The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 128: ghost casting

Chapter 128: Shadow Casting

How long has it been since this happened and it still hasn’t come out? Is it really not coming out?

What does this girl mean, they didn’t even need to go to her house to find her, she came here on her own initiative, and she’s here to wait for death?

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand to cover her forehead and looked at the hot sunshine in the sky. She was speechless and said impatiently: "Are you guys going to come out? It's such a hot day. If you don't come out, I will go home."

Everyone who had been whispering and watching the excitement were stunned after hearing her words, and then burst into laughter.

I don’t think it’s anyone’s prank. He must be trying to play a trick on Yan Xiangluo.

Is Yan Xiangluo here to be funny? Especially the girls, they are going crazy with jealousy when they see Yan Xiangluo's face is even more beautiful than before.

They knew that Yan Xiangluo had gone to the Regent's Mansion yesterday, and they all felt that she was playing hard to get, somehow improving her cultivation, and trying to save her engagement with the Regent.

In my heart, I wished those people would trick her to death.

At this moment, a powerful and distant voice came, "As expected of Sun Chengye, he is very courageous."

The sound was so suppressive that the scene suddenly became silent, and they instinctively evacuated to a distance. After all, they couldn't bear the pressure.

Yan Xiangluo also sensed it and frowned. Is this person trying to intimidate her?

No one showed up, so let’s show off his cultivation first.

"Why, there's nothing I can do about it. My dad came to take out his anger on me." Yan Xiangluo was not frightened.

 Can't scare her, because she knew very well that she lived a difficult life in another life. Fear is the most useless emotion and will only make you fall into a more difficult situation.

"Haha, little girl, don't you know that the father's debt must be repaid by the son?" Following the voice, a shadow appeared opposite her.

Although the people around him were hiding a little far away, they could still see clearly that this person was not real but an illusion.

  What kind of cultivation strength is this?

Yan Xiangluo was not afraid when she saw that the other party's figure was a phantom. Through Ge Tianjun's incident, she knew that the rules of heaven cannot be defied. Since this person has the power to cast phantoms, he must not be allowed to exist in a low-level continent like them. , even if it is allowed to exist, it is in a corner and is not allowed to appear here, so no matter how strong it is, the main body cannot come.

She is more inclined to think that this person is the latter, and it is more likely that he lives in a corner. After all, if he is from the Higher Continent, he will not know that his father and mother have gone to the Higher Continent, and he will not use such a method to threaten his father.

"I don't think my father will be in debt. Do you have an IOU handwritten by my father?" Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at the other party.

Everyone was so scared that they dared not breathe. Yan Xiangluo was too courageous. How dare she talk to the other party with such an attitude? She didn't know the other party's strength. Killing her would be as easy as crushing an ant.

“That’s true, otherwise we wouldn’t have forced him to show up in this way.” The other party was not angry.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and spread his hands, "Then you guys are destined to be disappointed. If you don't have enough strength, you really won't be able to see him. It's useless to threaten him with me. He can't know my news now."

The other party was stunned, and his sharp eyes fell on Yan Xiangluo, trying to tell the truth from her attitude.

Those who were watching were shocked. Is Yan Xiangluo’s father dead? The other party is so powerful that she can't see her father. Where is her father?

 An idea came to her at the same time, and only this idea could explain the meaning of what she just said.

 “Why should I trust you?” The other party spoke again, but his tone was obviously not as sharp as before.

Yan Xiangluo took out the small jade box and shook it in his hand, "My father left me a jade box when he left. He said that if an unknown and powerful person used me to blackmail him, he asked me to give this box to him. The other party, the other party will understand.”

 She saw that when she took out the jade box, the other person's eyes changed. Although it was very subtle, she also caught it.

Hence, there was no delay and he threw the box over as soon as he finished speaking.

Although the other party was a shadow, he caught the jade box firmly and looked at Yan Xiangluo. After a while, he said: "Ju Chengye is just a thousand-year-old fox." The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, " That’s the wrong description, my dad just has a better brain than the average person.”

 “It’s not the same.” The man didn’t take it seriously.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She raised her finger and pointed at the big red notice posted on the city wall and said, "Take this away when you leave. I'm not afraid. There's no need to scare others."

After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the city gate. Without looking back, he raised his right hand and waved, "When I see my father, I will tell him that I gave you the jade box."

Everyone looked at her in astonishment. Didn't they come to threaten her and kill her? Why did it feel like she was leading the direction of things throughout the whole process?

Would that person really let her go?

However, Ruan Zhihao stared at the jade box that Ruan Xiangluo gave to him. He was very upset. Why didn't he know that his second uncle had left such a precious thing for Ruan Xiangluo? If he had known about it, he would have asked his grandfather and father to find a way to get it. .

The contents of this jade box must be much more precious than the high-level skills they obtained.

Changfeng came in person today, and there was Jin Yutang with his hidden guards in the dark. Although he also wanted to come and see with his own eyes, he and Jin Yutang were arranged by their master.

 Seeing the direction in which things were taking things seriously but not letting them go, both of them were speechless.

However, when the other party appears as a ghost, they also know why they can't find any news about the other party. This is the mainland rule.

I also understand in my heart why Yan Xiangluo is so calm. Her father, a lover, has arranged a way out.

 I felt once again that he was indeed the number one genius in the Tianshun Empire back then.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, and watched helplessly as Yan Xiangluo's figure disappeared from the city gate, but the phantom did not make a move to her.

 After her figure disappeared, the man's shadow also disappeared, and the red notice on the city wall also disappeared.

At this moment, everyone felt that they were alive, they all talked about it, and then they all walked towards the city. Those women who were envious of Xiangluo felt their faces burning.

They used to be very arrogant towards Yan Xiangluo and used extreme words to ridicule her. Now they feel that the reason why Yan Xiangluo did not refute at that time was not because they did not dare, but because they were disdainful.

Just like today, from the beginning to the end, she didn't even look at anyone. In her eyes, they never existed.

This realization made them extremely ashamed.

Walking into the city, Yan Xiangluo clearly felt that the person watching her in the dark had disappeared, and she felt much more relaxed.

She walked briskly towards home. She was not suitable to go out in this situation today, and she didn't want to go out.

Had she known that things would be resolved like this, she would not have left Xianyun Sect so early. She missed her master a little.

 Well, go home and practice. She is very busy refining elixirs, carving mysterious patterns, and practicing.

However, a sense of pride arose in my heart, my father is awesome.

Back home, Yan Xiangluo didn't go out for a month. Things about her outside also faded away, and she also waited for the news about Ji Jiuzhong.

 (End of this chapter)

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