The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 125: Hao of scheming

Chapter 125 Hao of Calculation

Even though he reported it to the police, if he could steal all the things so quietly, he must have been fully prepared. No one could be found at all, and the things could not be recovered.

Yuan Chengde looked at his father carefully and said, "That girl Yuan Xiangluo came back today, could it be her?"

"Do you think she has this ability?" Although the old general knew that Ruan Xiangluo was extraordinary, he did not believe that the fifteen-year-old woman had that ability.

Yuan Chengde was just doubtful. He didn't believe that Yuan Xiangluo could do it. After all, there were so many things in the warehouse, including the Qiankun bag and the storage ring that needed to be packed away. They were not something that ordinary people could have.

The Qiankun bag has a small capacity. If you use Qiankun bags, you will need at least dozens of them. The other party should have a storage ring. And if the storage ring has a large capacity, it will take a dozen to carry them all. Think about how strong the other party's financial resources are. I can afford so many gift rings.

Even if Yan Xiangluo became a disciple of Poison King, he would never be so rich.

It's just a coincidence that her house was stolen when she came back today. The Yu family doesn’t have such enemies, and they don’t show off their wealth. It’s impossible to be targeted, right?

Compared with the troubles of the Yu family, Yu Xiangluo practiced very comfortably that night. It has been a long time since she practiced with such concentration. Although due to the level, the spiritual energy was not accumulated as easily as before, but it was still better than before. The effect of cultivation is better when you use one mind, two uses and three.

 She decided to spend more time focusing on practicing before breaking through the second level.

Today is the fourth day, and there are three more days. What are you doing during these three days?

Yan Xiangluo thought of Yan Zhihao, a cunning light flashed across her almond eyes, she wrote several identical letters with her left hand, then left home and wandered around the streets.

There are many disciples of the Qingyun Sect in the imperial city. She wants to put some eye drops on Yu Zhihao. Whether he can catch this move depends on his ability.

 He said it himself, and many of his senior brothers who had ridiculed him died in his hands.

Of these families, there must be a few with good strength, and there will be no shortage of people who want revenge. Even if no one takes revenge, he will become a person who is afraid of being avoided in Qingyun Sect, and the sect will still value him. ?

Yu Zhihao I hope you can pay the price for what you have done.

Qingyun Sect is the largest sect in the mainland. Even if you are an outer disciple of Qingyun Sect, the whole family feels very honored. Therefore, all disciples of Qingyun Sect, whether in the sect or at home, wear sect uniforms. Not for anything else, just because people can tell at a glance that he is a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, which is a kind of vanity.

It would be even more glorious if you wore the robe of an inner disciple, and many people would rush to build relationships.

It is summer now, and it is the time for Qingyun Sect disciples to visit relatives. Therefore, it is easy to meet Qingyun Sect disciples.

No, when Yan Xiangluo walked to the street, she saw two or three at a glance. They must be friends from the same family, and they came out to get together after returning home.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at their robes and said, "Well, very good. Inner disciples, they are very lucky."

While passing by the three of them, she put the letter she had written into the arms of one of them.

The man felt something in his arms. He was stunned and reached out and took it out. It was a letter. The other two people smiled and said, "Why do you still carry a letter with you? It's not a love letter. What girl gave it to you?" ?”

"Just now someone put it in my arms. Look at what's written on this envelope." The man frowned and pointed to the writing on the envelope.

 The two of them were stunned when they saw his expression, and both looked over.

“Qingyun Sect disciple Qi, what does this mean?” While speaking, the three of them looked around, wanting to see who sent the letter and what its purpose was.

 But in the bustle of people coming and going, they couldn't tell who was sending them the letter.

 “Open it and see what’s written in the letter.” One of them said. After opening the letter, the three of them were shocked after reading it and looked at each other, "It can't be true, can it?"

 “If you think about it carefully, it seems possible.”

“Only two people from our team came back alive from this experience.”

 “But there is no evidence that he did it.”

“The other party is just reminding the disciples of Qingyun Sect to be careful and not to be harmed because of this matter again.”

One of them broke into a cold sweat, "I have ridiculed him several times in private, although I didn't say it in front of him."

 Obviously he was worried about being retaliated by Yu Zhihao.

 “What should I do about this?”

“Since someone has reminded us, let’s also remind our friends to keep a distance from Sun Zhihao. It’s easy to hide from open fire and hard to guard against hidden attacks. No matter how you look at him, he looks a bit gloomy.”

After Yan Xiangluo walked around for a while, he successfully sent out all the letters in his hand. He had to admit that there were really many disciples of Qingyun Sect in Tianshun Imperial City. There are people of all ages. When these people go back, the entire Qingyun Sect's disciples of all ages will know what Yan Zhihao has done.

Thinking of the situation that Yan Zhihao was about to face, he felt very good and went to Wangjinglou, the largest restaurant in Tianshun Imperial City, to eat delicious food.

After Ji Jiuchong received the news, the corners of his mouth twitched. This girl can use any trick. I don't know how Yuan Zhihao offended her. She rushed to destroy Yuan Zhihao as soon as she took action. Obviously she offended her not lightly. ah.

Mu Zixian was also confused, "How much hatred does Miss Yu have against Yu Zhihao? Why are they so cruel?"

Yu Zhihao was probably plotted to death, and he didn’t even know who was plotting against him.

"The hatred is indeed great." Changfeng's voice came.

Changfeng walked in from the outside. He had just listened to the report of the person sent to check the news about the Yu family, and then he found out that the person who plotted against the second master and his wife of the Yu family five years ago and the person who plotted against Yu Xiangluo this time was Yu Zhihao.

Yan Zhihao met a person whose identity could not be found. He met him once five years ago. He told the other person about the second master and his wife of the Yan family, and this time he told the other person about Yan Xiangluo. The last time I got the spiritual stones needed for practice, this time I got two advanced techniques. Also, the Qingyun Sect selection competition two years ago was also an idea given by Ruan Zhihao to the girl in his family who admired his master. He wanted Ruan Xiangluo to die in the royal training ground.

I don’t know if Yan Xiangluo knows about this. If she knows, I don’t know if she can be so calm.

After listening to what Changfeng said, Mu Zixian touched his chin and said, "Miss Yu, you can really endure it. I don't want Yu Zhihao to die happily!"

How come this behavior style is so similar to that of my master?

He knew that this was just one of the reasons. The most important thing was that Yan Xiangluo was no match for Yan Zhihao. In any case, Yan Zhihao was also a person with king-level cultivation, even though he had just broken through. Although she could kill Yuan Zhihao with some planning, revenge was not as comfortable as this.

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of her lips invisibly. This girl does big things without saying a word.

 (End of this chapter)

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