The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 124: Dad's life experience

Chapter 124 Dad’s life experience

"You should be careful. No one knew that you did what happened to your second uncle and second aunt at that time. It was over after you fooled them. Now Yan Xiangluo is still alive and well. Those people don't know what they will do to her. , If it's okay, her master is the Poison King, we can't afford to offend him," Yu Chengde looked at his son and said.

Yan Zhihao's eyes paused, "Don't worry, dad, I won't do anything personally. No matter how she checks, she can't find anything on the Yan family. The oath grandpa made is not something we can break. She won't doubt us." . After all, there is nothing the regent can do, and no one in our family knows those people."

“I hope those people will take care of that dead girl this time and make her as annoying as her parents.” Yuan Chengde said in annoyance.

Yan Zhihao raised his eyes and looked at his father and said: "I'm not worried about Yan Xiangluo, but I'm a little worried about my second uncle. These people obviously have no way to deal with my second uncle, so they want to threaten him with his daughter, in case my second uncle comes back." Woolen cloth?"

The son's words made a flash of fear appear in Yuan Chengde's eyes. He knew very well what kind of person Yuan Chengye was. Therefore, he dared to make some moves behind his back and plot against him, but he did not dare to go against him on the surface.

If he comes back, he must know that what happened back then is related to the Yu family. After all, the only people who know about his wife's life experience are him and his father.

"You remember, whether it is your second uncle, second aunt's matter or Yu Xiangluo's matter, it has nothing to do with us. We have severed the relationship. Our Yu family has nothing to do with them. If you go back to Qingyun Sect, don't come back. , If you need anything, just send a message back."

It was his son who did the thing. As long as his son was not at home, he would not be able to find out anything. Yu Chengde was lucky.

Listening to the conversation between father and son and what they were thinking, a sharp edge suddenly flashed across Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. Yu Zhihao couldn't let him go even if he had the honor of his own father.

This man is a selfish, insidious villain who can do anything for his own benefit. In his eyes, there is no blood relationship.

However, she won't kill him directly, she will slowly crush him to death. Doesn't he like to attack behind his back, so let's deal with him in his own way. Let him go to destruction step by step, and he still doesn't know who is plotting against him.

After knowing the whole story, Xiangluo didn't want to hear any more and left quietly.

She wanted to return home before the curfew, so she found a clear direction and was about to leave. On the way, she saw a woman supporting a lady walking towards a yard. There were two maids on each side in front of her, holding lanterns to light the way. , followed by two maids.

"Old madam, things are already like this. It has been five years since the second master's accident. Don't think about it any more. You still have the general and the third master. There are so many grandchildren who are filial. Taking good care of yourself is the most important thing. There is no need to go to the Buddhist temple every day," the mother-in-law advised in a low voice as she walked.

 Old lady?

 Is this my father’s mother? My grandma?

Yuan Xiangluo’s relative in another life, her grandma, was kind to her and was the only person she missed. Yan Xiangluo chased after her quickly, looked at Mrs. Yu, and felt a little disappointed. She couldn't compare with her grandmother in another life, and she didn't look like a philanthropic person.

But from what the mother-in-law said, it seemed like she went to the Buddhist temple because of her father?

 Follow quietly, wondering what's going on.

 At the same time, he used his mind-reading skills to want to hear what the old lady was thinking.

"It's all the flesh that fell from my body. How can I not feel distressed? The old man has done too much." The old lady said in a helpless tone.

But I said in my heart: It's just a show. I don't feel sorry for that wolf cub, and he wasn't born by me. If it weren't for the wealth left by his parents, how could we let him take the position of my dead second son back then? Most of the things in the warehouse were left behind by his parents. Yan Xiangluo was stunned. No wonder General Yu treated her father like this and disliked her so much. It turned out that her father was not their biological father. They adopted her father for the wealth of their grandparents.

In this way, things make sense. No wonder that when my father came back with his mother, the old general would firmly disagree and even took the opportunity to kick his father out of the house.

 Does my father know?

Everyone in this family is a master of acting. This old lady is pretending to be too similar. If I hadn't heard her voice, I would have been deceived by her.

Thinking of what the old lady said, most of the things in the warehouse were left behind by my own grandparents, so I feel more at ease when I take them.

How could such a heartless person become a general who protects the country despite taking so much of his family's wealth and still not treating his children well?

She said that her father's talent was the best in her family, and such descendants would be raised as heirs. Why would her father not be welcomed?

Thinking about it this way, she felt that just taking away the things in the warehouse was not enough, and she still felt uncomfortable.

Following the old lady to her yard, I found her private treasury. I have to say that the old lady had quite a lot of things, and Yuan Xiangluo robbed them all without mercy.

 Immediately, I went back and took away the courtyards I met along the way, no matter whose property they were, as long as they had private treasury.

Anyway, with the clouds around, finding private treasury is simply a piece of cake.

  Until someone finally discovered that everything in the Yu family's warehouse was missing, and the entire Yu family's house was in chaos, Yu Xiangluo didn't dare to take the risk of staying any longer, so she quickly jumped out from the nearest courtyard wall and left quickly.

  After returning to the street, the invisibility pattern had not expired yet, so I didn't care about it, so I just went home. Not long after returning home, the invisibility pattern became ineffective. After she washed up, she pondered over the information she heard today using her mind-reading skills. She thought she would also find a way to find out about her grandparents, and see her then. The parents can also give an explanation, at least they must know the origin clearly.

 I didn’t think much about it anymore and started practicing with my legs crossed.

 There were too many people monitoring her, so she stopped studying the mysterious patterns, and her trump cards could not be easily known to everyone.

That night, all the lights in the palace were on. After discovering that all the items in the warehouse were stolen, they soon discovered that their own private treasury was also stolen, and nothing was left for them. It can be said that the entire palace Except for the contents of his Qiankun bag, everything else is gone.

I wanted to know the reason, but the guards guarding the warehouse didn't know why. They could move their eyes and understand their words, but they couldn't move or speak. They invited the alchemist to come and found nothing, so they could only wait. Let's see what happens to these guards.

 The old general's face was dark, and the family's wealth was just gone.

 (End of this chapter)

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