The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 130: perfect talent

Chapter 130 Perfect Talent

There is no name from the Yuan Jiming lineage in this family tree, but there is a person whose name is circled, and there is a word below it called Yuan Chengye. The circled name should be her grandfather.

Sure enough, Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the circled name and said: "That's him. Your father's name is his original name. The current family doesn't know where the three of them went. More than thirty years have passed, and there is no news." None, Yu Jiming is the third son of your grandfather’s uncle.”

"Do you know why Yu Jiming was expelled from the family?" Yu Xiangluo asked. She didn't call him Old General Yu anymore. After all, someone who treated her father and betrayed the family did not deserve to be called that.

 “Stealing the family’s spiritual stone.” Ji Jiuzhong said.

The corner of Ruan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, thinking that the things she had taken away from the warehouse of Ruan's Mansion were indeed filled with spirit stones. Sure enough, her grandparents should also know about Ruan Jiming's preferences, so they exchanged such wealth and spirit stones for their own. A chance for dad to grow up safely.

It’s a pity that they didn’t know that Yu Jiming not only loved money, but was also petty and would not allow his father to be better than his children.

 Presumably my grandparents had no choice but to do this.

“How much information is there about my grandfather?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"Almost none. He has only been talented since he was a child and his cultivation level is not low. But he is not at home all year round. His parents don't even know about him. He also found his wife by himself. His family members don't know who he is. Now it's even more... There is no way to find out." Ji Jiuzhong felt that Yan Xiangluo's biological grandparents were probably not simple people, but they were not public and no one knew about them.

As for whether he is still alive or not, he dare not say. After all, it is not easy for him to find out if he is not from the Tianshun Empire.

Yan Xiangluo knew that it happened more than thirty years ago, and Ji Jiuzhong had done his best, so he nodded, "Thank you very much."

“These are nothing to Miss Yu who helped me,” Ji Jiuzhong said.

  What he said was true to his heart. To be honest, he felt that Yan Xiangluo was at a loss for suppressing the poison for him. He never made any excessive demands every time. This time, even more so, it was not considered a condition in his opinion.

Yan Xiangluo knew that Ji Jiuzhong said it was nothing because he was in his position, and these things were not difficult. But for her, if he hadn't helped to investigate, she would not have been able to find out these things. Even Yan Jiming His life experience cannot be found out.

“Can I take these?” Yan Xiangluo asked, pointing to the papers.

"Okay, this is for Miss Yu." Ji Jiuzhong said, it was useless for him to keep these.

Yan Xiangluo put away the paper and prepared to show it to her father when he saw her later. But since my father was already four years old when he came to my wife's house, he must have a memory and may know his identity.

He should also know what the Yu family did to him. As for why they didn’t do anything to the Yu family, it’s impossible because there is no time. His father’s resourcefulness is not something that cannot be avenged. The most likely reason is that his father let them go on purpose, just to Although he had a hard time in Yu's family, he grew up safely.

This is also the reason why she only took the Yu family's property but did not take action against Yu Jiming. The crime would not lead to death, but for a person with evil intentions like Yu Zhihao, what must she do.

By this time, Yan Zhihao had already returned to Qingyun Sect. I don’t know what his situation is now.

She didn’t know yet that Ji Jiuzhong had already helped her spread the news throughout the Qingyun Sect before Yan Zhihao returned. As soon as Yan Zhihao returned, he found that everyone looked at him in a wrong way, and even avoided him like a snake or a scorpion.

His face darkened. What happened there while he was away? Why do these people have such an attitude towards him?

 In the past, whenever he showed up, he could be heard mocking him everywhere, but now there is no one to mock him.

 Only when the sect leader sent someone to teach him and asked if the rumors were true did he know what happened. Naturally, he would not admit it. After all, there was no verification of what he had done. He would only admit it if he was stupid.

Not only did he not admit it, he also described his experiences in the past two years in a decadent, sad and desperate mood, saying how could he have the strength to calculate the lives of so many brothers? If he had the strength, he would not let others bully him.

In the end, the matter could not be dealt with because there was no evidence. However, Yan Zhihao's situation was not good. There was no one in the Qingyun Sect who was close to him. It was difficult for him to learn anything, and no master was willing to teach him.

Not only that, the family members who had been plotted to death by him also began to use various methods to deal with him, and he did not dare to leave the sect.

Although it was not easy to live in the sect and he was always worried about his life, he knew that his life would definitely not be saved if he went out.

Hong Xiangluo doesn’t know all this yet.

After everything was said, Yan Xiangluo stood up and said, "Your Majesty is very busy, so I won't interrupt you."

Ji Jiuzhong heard that she was leaving and said without thinking: "There is nothing to do now..."

Thinking that he was being a little abrupt, he immediately asked: "I wonder if Miss Yu's mysterious pattern can be carved out?"

Speaking of Xuan Wen, Yan Xiangluo sat down again. After all, the only Xuan Wen master she knew was Ji Jiuzhong. Although Ji Jiuzhong never said that he was a Xuan Wen master, he must be able to do it because he has a family-inherited technique like Ji Yin.

“Only the invisibility pattern has been engraved, and the rest has not started yet.”

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes paused. The invisibility pattern she used was indeed carved by herself. Changfeng said it could last for half an hour. Is her talent so amazing?

“How long does it take you to carve the invisible pattern?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

 The Mysterious Patterns are different from others in that they require mental power. Therefore, most people try to do it as fast as they can and try to use as little mental power as possible. After all, mental power is very slow to recover after it is depleted.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, "I didn't care about the time."

After saying this, she took out a wooden block, holding it in her left hand, and using her right hand to form a sword finger, she quickly carved patterns on the wooden block with her mental power.

In a matter of moments, the invisibility charm was finished.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her with a pair of phoenix eyes in shock, so fast?

Although he himself is also very fast in engraving, that is because he has the blood of the Ji family, and it is the purest blood of the Ji family. In the talent test, he has a perfect talent. Where is Xiangluo?

 Why does she have such a strong talent for engraving?

 It seems that the Ji family is not the strongest bloodline among tattoo masters!

"What's wrong? Is my tattooing technique wrong or too slow?" Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in confusion. She felt a little dazed, which made her wonder if there was something wrong with her tattooing.

Ji Jiuzhong came back to his senses, looked at her with complicated eyes and said: "No problem, the speed is also very fast. Xuan Wenwen does not care about the technique, just use the most comfortable and suitable method for you. The ultimate goal is to engrave Come out with high-quality Xuanwen.”

 (End of this chapter)

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