zixian was stunned, "I didn't expect that my family would be so insidious, even their blood and flesh would be spared. But even if my family was involved, she wouldn't be able to find anything when I go to my family, right?"

“Send someone to find out who has been in contact with unidentified people recently.”

Ji Jiuzhong is not surprised. After all, he himself is an example. Only when you are useful to the family can you get the blessing of the family. Otherwise, you can only be a stepping stone. If you are disobedient, you are not even a stepping stone.

He really ignored the Yu family. After all, the Yu family could not have such a powerful person. But at this time, he was more curious, why did Yu Xiangluo go to the Yu family?

 (End of this chapter)

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