The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 135: Fall into a snake's den

Chapter 135 Falling into a snake's den

Also depressed were Chang Feng, Mu Zixian and Jin Yutang. The master actually abandoned them for Miss Yu. Although they would not be in the same place if they stood together and entered, they were guards and had to be separated until the last moment. At this time, they still wanted to stay by their master's side.

However, seeing the two figures, one white and one red, rising at the same time, they all had the same feeling in their hearts. What a perfect match!

Yan Xiangluo entered the arch and fell downwards. In an instant, she could see something in front of her eyes.

 Helping's eyes suddenly widened and turned pale with shock. Where is this place?

There is a sunken place below. Not a single green plant can be seen. There are all kinds of strange-shaped stones, but they are not as tall as a person. The head of a person who falls below can just be exposed, and the feet are not tall enough to see. to the front.

These are not enough to make her so eclipsed. What makes her so eclipsed is that there are so many snakes entwined underneath that you can't even see the heads at a glance. It's impossible to know the specific number of snakes.

Goosebumps arose all over her body, and just when she was about to fall into the snake's nest, she entered the space with a thought.

I patted my heart and let out a long breath. I saw people falling into the snake den from time to time outside. The human-snake war had already begun, and it was terrible to watch.

  She covered her mouth. Although she was not mysophobic, she could not bear to watch such a **** scene. It was too disgusting. But it’s not okay if she doesn’t look. She doesn’t hide in space all the time. She doesn’t go out and break into the snake den, and she can’t experience it in the secret realm, let alone get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover.

The moment she entered the secret realm, she felt the rich spiritual energy in the secret realm. It was really a good place for practice and experience!

 Just bear with it!

As more and more people fall outside, the battle between humans and snakes becomes more and more intense, and the number of snakes in the snake nest is also decreasing. After all, the people who can enter the secret realm are all above the spiritual level and can do the same thing. Everyone has all kinds of preparations and sure-kill skills.

Of course there are also people who are weak and end up in the snake's nest.

Half an hour later, the snakes in the snake den retreated to all directions very quickly. In the blink of an eye, there was no living snake left. The only ones left were the bodies of people and snakes, and the living people in a state of embarrassment.

Those who fought with the snake didn't feel it, but Yan Xiangluo saw the way out. The snake's nest of feelings was a preliminary experience test for those who had just entered. It takes no more than half an hour, and anyone who is not particularly weak can survive it.

Seeing those people walking out of the snake den, Yan Xiangluo also hurried out. The smell of blood hit her face, making her want to vomit, and she did. It was over, and her breakfast was in vain.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless and hurried out of the snake nest. Didn't he see that those people were about to leave?

You can't fly in the air in the secret realm, and precisely because you can't fly in the air, people who come in must walk down to earth wherever they pass, and they must overcome the dangers they encounter with their own abilities. Only by experiencing life and death situations again and again can they gain experience. people.

The snake's nest is a sunken place. When you leave the snake's nest, your eyes suddenly open up. It's like a small world. There are mountains and trees in the distance, but no water.

Yan Xiangluo saw that all the people leaving the snake's nest were walking in that direction.

Helping's eyes narrowed, where was she going?

Just as he was about to take out the map to see how far he was from the spiritual spring, he heard the clouds in the space shout, "Master, go to the right. There is a treasure ahead on the right."

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Can it still sense a treasure outside in front of it in space? Thinking that the clouds can see through the cold stone and accurately find the ice crystals, it becomes clear that the clouds may not be limited by space.

Although the main purpose of coming in was to get the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover, she would not miss out on other treasures on the way. After all, she couldn't waste time and had to experience the past along the way. Yun Tuan shouted again: "Master, let me go out, so that I can better perceive the location of the treasure."

As soon as Yan Xiangluo thought, a cloud as big as a fist came out, and climbed onto Yan Xiangluo's shoulders, squatted on it, and commanded, "It's right in front, not far away, about thirty miles away."

Yan Xiangluo's face was covered with black lines. Did you know that this was a secret realm? She couldn't fly in the air, nor could she use flying spirit beasts. She had to rely on her feet to walk for thirty miles, so why wasn't she far away?

Having vomited her breakfast and her stomach was empty, Yan Xiangluo didn't want to go hungry, so she took out a piece of snack she had made, broke off a piece and gave it to Yun Tuan.

Ji Jiuzhong held a long sword in his hand, blood dripping from the tip of the sword. There was a huge monster lying in front of him.

As soon as he came in, he encountered such a powerful monster, and he immediately went on a killing spree. His heart, which had been a little boring before, felt much better.

He narrowed his eyes and looked forward, wondering where the girl had fallen.

 He came to the secret realm not for the experience, but for the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover.

Ever since he became the regent, everyone thought that his previous frailty and illness were an act. Only he and his own people knew that it was not an act, but that it was caused by fetal poison, or that he had practiced ancient techniques to suppress the poison, and his body was restored. He got better, but the fetal poison was still there and could not be removed. If Yan Xiangluo hadn't suppressed the poison for him, he didn't know if he would have had the chance to get the two circles and the nine-leaf clover.

This opening of the secret realm is his only chance. As long as he gets one of the nine-leaf clover and the spiritual spring, he can detoxify.

Thinking of the girl who likes to wear red dresses and has no interest in him at all, Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips in a rare way. For the first time in his life, he had what he wanted, so a healthy body was a must. Jiuyecao and Lingquan, he It is inevitable to win.

 Stretching out his hand, an old leather map appeared in his hand, exactly the same as the one he gave to Yan Xiangluo. After looking at the location, he walked in one direction.

At the same time, there are many people in the secret realm who come for the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover. They all have their own means to obtain the map of the secret realm. After all, even if there is no means, as long as there are spiritual stones, they can still be bought from places that sell information. Map, many people are walking in the same direction at this time.

Yan Xiangluo walked all day long, and at night, she finally reached the place where Yun Tuan said there was a treasure.

  It is a piece of rugged hills without a single tree or grass.

At this time, there were thirty or fifty people sitting scattered in various places on the hill that could be protected from the wind. Several people worked in groups, looking after each other. There were also people walking alone, who would watch carefully when they saw anyone coming.

Yan Xiangluo was wearing a red dress that was eye-catching. Those people's eyes immediately fell on her and they couldn't look away. The reason was that this little girl was so pretty.

 (End of this chapter)

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