The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 127: Replacement conditions

Chapter 127 Replacement Conditions

Ji Jiuzhong frowned. This was the first time she called herself Wang Ye, but he heard the word Wang Ye every day and didn't think anything was wrong. Why was it a little awkward to hear it from her mouth.

“Miss, please sit down. If you have anything to say, just speak up.” Ji Jiuzhong made a gesture of invitation.

Yan Xiangluo is not a procrastinator. She likes to do things neatly and neatly. She said bluntly: "I would like to ask the prince, can the previous remuneration conditions be changed?"

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that she wanted to change the conditions of remuneration, "Miss Yu, you want to change the conditions?"

 “Yes.” Yan Xiangluo nodded.

Mu Zixian sat aside. Although he didn't speak a word, he listened with open ears, wondering what conditions Yan Xiangluo wanted to change.

"Yes, as long as I can do it." Ji Jiuzhong nodded and agreed. No matter the condition, it was in return for the acupuncture suppressing poison on him. As long as he could do it, he would not refuse.

Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief, "Your Majesty, just try your best."

"Okay, I wonder what condition Miss Yu wants to change?" Ji Jiuzhong also wanted to know what trouble she had that she would use this condition in exchange.

"I went to Yu's house last night and found out that my father is not the child of old general Yu. They only adopted my father for the family fortune left by my grandparents. Their second son happened to have died at that time. I want to know that I I can't find out my father's life experience. I wonder if the prince can help me find it." Yu Xiangluo explained the matter clearly in a few words.

Mu Zixian and Ji Jiuzhong were both stunned. Neither of them expected that Ju Chengye was not the biological son of General Yun, which explained why he disliked his most talented son.

 And she told them so frankly that she went to Yu's house last night, okay?

Moreover, how did she know that her father was not the biological son of General Yu when she went to her home?

 Didn’t she know that the Yu family had all reported to the government, so she trusted them so much?

Actually, they were overthinking it. Yan Xiangluo didn't trust them, but knew that she couldn't hide it from them, so there was no need to hide it.

"It's too far back in time. I'll try my best to check it out for you." Ji Jiuzhong left some room. After all, it happened more than thirty years ago, and the Yu family concealed it so well. If you want to check it out, I'm afraid it's hard to find clues.

"I understand, just try your best. I just want to know where we are from and whether they are still there, so that I can explain to my father in the future." Yuan Xiangluo knew that this matter was not easy to investigate, so it was enough that Ji Jiuzhong did not refuse directly. .

Mu Zixian glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, and both of them noticed her last words. They would like to explain to my father in the future. What do you mean, is Chengye really okay? What does Yan Xiangluo know?

“Miss Yu, do you mean that I can see your father again in the future?” Mu Zixian asked.

“Of course.” Yan Xiangluo said confidently.

 Mom and dad went to the Higher Continent, where they could see not only dad but also mom. Although she didn’t know the specific reason, she would go there sooner or later, and the family would be reunited there.

Mu Zixian was sensible and did not ask any more questions. It was not their place to know more, but he admired Ju Chengye in his heart. He was indeed the number one genius in Tianshun Imperial City back then, and he admired his strength.

  Not only am I good at it, but the daughters I have trained are so outstanding, I am so envious.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Mu Zixian. Mu Zixian knew that his master thought he talked too much. Who was he doing for? He wanted to find out for his master whether his father-in-law was really alive. It was really difficult for him.

"Your Majesty, you can first check the origin of old General Yu. Although my father is not his biological son, he still looks similar to the Yu family. I suspect that my father should also be from the Yu family, but he is not the same as them. One, the bloodline shouldn't be too far away." Yan Xiangluo expressed her suspicion. But as far as she knew, General Yu didn't have any relatives, which was why she asked Ji Jiuzhong to investigate. She couldn't access some secret information, but Ji Jiuzhong's identity and Tianshun Kingdom had no secrets in front of him. .

"Indeed, the second master is similar to the old master, and he is also similar to the general and the third master." Mu Zixian thought for a while, he had seen all these people in the Yu family, so he naturally knew what they looked like.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Okay, I will arrange for someone to check. How long will Miss Yu live in the imperial city? How will I tell you the news?"

“Before the secret realm of Lingquan opened, I lived at home. If you have any news, just send it to my home. If I am not at home, I will leave a letter at home telling you the date of return.”

Yan Xiangluo made a decision after leaving Xianyun Sect. After the seven-day period came and the matter was resolved, she would not go back to Xianyun Sect. She would practice at home, refine elixirs, carve mysterious patterns, and wait. Open the secret realm of Lingquan and go in to look for opportunities to break through the second level.

Even if you want to go out to practice, it won’t take too long and you will be at home most of the time.

"Okay, Miss Yu, just wait for the news." Ji Jiuzhong heard that she would not leave the imperial city until the secret realm was opened, and he felt a little happy, but he didn't notice it himself.

After the matter was settled, Yan Xiangluo stood up and left. Mu Zixian quickly left her to eat before going back. Yan Xiangluo refused. She didn't think her relationship with them was close enough to have a meal together. There has always been paid mutual assistance, and neither side owes anything to the other.

Mu Zixian came back after seeing Xiangluo off and said to Ji Jiuzhong: "Master, it seems that Miss Yu is not worried about the seven-day period at all?"

Ji Jiuzhong naturally saw it and said, "Let's see the day after tomorrow."

Mu Zixian raised the corners of his lips, "Everyone in the imperial city looks down upon her."

"It should be said that she has deceived the entire imperial city." Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips, which made him not notice that at such a young age, Ruan Xiangluo's resilience and patience were extraordinary.

 After leaving the Regent's Mansion, Yan Xiangluo didn't care about the people following him in the dark. He bought some famous food in the imperial city along the way, and began to practice when he returned home.

 She did not go out for the next two days until the morning of the seventh day. After washing, she had breakfast, and then walked to the city gate with a red notice.

The atmosphere in the imperial city today is different. It is very tense. Some people who are more gossipy have come out for a walk early. The location is still where Xiangluo lives.

Therefore, someone discovered her as soon as she came out, and the news of her arrival at the city gate was spread throughout the imperial city through various channels.

Many people flocked to the city gate to see how the matter would be resolved.

Even many people from the Yu family came out to watch the fun. They all wished that Yu Xiangluo would be killed by the other party this time. Yan Zhihao was hiding in the crowd, staring at Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo stood under the notice. After looking at the notice, she didn't say anything and waited quietly for those people to appear.

People in the dark are very anxious. Has Chengye really given up on his daughter? Doesn’t it mean that his daughter is his life?

 (End of this chapter)

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