The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 137: So weird

 Chapter 137 is so weird

 My father and mother had a very good relationship. In order to save my mother, my father resolutely left her behind to save my mother, knowing that her chances of survival were slim.

 In her opinion, the relationship between father and mother is a life-or-death love. Now in her dream, she saw with her own eyes another man and woman who were deeply in love with each other for eternity. It would be a lie not to envy them.

Although most monks live a lonely life, who would want to be lonely if they could have someone by their side in life and death.

Subsequently, she wandered in that ethereal fairyland-like place and heard the legend of the purple bead that was thrown down from the ninth heaven by a man.

 It is said that the purple bead is a divine bead formed at the beginning of the world and contains endless aura and vitality. It is easy for those who obtain the divine beads to practice and can run rampant in the ninth heaven. If you can get the Divine Pearl to recognize its owner and refine it, you can get a mysterious opportunity.

In the dream, the soul cultivators in the three thousand small worlds under the Nine Heavens also knew the legend about the divine bead, but it was getting more and more outrageous. But no matter what, those who knew were looking for the purple divine bead. Dreaming of reaching the sky in one step.

Yan Xiangluo didn't take it seriously. How could the divine bead be so magical? Didn't the couple get it? But they didn't end up dying together.

She felt that getting the divine beads was not a good thing, but a hot potato and a life-threatening talisman.

Thinking of this, she suddenly woke up from her dream, opened her eyes, and looked around carefully. How could she fall asleep in this situation and have such a dream?

 I feel like something is wrong.

The people in the resting place were very quiet. They were practicing and resting. She looked at the time and saw that it was midnight. At this moment, a gust of cool wind suddenly hit her, which made her shiver. Such a cold wind?

Yan Xiangluo looked around vigilantly, and suddenly saw a hole on the side of the rock wall on the hill behind her, from where the cool breeze came out.

 Those who were practicing and sleeping were also awakened by the cool breeze.

 Everyone stood up and looked around cautiously.

It was too dark, so I could only rely on my own cultivation to see the surroundings at night, but I saw nothing.

“The cool breeze comes from here.” A man not far from Yan Xiangluo shouted, and his direction was exactly opposite the entrance of the cave.

Everyone followed the voice and came to the person who spoke, and saw a hole exposed on the side of the hill where Yuan Xiangluo was, allowing one person to enter and exit. The cool breeze came from this hole.

“Why is there a hole here? We haven’t discovered it before.”

“Absolutely not before. We had explored all the hills in this area when we arrived.”

“Then the entrance to the cave appeared suddenly?”

“This is a secret realm. It’s not a normal place. Maybe there are some treasures here that are destined to us.”

A dark light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's eyes. Something was wrong, something was definitely wrong. She had just finished a strange dream, and a hole appeared here. It was so weird.

 She communicated with the cloud, "Are you sure there is a treasure down here and it's not a trap?"

“Master, everyone knows that opportunities and risks coexist.” Yun Tuan said in confusion.

All genius treasures are guarded by spiritual beasts or monsters. If you want to get them, you must pay something, and you must take risks. Just like when the master got the fire bead, didn't he kill the monster guarding the fire bead and get it after his spiritual consciousness was injured?

Yan Xiangluo thought of the dream she had inexplicably fell asleep, and she always felt that something was wrong, so she immediately refused: "I'd better not take the risk."     If Lingquan and Nine-leaf Grass were still worth the risk for her, there is nothing to give up now. It was important for her to safely pass the second level of Pangu Huakai Kung Fu.

After finishing speaking, he stepped back decisively to make room for those who were curious.

Yun Tuan became anxious, "Master, this treasure is definitely the best treasure in the world. Master, don't regret it."

Yan Xiangluo was unmoved, "It's important to save your life."

The clouds were jumping around anxiously on her shoulders. The master didn't seem to be greedy for life or afraid of death during the training. They also hunted for treasures in Wanghai Forest. Aren't the masters all in high spirits? Why are they like this? When I met the real one and only treasure in the world, I shrank away.

“Master, this is the treasure with the strongest aura that I have ever experienced in my life. It is not only aura, but also has a strong vitality. Master, I will really regret missing it.”


Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn't care about the spiritual energy. After all, the spiritual energy in Pangu space was not as strong as usual, but she couldn't ignore the vitality.

 Except for the Five Elements Beads and Wooden Beads, there is no treasure in this world that can have vitality. Only living things have vitality. But she is an alchemist, and she knows very well how important vitality is to an alchemist, and it can save lives at critical moments.

  Although she has wooden beads, who would object to having so many life-saving treasures?

His apricot eyes turned rapidly, looking at the people squeezing in front of them, wondering whether they should go in and try their luck.

I have to say that she was a little tempted.

Since you meet them, go and have a look, follow them in, and take the treasures if you have a chance. If you don't, you won't regret it. If you encounter danger, she won't fight hard. Protecting your life is the most important thing.

After thinking about it, she stood behind the crowd and waited. She didn't want to stand out. At this time, there were many people who stood out.

Sure enough, within a short time, several people took out various lighting treasures and entered first.

 Although the person walking in front is in danger, he is also the most likely to get it when an opportunity arises.

 Someone went in, and the people outside were also ready to make a move. Anyway, there were people exploring the way ahead, and they didn’t want to miss the opportunity. After all, they came in for two purposes, experience and treasure hunting, and they went down one after another.

Seeing that everyone had gone down, Yan Xiangluo took out a luminous pearl, wrapped it in a piece of red gauze, tied it around her waist to illuminate it, and went in.

Seeing that she finally entered, Yun Tuan breathed a sigh of relief and squatted on her shoulder motionless.

After Yuanxiang fell in, she discovered that there was a bumpy corridor inside, and no light could be seen in front of it, which meant that there was a curve in the corridor, which blocked the light for those who entered.

Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry, she let go of her consciousness and was alert as she walked.

After turning a corner, she still couldn't see any light, so she walked inside. After turning six turns in total, although she still couldn't see the light, she heard the sounds of fighting and fighting inside.

Have you found a treasure?

Yan Xiangluo continued to walk forward, and finally saw a bright light, which was at the entrance of the corridor. She stood at the entrance of the corridor and looked. Below was a huge pit, six meters high from where she stood. , there are actually more than ten meters deep below.

Standing at the entrance of the hole about halfway up, she felt that the space was empty and a little scary, which made her unconsciously roll her arms.

 (End of this chapter)

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