The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 134: The secret realm opens

Chapter 134 The secret realm opens

Yan Xiangluo walked out of the woods and appeared in the valley. Instead of joining the crowd, she found an inconspicuous corner and stood there looking at the crowd swarming in front of her.

Qin Suyue, who was also hiding in the corner, sensed something, looked over with inquiring eyes, and saw Yu Xiangluo in a fiery red dress at a glance.

Even though she didn't see her face, she knew that this woman was Yan Xiangluo?

She was looking for her among the people from the Xianyun Sect before. She didn't see her and wondered how she could miss the opportunity to enter the secret realm. But she just saw her today. Why didn't she come with the people from the Xianyun Sect? Just click here, so confident that you won’t miss the opening of the secret realm?

Yanxiang Luoguang chose a quieter place and didn't even see Ji Jiuzhong and his group standing not far away.

Ji Jiuzhong saw her as soon as she appeared. After thinking about it, he walked over.

“Miss, did you just arrive this morning?”

Ji Jiuzhong wanted to laugh in his heart. The little girl was too calm. He thought she said she didn't want to come early. Why did she have to come here a day in advance? She actually came here that morning. She didn't worry that the secret realm of Lingquan would open early and she would miss it.

“I came last night and didn’t rest here.” Yan Xiangluo came in unexpectedly and ran into Ji Jiuzhong. Really, the less she wanted to get involved with him, the more she seemed to run into him.

Qin Suyue saw Ji Jiuzhong taking the initiative to go to Yan Xiangluo and saying something to her.

When Yan Xiangluo, who was wearing a red dress, turned her face, her heart sank. No wonder Ji Jiuzhong took such initiative. Yan Xiangluo seemed to be more beautiful than before, so beautiful that she, who had always been proud of her beauty, felt ashamed.

 With such an appearance, she is the most beautiful woman in mainland China. Qin Suyue suppressed her unwillingness and jealousy. She hated Yu Xiangluo very much in her heart. If it hadn't been for her, she wouldn't have ended up in this situation. She has not forgotten that the purpose of entering the secret realm this time is to obtain the spiritual spring or the nine-leaf clover so that she can reshape her spiritual roots and nourish her Yuanying, so that her talents can be restored and even better.

 Therefore, although she wanted to kill Yan Xiangluo immediately, she could only endure it. What's more, Ji Jiuchong is here and she can't do anything. However, if she goes into the secret realm and encounters Yan Xiangluo, she has plenty of ways to kill her. She will never let her come out alive.

Even if it is impossible for him and Ji Jiuzhong, he will not let Yan Xiangluo get it.

Yan Xiangluo sensed a murderous aura and suddenly turned her head to look, but didn't see anything. She was a little confused. Her feelings were never wrong. Someone must have murderous intentions towards her, but she didn't offend anyone. ?

 It seems that you need to be more careful after entering. The enemies hiding in the dark are hard to guard against.

Qin Suyue, who was hiding behind a thick tree, was secretly frightened. How could Yu Xiangluo be so vigilant? She dared to know her hatred from so far away?

It seems that I can't despise her yet.

Ji Jiuzhong saw Yan Xiangluo’s reaction and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Yan Xiangluo didn’t tell him how she felt. She shook her head and said, “It’s nothing.”

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ji Jiuzhong didn't ask any more, and took out a leather map and handed it to her, "This is a map of the secret realm drawn by people who have entered the secret realm of Lingquan in the past. If you take it with you, will you know where to enter the secret realm?" To be sure, even people who go in together rarely stay together. Having a map will save some time to get to the location of Lingquan. "

"Thank you." Yan Xiangluo was not polite. The map of the secret realm is what everyone needs most right now.

Ji Jiuchong's heart lightened up when he saw Yu Xiangluo's eyebrows rising.

“The Heavenly Master predicts that the secret realm will be opened at the moment when the sun rises completely.” Ji Jiuzhong said again.

Not everyone knows this news. After all, not all Heavenly Masters are strong enough. At this time in the valley, she couldn't see the sun rising, but she had just arrived and could clearly see that half of the sun was exposed before it set.

"If this is the case, the secret realm of Lingquan will be opened within a quarter of an hour." Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuyan nodded and said, "The secret realm is opened, and anyone present who meets the conditions to enter will be automatically sucked in. You must be careful of those who are close to you, and don't be attacked by someone with intentions."

Although Qin Suyue hid herself, Ji Jiuzhong was so easy to fool, and his people had already seen her.

But he couldn't tell Yan Xiangluo directly. After all, he didn't know Qin Suyue had done anything to her, so he could only remind her like this.

Had he not said anything, Yan Xiangluo really hadn't thought of this. When she was sucked in, her attention was all on the secret realm, and she was so excited that she wouldn't pay attention to whether there was someone scheming.

"Thank you for reminding me." Yan Xiangluo is not a ungrateful person. No matter why Ji Jiuzhong is so diligent, he has really benefited from it, so he still needs to say thank you.

If she can get the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover, it's not impossible to help him. At least now she doesn't hate Ji Jiuzhong.

Sure enough, in less than a quarter of an hour, a light rose above the valley, and a huge light pillar fell from the south side to the north side above the valley, forming a huge light pillar arch on the valley. A deep and distant voice sounded, "Lingquan. The secret realm is opened.”

As the sound rang out, the people in the mountains were sucked up by the suction force and flew towards the light pillar arch.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo were sucked up by the force of the arch almost at the same time, and flew towards the arch.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes stared closely at the graceful figure rising side by side with him. He didn't seem to reject this feeling at all. On the contrary, he liked it very much. Even though the distance was so close, he actually felt that it was still a little far away.

Ji Jiuzhong shuddered. What was wrong with him? Did he really fall in love with this girl?

But he knew very well that Yan Xiangluo really didn't seem to care about him. To be precise, she didn't think about her marriage at all. She only wanted to become stronger and then leave here to find her parents.

 The good mood was replaced by helplessness and confusion. He didn't know what to do with her, and he felt a little depressed for a while.

 The arch is just above the head, so people in the valley are sucked in instantly.

Looking at the arch that was getting closer and closer to her, Yan Xiangluo's calm attitude finally changed. After all, she entered this time with the hope of breaking through the second level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique.

The secret realm is only open for one stick of incense. If you miss this time, although the light pillar arch is still there, you can no longer enter it. The arch will not disappear until the secret realm is closed a month later and all living people are sent out.

When Qin Suyue rose, she looked at Yu Xiangluo with a sinister and vicious look, "Yuan Xiangluo, you'd better not meet me, otherwise you will die."

Yan Xiangluo felt another murderous aura, but a white light flashed in front of her eyes, and her body sank into the arch, and she could not see where the murderous aura came from.

 (End of this chapter)

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