The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 123: plundered

Chapter 123: Loot everything

Not only Ji Jiuzhong and the others were curious about what Yu Xiangluo was doing at Yu's house, but also those who didn't know her origin were also curious, so they arranged for someone to go in and follow her secretly.

After Yuan Xiangluo became invisible, she climbed over the courtyard wall and went straight to the Yu family's warehouse due to the clouds.

Although Yun Tuan disliked the fact that the Yu family had no treasures, she did not dislike it. They plotted against her parents and plotted against her, and she was even almost killed by them. She wanted to save their lives just because of her father's sake, but She would never be willing to do anything if she didn't do something.

Therefore, the person in the dark noticed that her aura was heading directly to a certain place. When he got there, the corner of his mouth twitched. Even if he had never been to Yu's house, he knew where it was. The target was too clear. , warehouse!

He understood the purpose of Yan Xiangluo coming here, but he was a little curious. There were so many people guarding here secretly and overtly. Although she was invisible, she was still a person who had not broken through to the king level cultivation level after all. How could she go in quietly? ?

Just when he was doubtful, he sensed that Yan Xiangluo had arrived at the door of the warehouse, but the people guarding the warehouse stood motionless. Something was wrong at first sight. They were all above the king level and could not have noticed that Yan Xiangluo was not there. It's gone, even if it's invisible.

Immediately, he saw that the lock on the warehouse door was opened and broken by spiritual power.

 Then he opened a gap and quickly closed it again. The twisted lock was still hanging on it. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't know that the warehouse door was open.

 How did she do it? The guard guarding the door became like this in an instant?

Actually, they thought too much. Yan Xiangluo used the simplest method, the acupuncture method.

This is something she had admired for a long time in her previous life, but even though she was extremely familiar with acupuncture points, she couldn't do it. Today, she just used it on a whim, and it's really easy to use.

In fact, she can also use poison, and the effect of the drug she refined is also very good, but the person who is drugged will fall down, and it will alarm the people guarding in the dark, and acupuncture will not do it. Although standing motionless for a long time will attract people's attention, she doesn't need much time, a short while is enough.

Yu Xiangluo entered the Yu family's warehouse and narrowed her eyes as she looked at the full warehouse. The Yu family is really not ordinary rich. This is the Yu family's large treasury, not counting the private treasury of each courtyard.

 She doesn’t need to be polite anymore.

She walked quickly all the way and collected everything. She would not leave anything behind wherever she went. The warehouse of the Yu family was really not small. Yu Xiangluo walked all the way inside and took everything in. Went into space.

At this time, there were a small mountain of things piled up in the space. There were all kinds of objects, including gold and silver. Most of them were spiritual stones. There were boxes after boxes, and she couldn't even count how many boxes there were.

Yan Xiangluo didn't stop and quickly left the warehouse. She glanced at the guards who were fixed in their eyes with frightened eyes and twisted their waists to leave. They couldn't see her anyway.

Can the guards not be frightened? What kind of method is this? They are obviously conscious, but why can't they move?

No one saw it, and the lock of the warehouse was broken. Although they didn't see anyone going in or anything being moved out, they knew very well that people with such skills needed to move things out, and they only needed to collect the items. You can take it away with you in the ring or Qiankun bag.

I don’t know how big the other party’s Qiankun bag is, and how many things are going to be thrown away in the warehouse?

 They can imagine the punishment they will face.

At this time, they didn’t know that there were not even empty boxes left in the warehouse.

Yan Xiangluo didn't want to implicate them, so the acupuncture points he gave them were very precise. They wouldn't be able to untie them for a while, which was enough for them to get rid of suspicion. Ruan Xiangluo wandered around the house, and after many detours, she found the courtyard of General Ru Chengde. She stopped outside the door.

Yuan Chengde is her father's eldest brother and Yuan Zhihao's father. Although she has never been to Yuan's house, this is the first time, but when she heard her parents talk about Yuan's house when she was young, her mother was very dissatisfied with Yuan Chengde. Disliked, although my father never said anything wrong with his eldest brother, but he allowed his mother to say it, obviously she was extremely disappointed with Yu Chengde.

As long as they have some brotherhood, my father will not be driven out of the concubine's house by the old general.

 The door was closed, so she jumped in from the wall, and then followed the light to a room, which looked like a study.

Two figures were reflected in the window.

Yan Xiangluo saw that the window was open, walked to the window and looked inside, and saw two people sitting on both sides of the desk. The person facing her was a middle-aged man, probably Yuan Chengde, and the one with his back to her knew without looking that it was Yuan Zhihao.

 The father and son were talking about something.

“Haoer, are you sure those people can kill Yan Xiangluo?” Yan Chengde asked.

Yuan Zhihao said nonchalantly: "Dad, Yuan Xiangluo didn't know that we leaked her information. Even if we don't cost her life, we won't lose much. Instead, we got two advanced techniques. What should Dad be worried about?" "Yan Zhihao said with gloomy eyes.

He also just found out that Yan Xiangluo went to the Xianyun Sect and was doing well. He became a disciple of the Poison King Deng Changze. The younger brother of one of his friends was an inner disciple of the Xianyun Sect and he came back to tell her.

How could he allow Yan Xiangluo to be better than him? You know, his place in Qingyun Sect was the entry token given by Yan Xiangluo, so he was often ridiculed by the sect disciples. If he didn't want to get ahead, he wouldn't be able to If he endured it any longer, many of his fellow disciples would die in his hands just because of this matter.

Just like when they went to Wanghai Forest for training this year, only he and two other people in their team who had not ridiculed him came back alive.

Not only did he come back alive, but because he advanced two levels and broke through the king level, he was named and praised by the sect leader, and he also got the opportunity to go home to visit relatives.

Unexpectedly, someone would come to him when he came back and ask for news about Yan Xiangluo, so he took the opportunity to ask for two high-level exercises. One book is about the fire system. There are many people in my family who have awakened the fire system spiritual roots. He has the dual spiritual roots of the fire system and the earth system. The other book is about the earth system exercises.

He did not hide this from his father. He said that when he learned the two exercises, he would give them to his father so that his younger brothers could learn them too.

Although his younger brothers are all concubines, he has no feelings for them, so there is nothing he can do about it. The affairs of the Yu family are now decided by his father. He needs the support of the family's spiritual stones, otherwise it means promotion. His talent is only average and he cannot compete.

 Not only could he make his father think favorably of him, but he could also get rid of Yan Xiangluo. How could he miss such a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone?

Yan Xiangluo used her mind-reading skills, so she knew everything that Yan Zhihao was thinking. She originally thought that Yan Zhihao, the mastermind of Yan Chengde, was involved, but she did not expect that Yan Zhihao was the mastermind.

 (End of this chapter)

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