The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 133: Ice crystal

Chapter 133 Ice Crystal

 The charming scenery is everywhere you look, and the refreshing evening breeze makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The white eagle spread its wings and flew across the beautiful scenery, landing halfway up the cliff. Yan Xiangluo got off the white eagle and took the white eagle into the Pangu space.

Then he ran down the cave corridor in a familiar manner. His breath became colder as he went down, and he soon reached the end of the cave.

The inside was suddenly open, about the size of two or three rooms. In the middle was a huge black stone four meters long and three meters wide, exuding a faint cold air. Because of the cold air on the stone, it was as cold as winter.

Yan Xiangluo landed lightly on the cold stone, sat down cross-legged, and started to absorb the cold air in the cold stone with gestures. This was what she discovered when she passed by here a few days ago to find a cave to rest. Although the cold stone was bitingly cold, it was very cold to her. Her cultivation was of great benefit. If the cold stone wasn't so big that it seemed to be fused with the mountain stone, she would have wanted to take it away.

Qingcheng Jueshi's little face did not feel any discomfort due to the biting cold of the cold stone. On the contrary, Yan Xiangluo's little face was red at this time, and it was actually a bit more gorgeous than the peach blossoms outside.

The whole night passed as she concentrated on practicing, and early the next morning, Yan Xiangluo quit practicing.

Last night, she was worried that she would miss the opening time of the secret realm after cultivating to enter the realm, so she released the cloud from the space and let it stare at her. If the secret realm opened in advance, she would call her immediately. If it did not open in advance, she would remind her when the sky was just a little bright. she.

No, Yun Tuan squatted dutifully at the entrance of the cave. When he saw the first light on the horizon, he ran into the cave and woke up Yan Xiangluo from her practice.

Yan Xiangluo quit her practice and stretched out. Sure enough, this cold stone was of great help to her practice, but it was a pity that she couldn't take it with her.

Standed up, glanced at the cold stone and muttered: "Why is it connected to the mountain stone? Otherwise, the cold stone can be put into the space and used for cultivation."

Yun Tuan squatted on her shoulder. Hearing her muttering, he used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with her in confusion: "Master, do you want this cold stone?"

"Yes, since the second level appeared, it has been difficult for me to practice, but practicing on the cold stone will be easier. Although it is not as good as before, it is also much faster." Yan Xiangluo sighed.

Yun Tuan was speechless, "Master, the reason why this cold stone is bone-chilling is because there is an ice stone crystal inside. Master, as long as the ice crystal is taken away, it is equivalent to taking the cold stone away."

In Yun Tuan's eyes, the ice crystals in this cold stone are really not a treasure, otherwise it would not have failed to remind Yu Xiangluo the last time he rested here.

 But if the master wants it, that's a different matter. Even a scrap of stone must be obtained by the master.

"Ice Stone Crystal? Where is it in Han Stone?" Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. She felt that love was such a good thing. If she had known that she would have asked Yun Tuan the last time she came here.

"In the center of the cold stone, it's two meters deep, right here." The cloud jumped from her shoulders and landed on the cold stone, and she pointed at the cold stone with her little paws.

"Two meters? This cold stone is extremely hard. I'm afraid it won't be easy to dig out. Otherwise, the ice crystal will be damaged." Yan Xiangluo looked at it worriedly.

Yun Tuan was very speechless. The owner looked down on it so much that he stopped talking and started digging with his little paws.

Then, under the astonished gaze of Yan Xiangluo with her small round mouth open, a hole was dug out in an instant. Immediately, her palm-sized body got into it, and soon it was no longer visible. In a moment, A palm-sized black oval stone popped out of the hole. Only then did Yan Xiangluo see that it was Yun Tuan who used its small body to push out the ice crystal.

The little white dumpling was covered in black because of the black powder from the cold stone. He collapsed next to the cold ice stone crystal. He was not tired from digging the hole, but he was tired from taking the cold ice stone crystal out.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes smiled like crescent moon eyes. She didn't pick up the ice crystal first, but picked up the cloud and looked around, "Hurry and take a bath."

Yun Tuan was speechless, for whom did it become like this, but because its owner didn't pay attention to the ice crystals when he first looked at it, it didn't care. It's beautiful in my heart. Look, the master likes it the most.

Struggling from Yan Xiangluo's hand, the cloud flew out as soon as Yan Xiangluo let go.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo pick up the ice crystal. The biting coldness almost froze her hands into ice. With just one thought, the ice crystal was thrown into the Pangu space. This was too cold.

Looking at the hole that went straight up and down in the cold stone, Yan Xiangluo had no intention of filling it, so she got up and walked out of the cave.

 The secret realm didn’t know what time it would open today, so she couldn’t stay in the cave.

 Leave the cave, climb down the cliff, walk to the peach blossom forest, close your eyes and take a deep breath, "It smells so good!"

I washed my hair in the river and shook it out, and it was dry in an instant. Then I ran back, squatted on her shoulder, and looked at the peach blossoms on the tree. My little nose followed her example and sniffed vigorously.

 “It’s quite fragrant. It would be great if I could eat it.”

Yun Tuan's voice sounded in Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, and Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes lit up. Yes, how could she forget that peach blossoms can be made into peach blossom cakes and wine.

Thinking of this, she used her spiritual power to create a whirlwind of spiritual power, whirling over the peach blossom forest. The peach blossom petals on the peach tree were picked up by the whirlwind, and then she put them into the storage ring specially used for food. .

She doesn't have time to do it now. When she comes out of the secret realm, she will make some peach blossom cakes and make peach blossom wine. She thinks it's quite beautiful just thinking about it.

The petals must be picked off now, otherwise by the time she comes out of the secret realm, it will be a month later and the flowering period has passed, and there will be no petals left.

In the blink of an eye, a large peach blossom forest seemed to have failed, and the fairyland-like beauty was suddenly eclipsed.

Yan Xiangluo didn't mind it either. She sat under the peach blossom tree and took out some food to eat with Yun Tuan. They still had to eat breakfast. When they were full, they went to the valley over there, which was also where the predicted secret realm would open.

After she was full, she sent the clouds into the Pangu space, called out the white eagle, and flew into the valley on the white eagle.

At this time, golden light emitted from the distant mountain peaks, half of the sun slowly rose, the sky became brighter, you could see ahead, and the quiet valley became lively.

 Because of the large number of people, the weeds in the valley have been trampled down.

Yan Xiangluo, who often practiced in the valley, felt very emotional. It was only at this time that so many people gathered together in the valley. It was a sight that could only be seen once in a hundred years.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo entered the valley, she put away the white eagle, landed in the woods, and then walked over, otherwise it would be too ostentatious.

Even though she was walking there, her dazzling red dress still shone brightly, but not everyone could see it.

 (End of this chapter)

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