The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 129: Which one is it?

Chapter 129 Who is it?

Changfeng came to tell her that she had almost found out the information and asked her to go to the Regent's Mansion as there were some things that she needed to talk to in person.

Yu Xiangluo followed Changfeng neatly to the Regent's Mansion.

Changfeng thoughtfully prepared the carriage so that she would not have to face the prying eyes of people on the street.

But even so, she still heard voices talking about her from time to time outside.

However, the direction of the discussion has changed. Except for those who deliberately discredit her, they are all envious of her.

 In fact, after this incident, everyone understood that Yan Xiangluo had been keeping a low profile these years.

 His talent is not that bad at all, it is just a way to practice. Every monk also understands that the skills she practices are very special, and the last ones are high-level skills. That's why she has not been promoted for ten years, and once she is promoted, she can't stop the effects. Look at her, she is only fifteen years old. It is already at the peak of the ninth level of the spiritual level.

 All the children from that family in the Imperial City can compare with her. She is worthy of being the daughter of Ju Chengye, as outstanding as her father.

Of course, she also heard a lot of slanderous words to smear her, but no matter what they said, she didn't care.

After all, she won't stay in Tianshun Imperial City for long. If her parents don't come back, she will leave here sooner or later. After coming out of Lingquan Secret Realm, she is not going to come back to Tianshun Imperial City to see her master and see her off. , just find a place to practice with concentration, and try to leave here as soon as possible to see your parents and master.

Soon, they arrived at the Regent's Palace. Yan Xiang got off the carriage and walked into the palace gate.

Mu Zixian was already waiting in front of the mansion, smiling and leading her inside.

Yan Xiangluo is not in a hurry. She is going to know it soon anyway, so she doesn’t need much time. When Mu Zixian saw that she was so calm and didn't look anxious at all, he sighed heavily in his heart. I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to be so calm.

 This temperament is comparable to that of the master.

"Isn't this the way to the living room?" Yan Xiangluo asked, looking in the direction. Even if she was not familiar with the Regent's Mansion, she had been there once and knew the location of the living room. It was not this way at all.

"The prince is waiting for the girl in the flower hall in his yard, which is close to the prince's study." Mu Zixian was worried about what Fan Xiangluo had in mind, so he quickly explained.

Yan Xiang understood clearly that Ji Jiuchong was probably busy in the study. This way he could save time, so he didn't say anything more.

Walking into Ji Jiuzhong's courtyard, she was surprised by the layout inside. Even the courtyard where the man lived was too monotonous in color. There was not a single flower bed. Except for a cluster of lush green bamboos in the corner, there were no flowers in the entire courtyard. What green plants.

No, there is. When you go around the path, you can see a few lotus leaves floating on the water in the lotus pond outside the flower hall. A few snow-white lotus flowers stand out tenaciously, swaying gently in the wind. Under the water, large and small red, Yellow and white carps were swimming around, but they were also full of life.

There appear to be three rooms in the flower hall, which are grand and luxurious. Bamboo curtains are hung on the doors. The person who weaved the bamboo curtains must be an extremely skillful person. He can weave a picture on the bamboo curtains, which is full of charm.

 The guards outside the door stood far away, which was obviously a habit.

Mu Zixian lifted the curtain, and Yan Xiangluo walked in without being polite to him.

Ji Jiuzhong was already waiting inside. He sat upright in front of the table, holding a teacup in his left hand and drinking tea. He flipped through the pages on the table with his right hand, his eyes lowered slightly, and he stared at them intently.   The high bridge of his nose makes his profile perfect and impeccable.

Yan Xiangluo sighed in her heart. No wonder he could become the dream lover of the Tianshun Empire woman. His appearance is indeed enough to make people fall in love with him at a glance.

It's no wonder Qin Suyue is so persistent, but she used it in the wrong way.

Hearing the noise, Ji Jiuzhong turned his head and looked over. When he met Yan Xiangluo's eyes, what he saw was a clear sky. It was not the same as the other women who looked at him with eyes full of obsession, but it made him see her clearly like a clear pool. The eyes are so beautiful.

“Miss, please sit down.” Ji Jiuzhong naturally withdrew his gaze and made a gesture of invitation.

Both of them are masters at concealing their emotions. Yan Xiangluo walked to the opposite side of him calmly and sat down.

Mu Zixian did not come in, but put down the bamboo curtain and retreated, guarding outside the door.

Ji Jiuzhong poured her a cup of tea and put it in front of her. Then he pushed the pages he had just read in front of her. "Girl, take a look at these first. I will tell you the rest after you finish reading them."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, picked up the paper and read it. These pages recorded the life experience of the old general Yu and his family history, but did not say anything about her father's life experience.

However, General Yu’s life experience is different from what he said that he does not have any relatives. On the contrary, he has many clansmen, but they are not in the Tianshun Empire. In a small country far away from the Tianshun Empire, the family is not a prominent family, and can only be regarded as rich.

Old General Yu was expelled from his clan. He traveled with his family for a long time and came to the Tianshun Empire where no one knew him. It happened that there was a war in the Tianshun Empire. His strength was pretty good, and with his good brains, he immediately Because of his great achievements, he was awarded the title of General Protector of the Country.

After reading it, Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong, "What else were found?"

"When Yu Jiming came to the Tianshun Empire, he already had three sons. The second son at that time was not your father, but their own son, because his second son was not named that way at the time. He changed his name later when he was four years old. Yes, the second son who has changed his name should be your father."

Ruan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed for a moment. It seemed that they didn't want his father to take over his son's identity and take his name at the same time. This was good. He also didn't want his father's name to be that of Yuan Jiming's biological son. of.

his father still deserves to have his own name.

"I asked someone to check what happened before and after the name change. That year, when he was fighting on the border, he and his family were stationed there in the border town. During the name change, his four-year-old second son became seriously ill, and everyone said he had nothing to do with it. The medicine helped, and he miraculously recovered. In the same year, he also awakened his spiritual roots and his talent was excellent. "

"While his son was sick, one of his better clan brothers and his wife came to see him, and they also brought a little boy about four years old with them. However, they did not take the child with them when they left. I asked someone to check his name. The clan brother is his cousin. The couple didn't know what happened to them, so they entrusted the child to him. There is no news about his cousin and his wife since then. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. We can't find out now. "

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo and said, "That's all that can be found."

“Who is my grandfather?” Yan Xiangluo took out the page of her family tree and asked, looking at the densely packed names on it.

Beauties, may your family be happy, be healthy, and have lasting happiness. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, okay!



 (End of this chapter)

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