The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 136: Strange dream

Chapter 136 Strange Dream

 After all, the people who enter the Lingquan Secret Realm are not only people from the Tianshun Empire, but also people from all empires on the entire continent.

The secret realm is opened once every hundred years, but the location is not fixed. It may be opened in that empire. Therefore, the continental empire has reached a unified agreement. No matter which empire it appears in, qualified monks from the entire continent can enter.

 There is really no one among these people who knows her.

Seeing that she was alone and so good-looking, it was inevitable that there would be people who wanted to have an idea of ​​her, not many for wealth but mostly for sex.

Although not all of them liked her, the looks from just a few of them made her uncomfortable.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at those people coldly, and her strength at the ninth level of the spiritual level burst out instantly, and the powerful pressure immediately relieved those who wanted to take advantage of her.

The peak of the ninth level of the spiritual level. Although the people here are all spiritual level cultivation, and they can't get in if they are not spiritual level cultivation, most of them are at the fifth or sixth level of the spiritual level. Some people even break through the spiritual level and exceed the spiritual level. There are only a few people at the sixth level of the spiritual level, and their moral character is not that bad.

Especially the few people who are trying to take advantage of Yu Xiangluo. Their cultivation level is not as high as others, but still taking advantage of others is almost as good as death.

Although it is said that it is romantic to die under a peony flower, in fact no one is willing to die for a peony flower.

They all doubted in their hearts that it was impossible for a teenage girl to have such a strong cultivation level. This was probably the old witch who was good at looking good. She was definitely much older than them in actual age, so she could only use this kind of thinking. Soothe their restless hearts that dare not act.

It’s no wonder they think so. It’s not difficult for people with good talent to break through the king level at a young age, but most people only break through the king level in their twenties and thirties. Women in their twenties and thirties are considered old in their eyes. .

After applying pressure, Yan Xiangluo ignored them and followed Yun Tuan's prompts to walk to a hill, sit down, take out a food box, and eat dinner with Yun Tuan.

Although Yun Tuan ate delicious food, he didn’t understand why the owner didn’t hurry up and hunt for the treasure.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed its soft belly with her fingers, "There are so many people, are you afraid that others won't know there is a treasure here?"

"They are too weak to defeat their master." Yun Tuan said confidently.

"Your master is a lady and is not suitable for extreme behavior, such as fighting with others." Yan Xiangluo felt that playing with Yun Tuan was a pleasant thing.

 The clouds are speechless, lady? Can't fight with others? Does the owner have a problem with her own understanding?

The secret realm is very dangerous at night, so people who come in will not rush at night, but will find a relatively safe place to gather together and rest.

 After all, more people are safer.

It was completely dark, and many people came one after another during this period. After all, there was no place to rest around. Visually, this was the only place that was safer for the time being, so they all chose a place to rest.

Moreover, it is relatively safer when there are more people. The most indispensable thing in the secret realm is powerful monsters.

Yan Xiangluo originally planned to go into the space to practice at night during this period of time in the secret realm. The main reason is that he can practice with peace of mind. In this way, practicing for one night will make him more energetic than sleeping for one night. He will be energetic and wait to win the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover. Shi Yong, but there are so many people here, she can't disappear into thin air, she can only make do with it.

As for the treasure Yun Tuan mentioned, it won’t be too late for her to look for it after everyone has left tomorrow morning.

 She wouldn't really sleep with peace of mind when there were so many people, so she just sat cross-legged and practiced. The spiritual energy here is so rich, not practicing is not a waste of time, after all, there is only one month.

Like her, there are many people who practice without sleeping, and they get along well with them. Only those who have a partner they can trust take shifts off.

 After practicing for two hours, near midnight, Yan Xiangluo felt a little sleepy. As soon as she had this idea, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. It’s just that the spiritual energy around her is still moving. Even if someone looks at her, they think she is still practicing.

 As soon as she fell asleep, she entered a dream.

 No one told her, so she knew naturally that the place she was in was the Nine Heavens that everyone longed for.

 She watched everything that happened in a spiritual state.

 The clouds formed by spiritual energy surrounded a beautiful world, and a battle that was close to destroying the world had just ended.

 Under the evergreen trees that live as long as the world and bloom once in a thousand years, a man wearing a white brocade robe stained with blood is holding a dying woman in a red dress in his arms. Because of the war, the delicate flowers on the evergreen branches turned into a rain of flowers and fell, falling on and around the embracing men and women.

They were surrounded by many people not far away, and they all looked like dogs, but they were doing extremely vicious things.

Yan Xiangluo couldn’t see the faces of the men and women clearly, but she could clearly sense their emotional changes.

The man lowered his eyes and glanced at the woman in his arms, his eyes full of affection, and said softly: "It is said that as long as a man and a woman in love make a vow when the evergreen trees fall, they will see each other again in the next life."

 “Life after life.” The woman responded to him with a bright smile and struggled to say four words.

 “Never leave, never abandon.” A flash of pain flashed across the man’s eyes, and he said these four words solemnly.

The two of them spoke and the vows were made. In an instant, the falling flowers were flying, forming a beautiful vortex of petals around the two of them.

 “Hand over the things.” The people besieging him didn’t care at all about the deep love between the two, and their eyes were full of crazy greed.

The man held the woman's hand tightly, and looked at the people surrounding them opposite, his eyes bursting with determination, "You can't get it."

When he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a purple bead containing endless spiritual energy was thrown out. It fell into the clouds at an extremely fast speed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The people on the other side rushed over angrily. Some people who were unwilling to give up rushed down from the air in the direction where the beads fell, and some people all killed the men and women under the tree.

At this time, a strong golden light erupted from the man's body, and those people shouted in horror: "Soul curse."

 He turned around and ran away, but unfortunately, it was too late.

 Snow-white Yun and everyone, including the people who had just gone down to chase the beads, were all hit hard by the huge power of the soul curse.

 The clouds dispersed and then slowly gathered together, leaving nothing behind except the petals flying down to the nine heavens and the evergreen trees that still stood no matter how many winds and rains they experienced.

Yan Xiangluo could clearly see that the falling petals were entwined with golden light, and the golden light was also entangled with some purple.

Yan Xiangluo stared blankly at the empty tree, as if the infatuated man and woman had never existed.

Seeing a scene that a man's love and the greedy of the woman's greed for wealth was shocked by the scene, is there really a love of the sea and death in this world?

 (End of this chapter)

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